View Full Version : fire wood

25-Mar-11, 20:12
does anybody know a supplier of dried logs for wood burner cheers

25-Mar-11, 20:18
Try Paul at Quintfall Forest 07742102164

25-Mar-11, 20:28
thanks for that equusdriving....cheers

25-Mar-11, 21:47
Dunnett Forest

25-Mar-11, 22:01
thanks dog eared

25-Mar-11, 22:47
Dunnet Forestry Trust have log sales every month, usually the first Saturday in the month.
Sales will be held for the first time during the summer months (June July and August) this year, this will enable our customers to stock up if they want to, well before the winter.
All the information and prices can be found on the forest's website www.dunnetforest.org (http://www.dunnetforest.org) The next sale will be held on Saturday 2nd April 2011 from 10am until 1pm at the industrial end of the forest(gateway nearest to Dunnet)
The log sales are run by volunteers and all the money raised is used to run the forest for the community.
If you'd like to become a forest volunteer, you can just turn up on a log sale day( you'll be made very welcome) or email the community forest ranger [email protected] if you'd like to help with tree planting,forest maintenance etc,volunteers of all ages are always needed. Dunnet Forest is YOUR Community forest!

25-Mar-11, 22:55
Thanks for your help dunnetforest

26-Mar-11, 11:28
Or you could just go and collect driftwood off the shore for free! You'll be surprised how much you can collect in a very short space of time!

26-Mar-11, 11:58
Or you could just go and collect driftwood off the shore for free! You'll be surprised how much you can collect in a very short space of time!

Not good if your using a woodburning stove-driftwood is extremely corrosive!

26-Mar-11, 12:02
Or you could just go and collect driftwood off the shore for free! You'll be surprised how much you can collect in a very short space of time!

Allegedly produces dioxins which when burnt which are carcogenic.

26-Mar-11, 12:34
Aha! Good point! One of the benefits of open fires with clay liners!

26-Mar-11, 13:14
Aha! Good point! One of the benefits of open fires with clay liners!

Still pollutes the atmosphere with carcogens however you burn it I'm afraid

26-Mar-11, 13:26
Ah, but using a woodburning stove also produces more carcinogens, whatever you burn, according to this webpage (http://www.burningissues.org/car-www/science/pah-comp-wood-coal.htm) due to the restricted amount of oxygen compared to an open fireplace.

The burning question (pun intended! [lol]) is will burning driftwood on an open fire produce more carcinogens than burning logs in a woodburner? Particularly, if the driftwood has been weathered outside and had a lot of chlorine washed out of it?

26-Mar-11, 14:59
Ah, but using a woodburning stove also produces more carcinogens, whatever you burn, according to this webpage (http://www.burningissues.org/car-www/science/pah-comp-wood-coal.htm) due to the restricted amount of oxygen compared to an open fireplace.

The burning question (pun intended! [lol]) is will burning driftwood on an open fire produce more carcinogens than burning logs in a woodburner? Particularly, if the driftwood has been weathered outside and had a lot of chlorine washed out of it?

Just carry on burning driftwood then.

27-Mar-11, 23:11
What can you burn that doesn't give off carcinogens ? Nothing, I would think.

28-Mar-11, 12:48
What can you burn that doesn't give off carcinogens ? Nothing, I would think.

Yes, burning wood will give off carcinogens, but burning driftwood because of the high salt content will produce more.