View Full Version : do car boot sales exist in caithness?

07-Oct-04, 13:23
where i used to live i used to enjoy a regular sunday outing to various car boot sales within a 20 mile radius (not all the same day some would take a whole day to walk around)
they were always advertised either by a roadside sign saying 'car boot sale here on ....' or in the car boot sale section of the local paper.
can anyone help ?


07-Oct-04, 21:49
I guess it's not very economical to have them where there's such a small population as Caithness, few stalls, few customers, though I would have thought a central Wick or Thurso one in a prominent place, well advertised, would be successful. There was a CBS at the callcentre in Thurso a few weeks ago but the signs advertising it were so small you could hardly see them. There's often very amateurish organisation of these things :( I would go to a decent one if I knew about it. There again, there's alway's Lidl's - get the same buzz rummaging through the bruk on a Thursday :D !

08-Oct-04, 00:57
:D I agree that it would be great to have a big car boot sale. They always seem to be held on a Saturday and not well advertised or out of the way. How about a Sunday afternoon one in the centre of wick or Thurso?. I am trying to arrange one in the Wick Boys Brigade Hall shortly. How about the more Store in Wick, that is closing shortly and that would be an ideal place, it has so much room.

08-Oct-04, 04:23
I did not know about the one at the call centre so i would agree it wasn't advertised very well. I am thinking about organising one as from the couple of responses so far it may be a good turnout if done properly.
What about it? A large one just before christmas, i think it would have to be inside somewhere as most fields may be a bit boggy ha ha [lol]
Any thoughts on this?
If i get a favourable response on here i will see what i can do.

08-Oct-04, 12:58
There is a carboot sale this weekend in aid of Blythswood Shoebox Transport Costs, in Britannia Hall, Dunnet on Saturday 30th October between 2 and 4 pm.

There will be a stall for the Shoebox Appeal.

Please note Tables are fully Booked.

Bric-a-Brac Stalls, Tombola, Baking, Face Painting, Teas etc.

08-Oct-04, 15:28
Yes, in the winter defo better inside, although centre of Wick - the precinct - would be fairly sheltered and it might be worth risking. Would need to check with the Council to get permission though. If it was well organised, well advertised, and it proved popular, might be repeated. Could even try say just before Christmas, and Easter weekend for example. Perhaps nominate a local charity or cause to give it credence.

08-Oct-04, 18:02
Can anyone explain to me why what we call down south Table Top sales are described up here as Car Boot? I've only been to one real Car Boot in Caithness (i.e. a whole lot of cars parked round with their owners selling from the boot and maybe a table as well) and that was at Latheron. Obviously the weather makes it more sensible to hold them indoors so why not call them Table Top?

Also why no Jumble Sales - great fun although there's always a big pile of rubbish to get rid of at the end. Just to really show my age :( , once upon a time the rag-and-bone man came round after to collect all the unsold stuff. Those were the days!

08-Oct-04, 21:15
hi badger,
what i am planning for the summer (hopefully) will be a 'real' car boot sale, but for the sake of getting bogged down in a field and pulled out by a tractor in winter then yes i agree a 'table top' sale is more the description [lol]
I remember rag and bone men calling their services in the street every weekend when i were a lass. something i have not seen/heard in a good few years.

again this is something i knew nothing about, but thank you for letting us know now, though just 2 hours is not what makes a good sale event.

If i can sort things out it would be an all day job, probably a sunday, for what i am thinking for summer, if anyone is genuinely interested then send me a pm.

if the location of the precinct were to be used it could prove complicated to get permissions but i will look into that option if i get any positive feed back from people willing to be stall holders/ booters ( yes i think we could do a classic car boot down there.)

09-Oct-04, 17:08
i think a car boot sale in Wick Market Square would be a great idea especially if held on a Sunday (many people work on Saturdays). I know of 5 people who would like stalls. People with children want to get rid of their old toys at this time of year ready for their christmas presents. Others want to have a car boot sale to sell things they dont need to raise money for christmas. Two girls from BT are going on a sponsored jungle trek next year in aid of the PDSA and they are desperate to go to all car boot sales to raise money.
Talking of raising money, have any of you any ideas how these two girls from BT can raise money?? They need to raise £4,000 but are not having a good response. Come on all you animal lovers, give your suggestions, please.

10-Oct-04, 16:39
Hi guys.

We would certainly book tables at any car boot sales that are organised in the next year.

I am one of the girls that Fran has mentioned - we are going on a jungletrek in Costa Rica to raise money for the SSPCA. We have booked tables at 3 car boot sales so far, as it is a good way to raise money. If you manage to organise anything, let us know - or if you need any help to organise something, we would be happy to help if we can. As Fran has said, we need to raise at least £4000, by next November, which is quite difficult.

Car boot sales are certainly popular, and all the ones we have been to, have been quite busy. Sundays are the best days to hold car boot sales, and as long as you advertise in advance, the turnout should be quite good.

At this time of year, you really need an indoor venue if possible. We had a table at a car boot sale in Inverness a few weeks ago, but the weather was quite bad, so I ended up having to pack up early!

If anyone who is interested in booking tables could post here, it would let you see if there would be enough interest to go ahead with something. Good Luck, and keep us posted! :D

10-Oct-04, 21:38
ok, i think i have had enough positive responses to think about organising something.
will spend this next week looking for a venue, as the only place i know about at the moment is at scrabster and probably not totally suitable if it is going to be a good turnout.
I will post something later in the week when i think i am sorted, probably looking at sunday 5th december at the moment.

11-Oct-04, 01:25
:D I have been thinking of some venues for holding car boot sales. How about the following - Old Parish Church, wick Youth Club, Dounreay Club, Francis Street Club, all who would give their premises free to members. I am a member of both clubs. For a really big car boot sale - the hangar at the airport. Any other suggestions????

11-Oct-04, 19:13
Exciting to hear plans for all these car boots (even if they are realy table top - what's wrong with calling a spade a spade, but never mind). I shall have my diary ready when dates appear and hope they'll be put on the website.

If the girls wanting to raise money don't mind a bit of hard work I'm sure lots of people would pay for gardening as most local gardeners are really expensive. I know I would just now and it would be great experience for the jungle :p . There's always lots of tidying up before the winter really sets in.

11-Oct-04, 19:28
ok, provisional booking for sunday 5th december at the royal british legion in thurso for a 'table top' sale ( there you go badger ha ha).
when i have it confirmed ( i have to put it in writing tonight and wait for confirmation) i will be splatting it all over the place! :D

11-Oct-04, 20:34
glass factory car park brill place for proper car boot sale had one there before great turn out :D

12-Oct-04, 12:46
that sounds like a good idea muts, do you happen to know who i would need to get in touch with though now the place has closed down?
i am not through in wick often so do not know the place very well, if you could pm me with a name and/or number i would appreciate it and i will try to second guess the weather and book it for sometime november.

20-Oct-04, 08:08
Any more details yet for car boot sale in legion on 5th Dec. could do with 2 tables for Thurso Branch Guide Dogs

20-Oct-04, 19:52
hi kwbrown111,
i am just waiting for confirmation in writing from the secretary, i sent in a request for it over the weekend asking how much it would cost for the hall and how many tables are available. as soon as i get a reply i will let everyone know.

21-Oct-04, 11:48
I completely agree that more carboot sales are needed within Caithness...

I have been helping out these 2 girls from BT with raising money and it has been very hard to find anywhere to sell items.

I know that these 2 are having a fun day in The Thurso Town Hall on December 11th if anyone wants to come along there will be plenty to buy and some fun for the kids aswell.

21-Oct-04, 12:40
Just to confirm, we are also waiting for confirmation on a venue to hold indoor car boot sales in Wick every Sunday. All money raised will be going to the SSPCA. As soon as we have confirmation, I will post on here.

31-Oct-04, 10:21
just to confirm as some people may be requesting replies to this thread,
Sunday 5th December 10am to 5pm at the royal british legion is NOW Confirmed!
If you want to book a table ring me on 01847 896690
or just come along and grab some bargains for christmas. :D

31-Oct-04, 15:50
Sounds good - put 5 December in my diary!

Mandy - just as a matter of interest, how does an indoor car boot sale work? Are you looking for somewhere you can drive cars in or is this really another table top sale? A weekly Sunday sale in Wick would be great.

lynne duncan
02-Nov-04, 23:01
check the whats on calendar
car boot sale in Lieuary Village Hall 12:00 on sunday 7th november
Caithness Junior Pipe Band
To Book A Table phone
01847 831623
01847 895628
01955 651374
Piping music during the afternoon

03-Nov-04, 09:06
Sounds good - put 5 December in my diary!

Mandy - just as a matter of interest, how does an indoor car boot sale work? Are you looking for somewhere you can drive cars in or is this really another table top sale? A weekly Sunday sale in Wick would be great.

LOL - sorry! I meant a table top sale!

We have been to car boot sales in Inverness, Thurso and Crossroads Primary School, but I'm really trying to find somewhere to hold table top sales in Wick, as that would be easier for me. I'm still waiting for confirmation on a possible venue in Wick - it seems to be so difficult to get this actually arranged, as no-one is getting back to me!

If anyone has any suggestions of possible venues in Wick, that won't charge too much, let me know please! I'm still hoping to get something arranged for every Sunday - might generate more business for a club, if lots of people are there. I have a lot of people interested in booking tables, so I just need a venue now! All money raised will be going to the SSPCA, to help abused, injured and abandoned animals.

frank ward
03-Nov-04, 13:57
I used to organise the successful car boot sales at Edderton Village Hall.

Ideally you need access to a hall that has at least the floor area of a badminton court and plenty parkiing.

If anyone wants advice, contact me direct. If anyone knows such a hall and can make it available for such use, again please contact me direct and we can discuss fundraising.

frank ward

[email protected]

03-Nov-04, 14:43
I'm hoping to have something arranged by the end of this week, so as soon as I have more details, I'll post on here. :D

If anyone is interested in booking a table @ £5 per table, please let me know, so I have an idea of numbers. Thanks.

03-Nov-04, 15:04
There is one in the lieurary hall on the 7th of November. I saw a poster on the board in safeways in thurso today I didnt note down any details though

04-Nov-04, 12:52
unfortunately can't do the one on the 7th November, because of my work patterns it is once in a blue moon i can do something on a weekend (have booked a holiday for the 5th December)

08-Nov-04, 02:54
:) There is a car boot sale this sunday 14 november at 1pm in the Wick Dounreay Club Tel;01955 602750

08-Nov-04, 19:17
Good luck booking a table for the car boot sale in the Dounreay Club. I've been trying for the last 3 days.

09-Nov-04, 01:41
What caithness people need is a regular CBS where joe public knows where he/she can turn up to sell and buy something.

Free trade for everyone not just corperate britain

09-Nov-04, 15:02
Hi Rheghead,
that is what i would like to do, but being fairly new to the area, i need to find a friendly person with a venue that can be guaranteed to be available all year round, suitable for summer and winter sales and reasonably priced. In an ideal world a field would do, but i rather think a monthly trek into a quagmire over the winter months would kill it off ha ha especially if we were having to lash table and people down too [lol]

09-Nov-04, 22:51
I saw a regular car boot sale in an animal auction mart once, it provided in door and outdoor space for stalls. Could the auction mart in thurso provide such cover. The car boot sale was on a sunday morning when it was quiet for the mart and convenient for punters. There is a certain amount of parking there which is good?

10-Nov-04, 23:47
that is certainly worth investigating. I have a bit of free time next week so i will make some enquiries and see what happens. wish me luck! ;)