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23-Mar-11, 17:15
Well, will a 1p a litre off fuel make a difference to your pocket when the fuel stations will keep putting a penny on this week, next week, and so on? I know the hike rise of 5p would have been a lot worse and I am pleased at the announcement of a fuel escalator, but all motorists in rural areas need help now. The Government need us to spend money on goods and services that are not essential but as a family we are now unable to do that. Everything I put in my basket I think 'Do I need that?' or 'Can I get it cheaper?' I am also thinking of switching off the central heating and cutting down on all that I can, including my mobile, which for me is a lifline as I am asthmatic, but we just can not afford it any more. I have not bought clothing, shoes, CDs, films or books in months, nor have I been in a cafe or restaurant, which has a knock-on effect for local businesses, and we are still struggling.

23-Mar-11, 17:28
I think that all civilized Countries are facing this same problem/ the lack of money/ but we are able to fund all these Wars, for want of a better word.
In the Middle Eastern Countries they have had enough and have turned against their Gov't....
Albeit we don't really have dictators, but it seems that we are very complacent about these issues...Of course the problem is that whatever Sect of Gov't that comes in, they are all the same.
I think that we will in the not too distant future, have to take a stand against these outrageous spending decisions...
This is our 2nd and your 3rd 'Leadership Change' in foreign Countries.....something is wrong/ this is going to backfire on the Western World I fear.

Corrie 3
23-Mar-11, 18:29
Whilst I agree with everything the OP has said I am still left wondering just how many people will still vote for the Tories or the Lib Dem's on May 5th!!!!

This is our chance to make a stance!!!


23-Mar-11, 19:02
I have to agree with you all (3) and although Japan is in a desperate state I'm not hearing any such help for them...is it because they don't have any 710 dare I say!!! however I must run to the bank with my price cut penny before it's taken back.......oh wait...forgot don't have transport any more! can't aford it.....phew! [disgust]

23-Mar-11, 19:27
It has also been announced in budget that public money i.e. our money, will be used to subsidise people living in the South West UK with their water bills. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-12833810)

No mention yet though (in this budget) of people in the rest of the UK subsidising fuel bills in Highlands & Islands

23-Mar-11, 19:33
Whilst I agree with everything the OP has said I am still left wondering just how many people will still vote for the Tories or the Lib Dem's on May 5th!!!!

This is our chance to make a stance!!!


Surely you're not suggesting people vote for Liebour,[lol]

23-Mar-11, 20:43
Just heard that Portugal is going down the tubes......who next?

24-Mar-11, 00:41
It could be Canada though I hope not.

24-Mar-11, 01:31
Brilliant thought/ well done!

weezer 316
24-Mar-11, 10:48
Well, will a 1p a litre off fuel make a difference to your pocket when the fuel stations will keep putting a penny on this week, next week, and so on? I know the hike rise of 5p would have been a lot worse and I am pleased at the announcement of a fuel escalator, but all motorists in rural areas need help now. The Government need us to spend money on goods and services that are not essential but as a family we are now unable to do that. Everything I put in my basket I think 'Do I need that?' or 'Can I get it cheaper?' I am also thinking of switching off the central heating and cutting down on all that I can, including my mobile, which for me is a lifline as I am asthmatic, but we just can not afford it any more. I have not bought clothing, shoes, CDs, films or books in months, nor have I been in a cafe or restaurant, which has a knock-on effect for local businesses, and we are still struggling.

mmmm, call me a sarcastic ***** but shouldnt you ask Do I need that or can I get it cheaper anyway? if the govt had done that we wouldnt have a deficit like we do.

I think he did a good job yesterday. His hands are tied with the sheer amount of debt we have and out inabilty to break even. His only hope is to try and get the private sector to lift us out of this. Personally, though im one of its biggest beneficaries, the tax threshold shouldnt have been raised again. We need to collect more, not less tax.

24-Mar-11, 11:13
magic circle . budget tommy cooper jokes .carol vorderman juggler figures . who kidding us. i promise you but not now.

weezer 316
24-Mar-11, 11:32

Very insightful analysis....

24-Mar-11, 12:01
..................... and although Japan is in a desperate state I'm not hearing any such help for them...i[disgust]

Probably has something to do with Japan ranking third in the 'Richest Countries' stake .... but we, and many other countries, have sent practical and technological assistance in accordance with Japan's requests.