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View Full Version : Fishtank wanted..doesnt have to be watertight!

22-Mar-11, 21:14
I cracked the bottom of the tank the snails are in, so its to house them, but its not drastic at the moment.
I tried scalding the tank before filling up the compost...wish I never bothered now.
Will be hunting down some sort of sealant in the meantime...so any ideas on whats good there as well will be good, as I cant use the antimould/fungal types.
It doesnt have to be watertight or have a light etc, but, it does need a good lid!

22-Mar-11, 21:36
not the best idea hope you didnt try to sterilise the snails too, i will have a hunt for another tank but not sure if you will get the heat pad off the old one in one piece

22-Mar-11, 21:57
Nah the snails were in the bath getting groomed.
They now all have their own personal toothbrushes now!
Felt a bit stupid buying them toothbrushes as they dont have teeth!......:lol:
Must just microwave the compost instead....I bought organic (homebase) and dont know what could be crawling in it before using it, or am I too fussy on the compost thing?
Saw some white mite type things in the compost so tried killing them .....and oops...its not a big crack....but it will get worse over time...:(

24-Mar-11, 10:30
Hi there,

there's a product on the market, I believe it's called Aquaseal - this is a sillicon sealant which is safe for aquatic use - Apparently it takes 24 hrs to fully cure but I think this may be worth a look at? I have never kept snails, but they sound well cool!

Hope this helps!

Best Regards,


24-Mar-11, 16:38
Sounds good for a quick fix.
But dont fancy the idea of the snails escaping while their tank gets fixed...
omg it will be a very boring day watching them in the bath for 24hrs.
If you leave them alone for a wee while and go back to check on them at least one if not two of them are making a bid for freedom up the sides of the bath.
Ok they are not the fastest escape artists in the world.....but I dont think I would be forgiven if one was lost for an hour or so!

24-Mar-11, 17:30
Sounds great fun Dadie, don't get the toothbrushes mixed up :eek:

25-Mar-11, 23:10
Must say a big thank you to the person who gave us a new des res for the shellys.
Im going to get help tommorrow from hubby to get the new tank set up....maybe even shell out for some hidey shelter type bits for them.
Was tempted to get some foliage for the tank, but, snails are snails, and leafy things will just be food and plastic plants might just confuse them!
They are a great tool in the calming down a tired grumpy small child trick book...send Iona to her room and she takes more of a hissy fit, but tell her to watch the snails for 10 mins and she will and will calm down at the same time....and maybe even fall asleep!