View Full Version : Jamie at Home Party

22-Mar-11, 15:45
Can anyone point me in the direction of someone who does Jamie Oliver at Home parties. . . There were a few threads last year regarding this, however both ladies who did them at that time, seem to have disappeared off the .org radar! Thanks!

23-Mar-11, 00:20
Hi, i am currently doing Jamie Oliver Jamie at Home parties! I will pass on my email address and you can contact me for more information if you would like to hold a party or would just like some information on it. Hope to hear from you.

email: [email protected]

23-Mar-11, 11:49
I also do Jamie Oliver, Jamie at Home parties. There are some great deals on at the moment for hostesses. My email address is [email protected].

Thanks, Nicola

23-Mar-11, 13:03
BRILL! thanks a lot, will be in touch!

23-Mar-11, 23:39
Nicola did a party for me last year, was a great night. The products are great!

24-Mar-11, 16:31
I can't wait!! I am eyeing up everything I want to buy now! My husband will go crazy, as our house is already full of things like that! Still-what he doesnt know wont hurt him-will be having our party when he is away!!

24-Mar-11, 21:44
Women are definitely funny things. Buy them some kitchen utensils when its present buying time, and you likely end up getting whanged with that new frying pan for buying "inappropriate presents". When its not present buying time, they go loopy for them and "cant wait"!

A strange subset of the species indeed.....

25-Mar-11, 10:02
guilty as charged....!!

25-Mar-11, 18:45
Why not simply go into a shop that sells kitchen stuff and tell yourself you can't leave until you buy something, irrespective of whether you need / want it or not?

25-Mar-11, 22:38
Because it's more fun to get the girls together, have a few glasses of wine, talk about kitchen stuff a teeny weeny bit, and then enjoy lots of wine before buying stuff whether you need it or not! ;o)

25-Mar-11, 22:45
How about simply talking about the kitchen stuff, and spending the money you save by not buying anything on more wine? ;)

27-Mar-11, 09:54
Someone after my own heart, SunnyChick!!

27-Mar-11, 10:21
Or just stuff the kitchen utensils party and have a wine tasting party instead :lol:

27-Mar-11, 10:36
Or just stuff the kitchen utensils party and have a wine tasting party instead :lol:

Bob I am up for that, I will bring the cheese [lol]