View Full Version : New caithness motorcycle club

15-Mar-11, 21:19
THE BACK-O-BEYOND MCC Is a new new club just starting out in caithness.At the moment we are a few good friends who go for regular rides and enjoy going to a few rallies during the season.We are starting out as a club to hopefully meet more people round the county that are interested in doing the same and maybe a bit more.We would like to start doing some charity runs and maybe eventually get round to organising a rally or something similar.We are hoping to have our first club run around the second weekend in april.so if you are interested in any of the above and want to be part of a local club send me a pm cheers from alex and the B-O-B-M-C-C

15-Mar-11, 22:32
Are you in any way a "patch" club?

16-Mar-11, 00:14
If you knew the difference between MCC and MC sids, you wouldnt have to ask that question. Or have you been watching too much Sons of Anarchy? Good luck with the club Alcyjohn.

16-Mar-11, 08:58
If you knew the difference between MCC and MC sids, you wouldnt have to ask that question. Or have you been watching too much Sons of Anarchy? .

Are you telling me it's a side patch club then?

16-Mar-11, 19:18
how you doing sids we probably will get a small patch designed at some point to wear on the chest or arm but it would be up to the individual if they want to wear 1 we are not going to be anything heavy just some good friends that are all very keen bikers cheers from alex

16-Mar-11, 19:21
What kind of beard do I need? :eek:

16-Mar-11, 19:24
What kind of initiation ceremony is involved, and does it involve the bodily fluids of existing members?

16-Mar-11, 20:18
I've got a Honda C90. Can I come on runs with the club ?
What sort of bike have you got ?

16-Mar-11, 20:25
no beards required although i have 1 myself and theres no initiation ceremony involving bodily fluids but may well involve some alcoholic fluids ive set up an email address for the club its [email protected] so you can get in touch that way if you want

16-Mar-11, 22:07
hi Dog-eared the runs will range from short to long distances so im not sure if the c90 would be ideal but if you intend on doing your bike test in the future then your more than welcome i have a kawasaki vn 1500 meanstreak cheers from alex

16-Mar-11, 22:42
All the best with the new venture.

I was only able to sit through about 5 minutes of that documentary Sons of Anarchy.

17-Mar-11, 01:17
All ways room for another mcc....good luck setting up!!

17-Mar-11, 19:57
thanks for all the positive messages and just to clarify we are are going to be a small club that goes to a few rallies as a club and will try to do a couple of charity runs a year and get together for regular runs we will not be like the sons of anarchy we will not be gun running selling drugs or running a porn studio ive put an email address above if you are genuinly intrested in the club or just coming along on runs then send me an email and ill get back intouch as soon as i can thanks again from alex and the BACK-O-BEYOND MCC

19-Mar-11, 14:43
we are hoping now that our first run of the year will be on april the 10th and will be a run from wick down to helmsdale and up the back road towards melvich then through thurso and on to groats and then back to wick exact time and meeting point to be confirmed asap and we are not looking for any money from anyone its just a sunday run for all who wants to join in cheers from alex

19-Mar-11, 21:42
hi all im also a member BOB MCC as alex has said weve just started and are looking for new members at the moment we have rides out and do the odd local rally we also help each other out with bike problems and repairs when possible we have ideas for the future but need more members , all types of bikes and size welcome if youve got a passion for riding your machine and comradery of being with fellow bikers WE WANT YOU if you think your valentino rossi or would leave a stranded biker at the road side we are not for you, we are not an outlaw club or mc but look after each other without prejudice on rides and rallys your personal life is your problem ! email [email protected] ([email protected]) with your interest and stick a post here to show others ps if youve got a c90 your welcome as you can bring the pizza and beer in your top box !

20-Mar-11, 09:36
Hi there i am really interested as i am new rider although its just a 125 that i have.

20-Mar-11, 11:02
we already have a member who is also a new rider and has a 125 he is just waiting to do his big bike test so you would be more than welcome fee to come along do you intend on doing your full bike license at some point if you enjoy riding enough

20-Mar-11, 20:36
Yes i would love to sit my full license as my cbt runs out this year just need some more experience
Thanks Ian

22-Mar-11, 07:42
we now have a date and time for our first run it will be on the 10th of april at 11:00 am and we will be meeting in tescos carpark in wick easy location for all to find i will try to email everyone thats shown an interest personnally thanks again from alex and the BACK-O-BEYOND-MCC

26-Mar-11, 17:52
just to let all who sent pms know you dont have to be a member or want to be a member to come on the run anyone with a bike is more than welcome cheers from alex and the BACK-O-BEYOND MCC

26-Mar-11, 21:25

Hi guys
Please have a look at the above, we are coming to Thurso and all points north over Easter weekend and are looking to recruite new members, you do not need to be ex forces or even ride a bike. We are leaving Perth on the 21st April and heading up to Fort Augustus then on up to Thurso and will be in the Legion in Thurso if you want to come along for a chat and to join up.
If you have any questions please get in touch.
Sorry for hi jacking your thread.
Rick (Albahog)

John H
27-Mar-11, 19:25
Hi alcyjohn & Kimint,
good to see some like minded folk in Caithness looking to start something new. However, are you aware that there is already a long standing bike club in Caithness (14 years) that enjoys runs out round Caithness & Sutherland, arranges/assists with charity events, we donate to local & national charities, go off to bike rallies in the UK (and Europe) and run our own bike rally at John O' Groats each year in July with average 250 folk attending (13th year this year)? When we ride together, there is no one trying to out do another - we set off together and we arrive together.
We are TEAM MCC (The End And More MCC) and regardless of other activities, we have a club meeting every month at various locations round the county.
I apreciate that you may well already know of us and will have your own ideas and asperations for a club - that's cool - but I just wanted to make sure you were aware that a similar club to what you are planning is already around in Caithness and we are always more than happy to accept new folk with new ideas into the club.

Best regards
Ride safe
Vice chairman

27-Mar-11, 21:23
(14 years)


27-Mar-11, 22:33
Fight !!!! :lol::lol::lol:

John H
28-Mar-11, 22:16
Hey Dog-eared,
life's too short for that kinda malarky!! :cool:

31-Mar-11, 22:34
Hi alcyjohn & Kimint,
good to see some like minded folk in Caithness looking to start something new. However, are you aware that there is already a long standing bike club in Caithness (14 years) that enjoys runs out round Caithness & Sutherland, arranges/assists with charity events, we donate to local & national charities, go off to bike rallies in the UK (and Europe) and run our own bike rally at John O' Groats each year in July with average 250 folk attending (13th year this year)? When we ride together, there is no one trying to out do another - we set off together and we arrive together.
We are TEAM MCC (The End And More MCC) and regardless of other activities, we have a club meeting every month at various locations round the county.
I apreciate that you may well already know of us and will have your own ideas and asperations for a club - that's cool - but I just wanted to make sure you were aware that a similar club to what you are planning is already around in Caithness and we are always more than happy to accept new folk with new ideas into the club.

Best regards
Ride safe
Vice chairman
hi john thanks for invite and thanks for putting on a good show every year , maybe you should let folk know when you are having a run out , on the org its free !

01-Apr-11, 13:32
My brother and his wife, who live in Fife, are members of the Royal British Legion Scotland Riders. This is a new organisation which was set up in November last year and they are actively seeking new members, who are motorcyclists, from all over Scotland. They are doing a run up to the Orkneys and Shetlands in April, stopping off in Thurso at the Legion on the way, they raise money for ex-Service men and women. They are coming here on the 21st April staying overnight in Thurso and then off to Orkney the next day (details on the "Whats On"). If you want to do charity runs, why not pop along and speak to them, not sure how many of them are coming up but there are a few. It is such a worthwhile cause and they always seem to have a lot of fun. More info can be found through www.rblscotland.com (http://www.rblscotland.com)

01-Apr-11, 15:01
They are doing a run up to the Orkneys and Shetlands...

The whats ???!!! :eek:

.... and then off to Orkney.....

Ah, thats better! :D

04-Apr-11, 15:45
Oops! Sorry Orkneycadian - I stand corrected.

John H
04-Apr-11, 21:15
hi john thanks for invite and thanks for putting on a good show every year , maybe you should let folk know when you are having a run out , on the org its free !

Good idea advertising a run on the org - we've done it in the past but only when someone remembers to do it :roll:
You guys coming to the rally this year? If you don't have a flyer, let me know and I'll send you one.


06-Apr-11, 21:36
aye bob will be there !

08-Apr-11, 07:18
im gonna be talkin along ma unicycle..... :-)

08-Apr-11, 12:30
The only answer to this huge problem, whatever it is, is for you all to come along to the Caithness Classic Motorcycle Club Rally on 15th May. Meet 10am at Norseman Hotel, Wick for 11am departure on 90 mile run, followed by nice meal. email [email protected] for details and entry form.

Much better than anything they've got in the Orkneys.

08-Apr-11, 14:58
the BACK O BEYOND MCC will be attending all local rallies and runs as we do every year tickets for groats already bought and will now get in touch about the caithness classic run and just to remind all our first club run will be this sunday the 10th of april meeting in tescos car park at 11am you dont have to be a member to come along thanks again for all the responses and info cheers from alex and the BACK O BEYOND MCC

08-Apr-11, 18:16
Much better than anything they've got in the Orkneys.

Quite possibly - No idea where "The Orkneys" are. Plenty to do if you go over to Orkney on a motorbike though!

The only answer to this huge problem, whatever it is, is for you all to come along to the Caithness Classic Motorcycle Club Rally on 15th May. Meet 10am at Norseman Hotel, Wick for 11am departure on 90 mile run, followed by nice meal. email [email protected] for details and entry form.

Should that not read "The Caithnessess Classic Motrorcycle Club Rally"? And whens the nice meal being held? Presumably dependant on the number of breakdowns and stops to top up the oil? ;)

09-Apr-11, 14:28
How many for 2morrows run then? can count me in.....who else?

09-Apr-11, 17:54
hows it going scolly (robbie roost) not sure who will turn up me and mint is a definate everyone else is a maybe just see how it goes in the morning see you there

09-Apr-11, 18:47
Hope you have a good run guys. The mist cleared today for the CMS Highland run from here to the shandwick at Tain where a good nosh was had by all. A good turnout for the run which was in memory of the late Matt Campbell, great friend and bike instructor at CMS highland who died on the A82 last October. 32 bikes and riders looked good heading out of the Ice Rink car park Led by the police officers involved in Bikesafe, the pics will be in the P and J and the Inverness courier next week. Methinks the shiny one would have been looking down and smiling.

09-Apr-11, 20:56
Sadly can't make it now, bit of a not charging issue in the battery department. The bikes not too clever either :lol:

09-Apr-11, 22:01
where we meetin n at what time....just till be sure am goin till mints garage at 07.00 hours!!haha!!

10-Apr-11, 01:38
tescos at 11am mate but ill go to mints at 7 to just to piss him off lol

10-Apr-11, 08:00
No idea where "The Orkneys" are.

You don't need to know, being marooned in the middle of them.

Should that not read "The Caithnessess Classic Motrorcycle Club Rally"?

No. "Motrorcycle" is difficult for Caithness people to pronounce. And of course, Caithness, without the extra "ess" at the end, is a masculine county, unlike some mincing archipelagos.

I think some of the Club guys will be at the Show in Kirkwall. We go most years.

10-Apr-11, 22:55
good ride out today weather was great nice to see new faces , looking forward to the burger king run next :lol:

hardcore superstar
11-Apr-11, 09:28
there seems to be a typo in your message ... i think you meant to say KFC!

11-Apr-11, 12:17
was a good day out and the weather was great as was the company just hope we see all the same people on our next run and some new ones to so thanks to those who took part from THE BACK O BEYOND MCC hope to see you all again

11-Apr-11, 17:33
Any pics ?

11-Apr-11, 19:09
BURGER KING ! il post pics of my ex large bacon double cheeseburger ........... meal just before i snaffle it !

14-Apr-11, 00:11
soon be your 30th jr mate is mint going

14-Apr-11, 14:11
not sure if he is coming for the whole weekend if anyone else is interested we will be attending the over the hill rally at the trentham hotel by dornoch its a weekend event and costs 20 pounds it starts on the 29th of april wich is also my 30th birthday if you are interested send us a message for more details and a time and meeting point for leaving cheers from alex and the BACK O BEYOND MCC

17-Apr-11, 17:05
Darn it! Forgot all about the run and missed it! Grrrrr