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11-Mar-11, 15:39
I have just come across this article (http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2011/mar/11/labour-coalition-joint-candidates) in the Guardian, about the Con/Dems changing the law, in order to allow two parties to field one candidate under a single emblem. This is initially for mayoral elections, but they plan to introduce a similar system for the next general election.

They also want to extend this to future elections for the Scottish Parliament. Discussion here (http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201011/cmgeneral/deleg2/110307/110307s01.htm).

Well I suppose this will suit our new local Lib Dem candidate for the Scottish Parliament, Robbie Rowntree, the Tory turned Lib Dem candidate. (Can a leopard change it's spots?)

11-Mar-11, 15:49
So, I'm not getting, do you think this a good idea or bad?

11-Mar-11, 15:59
Definitely a bad idea, unless the parties are the one and same then they should say so as in the con/dem situation we are enduring at present.

11-Mar-11, 16:16
So, I'm not getting, do you think this a good idea or bad?

Sorry, I didn't realise my views on the matter were so important to you? I was bringing attention to a new change in the law that is being slipped in.

Regarding my view; as things stand, it doesn't affect me either way. I have never voted Tory, and after recent antics, will not vote Lib Dems ever again, unless they change their direction radically. However, going by the joint Tory/Lib Dem's present partnership, it worries me. It could also go against them with grassroot voters.

11-Mar-11, 16:20
It shouldn't really matter, you still vote for the candidate you want to represent you.

11-Mar-11, 18:35
OK. Just fished the article out. It seems to me that the Guardian's political editor is offended by the notion. (But he is offended by anything remotely to do with the Conservatives).

I personally don't care except it would be confusing and I would have a lot of difficulty voting for a Lib Dem.

Just the tone of the first post made it sound like it was something being done in an underhanded way?

11-Mar-11, 18:55
"..I personally don't care except it would be confusing.." ?

You will not be alone, most of the people who voted John Sinclair/Thurso in are confused. They thought they were getting a LibDem who could think and speak for himself
Look what they got, a "sit on the fence" Tory clone.

Corrie 3
11-Mar-11, 19:37
We could have the BNP and UKIP join up as one candidate...now that would be worth voting for!!!
LibDem will never get my vote again !!!!


11-Mar-11, 20:36
You will not be alone, most of the people who voted John Sinclair/Thurso in are confused. They thought they were getting a LibDem who could think and speak for himself
Look what they got, a "sit on the fence" Tory clone.

If the truth be known there isn't a politician in the land who either thinks and speaks for them self or represents the constituency that they respresent.
A politician will think and speak whatever their party masters tell them to think and speak if they want any kind of future in politics.
The only people they represent is themselves and their family as evident with the recent expenses debacle.
Non of them know the meaning of the world 'Honourable.'
Sadly in this day and age, many people vote tactically to get rid of a candidate or a party rather than to support a candidate or their party policies. Democracy has become a sham and consistantly low turnout at the polls indicates peoples' apathy and distrust of any politician.