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30-Aug-06, 13:54
we have waited with baited breath for the HMIe's report on our High school in the vain hope that once problems were identified solutions would be forthcoming.To say we're disappointed with the publication is an understatment.The press release HC have on their web site also fails to highlight the claringly obvious short comings of the school.
Attitudes of certain staff members have to be changed along with a change at the helm.A rot of apathy and lethergy has set in and the childrens education is suffering.
In desperation we are trying to home educate an additional needs child.Has anyone done this before or is doing it?.It doesn't have to be an additional needs child just a child in secondary education.
The parents group are having a meeting tomorrow with the only hope left of exposing the neglect to the papers.[evil]

30-Aug-06, 16:23
I am sure as long as we are doing the best we can for our kids then that has to be the thing to keep us going. You must be a very dedicated parent and I wish you all the luck in the world with your home educating programme. The thing I have found with some home educated kids is the lack of social interatction that seems to show through when they are put in situations working with others. However none of the youngsters I have known have had an apparent additional need. So therfore I am being no help whatsoever except offering some moral support!

30-Aug-06, 17:11
Good luck with your home tutoring, i did it with 2 of mine and one is very outgoing one isn't. They have both left school now and neither has a job but we are hopeful. Yes it is very time consuming and you must be 100% dedicated which i must admit i wasn't on some days but my local authority said as long as my kids could read and write and do basic maths they would leave me alone to "get on with it " not the sort of response i was expecting. We brought all our own books and necessary paperwork but at no time was anything ever checked to see if i was doing the job properly. Anyway hope you get some help and good advice. jan x

30-Aug-06, 19:10
How did you manage with external examinations then Paris? I have often wondered that about home schooling

30-Aug-06, 23:59
we have waited with baited breath for the HMIe's report on our High school in the vain hope that once problems were identified solutions would be forthcoming.To say we're disappointed with the publication is an understatment.The press release HC have on their web site also fails to highlight the claringly obvious short comings of the school.
Attitudes of certain staff members have to be changed along with a change at the helm.A rot of apathy and lethergy has set in and the childrens education is suffering.
In desperation we are trying to home educate an additional needs child.Has anyone done this before or is doing it?.It doesn't have to be an additional needs child just a child in secondary education.
The parents group are having a meeting tomorrow with the only hope left of exposing the neglect to the papers.[evil]

First off, I don't have any personal experience here. I do however applaud your efforts to obtain the best you can for your child. I've had the privilege of working with the parents of children with special needs in the past & will try to find my contact details for Highland area tomorrow. Meantime, I'm posting this link in the hope that some of the content will point you in the direction of the support you seek :-


Apologies if you've already contacted the organisation(s) named & found them lacking. I would like to hear about it if you have. Good luck.

31-Aug-06, 09:39
Thank you for your replys.
Moira,we,ve been to every organisation in Highland for help but until personel attitude can be changed we're in a hopeless situation.
This morning was awful,full of tears and pain.I've got to try one more time in sending her to school before we meet next week.
Paris ,i dont know if i'm up to it or have the necessary training to deliver this kind of spe cific education.
Just now all i want to do is run away.....(taking my shadow with me of course):~(

31-Aug-06, 10:07
cuddlepop, i really feel for you, honest i do. i was frightened, and not educated enough myself to do the job , but hang on in there, your entitled to all the help and support you need. Feel free to pm me at any time if you need to let of steam, i had to and at the end of the day be positive......YOU CAN DO IT ! jan x

squidge.. as for home exams they didnt do any but were offered to go back into school to do them. it was their choice not to and that was after long and tearful discussions. jan x