View Full Version : Scottish Coastal Rowing Project, Interested?

09-Mar-11, 10:57
I'd like to know if there's anyone else up here who would be interested in setting up a local (Wick area?) group to join the very successful Scottish Rowing Project.

The idea is to promote a community interest in coastal rowing for pleasure and races at regattas around Scotlands coastline. Here's the opening paragraph of the Scottish Coastal Rowing Association:

"The Scottish Coastal Rowing Association was formed on 29 May 2010 to encourage Coastal Rowing & Racing around the Scottish Coastline and Lochs.
Communities are encouraged to become involved in the building of new boats to be rowed. Members of the community then also become involved, many for the first time, in using the sea for fitness, friendship, and competition."

The boats are purchased as a kit by the local groups (so finance would need to be raised), then built by the group (so suitable premises need to be blagged for the build phase, at least) and the resulting boat is then used to teach rowing skills and to row for pleasure and competition against boats that are exactly the same as the one built (so anyone with woodworking and /or rowing skills would be really handy).:Razz The groups are open to all ages and all skill levels, bearing in mind that there would be more than one rowing 'crew' per boat based on ages and skill levels.
So just a dedication to muck in and learn is all that is needed in most cases.

I first came across this project last year and have been following their website with a great deal of interest since then. It would appear that from a start of just one boat, there has been 13 boats completed - with an amazing further 21 boats under construction around our coastline - with Helmsdale being one of the latest additions. Plus there's another 10 groups showing 'strong interest'. Now that's absolutely fantastic for a project only a year old IMO.

Although I'd always fancied 'having a go', it took a ( admittedly rather boozy) conversation with someone from Ullapool at a recent maritime event (who knew a little about the Ullapool boats) to prompt me to be a bit more proactive.

I haven't got a clue how much support this would have, how we'd get it started or how we proceed. But I'm willing to put some effort into finding out about organisation and numbers needed if I can find enough people enthusiastic enough to give it a good go....or act in an advisory capacity.

More info here - have a good read of the site and let me know what you think on here, via PM or whatever.





09-Mar-11, 11:19
I'd deffo be interested. Not done boating fings before so it'd be a good way to learn.

(Can I bring an outboard so me arms don't get tired?)

09-Mar-11, 11:20
Northlink might be looking for rowers for the Hamnavoe at the moment! ;)

09-Mar-11, 11:30
I would be very interested and so would therealducati (whoever that is). In the building as well.

I have a small piece of land that I could temporarily donate to housing a tempory boat workshop. (its about 4 miles from the sea though).

09-Mar-11, 11:31
When I was a Reservist, did "Boat Pulling" Northener, for the RNR regattas, loved it, hard work, but I was younger and fitter in those days

Even Chance
09-Mar-11, 11:42
Count me in too Lee.

Ive followed this VERY closely so far. Ian Oughtred copied the Shetland model to produce their design, the "St Ayles Skiff"

Its about time something like this got going. Theyve been rowing competitively in Shetland for years. I wonder how the ruling differs from the Shetland version?
I always found it strange how they couldnt just copy what is going on in the islands already, rather than starting from fresh like they have.

Alec J
09-Mar-11, 17:38
Great to hear that there is the interest developing from the Wick area.

When the design was commisioned, the idea was that the boat could be built by reasonably skilled amateurs for about £3000 - the Shetland boats are not for amateur builders, and will cost a great deal more. We're looking to keep the costs of the sport right down, and help re-invigorate the boatbuilding skills rather than leave all the fun to the professionals.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with myself or the association.

Alec Jordan
Jordan Boats

Even Chance
09-Mar-11, 17:56
Hi Alec,
My you've been searching the web havent you!?
Its your company that supplies the kits?
These are all glued-ply clinker design, which your right, are a lot easier and cheaper to build than the traditional clinker boats like Ian Best makes on Fair Isle for the Shetland rowers.

I really hope this takes off here. It would be a great community project.

Are there any sources of funding available locally?
If there were enough interested parties, two could be built side by side.

Im restoring a 12 foot long clinker lug-sail sailing dinghy at the moment, and Im looking forward to getting her onto the water soon for a row..... I can fit a second pair of rowlocks if anybody is feeling fit!!??

09-Mar-11, 18:30
I'd love to have a go at this. It's a great way to keep fit!!

Alec J
09-Mar-11, 19:30
I actually see the incoming links to the Coastal Rowing website.

There is a great deal of fun to be had raising funds for the project in your community rather than just begging for grants. Achiltibuie apparently had more fun raising money for their skiff than they had had for years.

There are a whole lot of different grants available, and I am not an expert on what is best locally.

What seems to be the outline format for getting it going is that "The Committed" find somewhere to have a public meeting, publicise it with at least a couple of weeks notice, then get it moving from there.

Any help I can give, please get in touch.

Alec J

09-Mar-11, 20:10
Hi, I would also be greatly interested in this project.

I am a local sea cadet who has done a bit of pulling and would love to be involved with this project.

09-Mar-11, 20:57
Well, I'm delighted with the response so far.

If anyone's looking and thinking that they'll have to make some financial commitment to the build - then you'll be pleased to hear that this won't be the case. The intention will be to raise funds by as many means as possible. Of course, if anyone wants to chip in - then please feel free.:Razz

I'm away for the weekend and providing I don't freeze to death in a snowdrift up Glenshee, I'll start to contact those who have expressed an interest on here with a view to setting up an informal meet somewhere when I get back on Sunday night/Monday daytime. There'll be no commitment at this meet, just turn up if you're interested.

Remember, you don't have to be a Master Mariner or a time-served shipwright to become involved* - this will be a community project, so you're welcome!

If you don't want to go 'public' then please PM me or email at leecartwright310ATbtinternetDOTcom.

* But if you were Noahs apprentice or Nelsons cabin boy - then you are more than welcome!

09-Mar-11, 21:08
I actually see the incoming links to the Coastal Rowing website.

There is a great deal of fun to be had raising funds for the project in your community rather than just begging for grants. Achiltibuie apparently had more fun raising money for their skiff than they had had for years.

There are a whole lot of different grants available, and I am not an expert on what is best locally.

What seems to be the outline format for getting it going is that "The Committed" find somewhere to have a public meeting, publicise it with at least a couple of weeks notice, then get it moving from there.

Any help I can give, please get in touch.

Alec J

Hi Alec,

Many thanks for your timely input! I was wondering how you 'sussed' us out so quickly.:Razz

(For those who don't know: Alec runs Jordan Boats -who produce the pre-shaped kits the boats are built from. He runs a very well respected business and has a wealth of experience in his field.)

I'm sure we'll be picking your brains soon.....

Corrie 3
09-Mar-11, 21:18
Perhaps the WADF would like to chip in some cash for this brilliant idea.


09-Mar-11, 21:19
Interested, and I have a cunning plan. Thanks for the info northener, you may find yourself in a race to get a boat built. ;)

09-Mar-11, 21:22
Interested, and I have a cunning plan. Thanks for the info northener, you may find yourself in a race to get a boat built. ;)

Sounds good to me, bud. Go fer it!

09-Mar-11, 23:17
Hey guys. i would be interested in this :)

10-Mar-11, 21:19
To all those who have been good enough to respond so far - I'll round everyone up on Monday and PM you all.

More the merrier, folks:Razz

12-Mar-11, 15:10
Perhaps the WADF would like to chip in some cash for this brilliant idea.

Yes, good idea, how do we apply?

12-Mar-11, 15:13
Great to hear that there is the interest developing from the Wick area.

When the design was commisioned, the idea was that the boat could be built by reasonably skilled amateurs for about £3000 - the Shetland boats are not for amateur builders, and will cost a great deal more. We're looking to keep the costs of the sport right down, and help re-invigorate the boatbuilding skills rather than leave all the fun to the professionals.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with myself or the association.

Alec Jordan
Jordan Boats

Hi Alec

Been looking through the info on the website. You mention that most tools required will be general stuff most DIYers have, but is there anything a bit more specific or any odd item that'll be needed?

12-Mar-11, 16:33
I'm interested. :)

12-Mar-11, 16:40
I'm interested too

12-Mar-11, 18:43
Hey! Looking good, we might be needing two boats!!

12-Mar-11, 19:36
This sounds very similar to the great glen raid, which Iain Oughtred is also involved in. There are raids in various countries all over the world, and apparently is very addictive. Try www.sailcaledonia.org (http://www.sailcaledonia.org) Many of the raids are connected to boat building schools. It can be a great way to build up tourism in the area.

Alec J
13-Mar-11, 12:51
Hi Alec

Been looking through the info on the website. You mention that most tools required will be general stuff most DIYers have, but is there anything a bit more specific or any odd item that'll be needed?

You can do the build using things like Power planers, jigsaw, sanders etc. Having access to a planer thicknesser and bandsaw will make life a lot cheaper as you can then buy the timber for gunwales, keel, thwarts as boards rather than having to pay the supplier for converting the boards to the required dimensions - send out the press-gang for your your local joiner!

On Funding, there are a few potential builds that have been becalmed by being totally dependent on grants from organisations (esp Lottery) that take several weeks to make their decision, and say that you cannot spend any money on your project until you have had their response. Get knocked back on your first application, and that puts the project back another 6-8 weeks, which kills enthusiasm.

Local Councillors have access to Local Discretionary Grants that are a lot quicker in decision time, and don't have the "Wait while we have a think" clause. It is also very close to the end of the financial year so if the money hasn't been spent already, they will be wanting to use it quickly.

If you can get out in your community and raise the money required, you will get more community "buy-in" and probably have a lot more fun - Pittenweem had a showing of "Whisky Galore" a couple of weeks ago which raised a lot of laughs and more than a few bob.

You will need to set up as a legal body to get any of these grants; the SCRA has a standard club constitution available.

Hope that this helps.

Alec J

13-Mar-11, 13:01
Cheers Alec

Brilliant info'.

14-Mar-11, 20:44
OK, folks. I've PM'd everyone on here who has shown an interest so far.

If anyone else is interested, shout up on here or PM me

15-Mar-11, 17:13
I've set up a very basic website to enable people to keep up with what's happening.

www.wickcoastalrowingclub.org (http://www.wickcoastalrowingclub.org)

The name was pulled out of thin air and may change at a later date when we get more 'organised':Razz. Save it to your favourites if you want to keep tabs on what we are doing.

Also an email adress: [email protected]