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07-Mar-11, 22:22
Saw on the 'Countryfile' forecast that we're to have snow on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday?

What do you reckon Tugs?

07-Mar-11, 22:31
Neep, see this thread:- http://forum.caithness.org/showthread.php?137388-Don-t-put-the-washing-out

07-Mar-11, 22:36
Thanks for that, remember reading the first post but didn't read it after that.

Just wondered what quantity of snow are we going to get?

07-Mar-11, 22:54
The Beeb is a bit vague with locations:- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-12666654

08-Mar-11, 07:52
Quantity of snow doesn't look too bad, more like showers, i'll have a proper look tonight and let you know.

08-Mar-11, 18:44
Thank you Tuggs..................off to Inverness on Friday.

08-Mar-11, 21:10
looking like mainly showers rather than all day dumpings - but some will be heavy and in the wind it could be entertaining lol, thursday shows a probability of all rain sleet and snow as does friday and some of saturday.
if we get any accumulations when the wind dies i don't expect more than a couple of inches but it could drift beforehand against walls etc.

09-Mar-11, 02:41
snow is here once again YaY!!

Tilly Teckel
09-Mar-11, 02:48
Are you psychic?? :eek: That's exactly what I was just about to post, word for word!

Just let my dogs out for a last wee before bed and nearly wet myself with excitement at the sight of snow! Thought I would've been sick o' the sight of it after the past two winters but no, it still gets me leaping around like a toddler on Red Bull [lol]

Kevin Milkins
09-Mar-11, 04:11
I did the same, (just let the dog out for a wee that is) flippin eck, it's giving it large again.

Never a more true saying than "don't eat yellow snow". lol.

09-Mar-11, 04:26
Can'y believe theres muppets who are glad its snowing!!

09-Mar-11, 05:46
Been an interesting night on the pier in scrabster, at one point you could not see the new pier from the ola pier for quite a while! now it's going icy, be careful in the morning folks.

09-Mar-11, 08:35
Tugmistress did warn us. Once again she is 100% correct.

09-Mar-11, 08:50
tuggs, how much more lying snow are we likely to get over today and the next couple days?
cheers x

09-Mar-11, 10:12
Are you psychic?? :eek:

If so, please can you post your phone number, your opening hours, details of the services you provide as well as any statutory disclaimers in the Business Section so that folk with money to burn can get in touch with you! ;)

09-Mar-11, 10:50
Thats it coming down heavy again in Thurso - not good!!! I want sunshine!!

09-Mar-11, 10:55
Why would anybody want this dreadful stuff!!

09-Mar-11, 11:02
I gave up walking with the buggy and went back and took the car, to take Lauren to nursery..all of a 10 min walk on a good day.
Iona was slipping all over the place and I was struggling with Euan in the buggy with it snowing in my face.
Not fun.
Kids mentioned the sledge.
How much of a dumping of snow is expected?
As its coming down thick and heavy here.

09-Mar-11, 11:12
Can't believe we have this stupid white stuff again!

Tuggs when is it going away?

And hopefully staying away untill next winter!

09-Mar-11, 11:16
keiss/wick road also lyth road (probably like most roads) is VERY slippy with slush!

i've seen gritters but none with the plough on so plenty slush lying folks, take care!!

09-Mar-11, 12:40
I'll have a look later at my fav charts, as the ones out at the moment are telling me it should be raining here right now lol

The Music Monster
09-Mar-11, 12:53
I love the snow! It looks so pretty, here, although when the sun keeps reappearing it seems to be melting from the trees pretty quick.

09-Mar-11, 15:21
I am normally delighted with the snow but since getting pregnant I cannot be bothered with it, I am clumsy as it is without adding snow into the mix

09-Mar-11, 16:05
Got snowballed driving past Thurso High this morning!

09-Mar-11, 16:12
Got snowballed driving past Thurso High this morning!

really dislike this stekar.... it is awful as this is how accidents happen.

The Music Monster
10-Mar-11, 10:53
I'm trundling off to Thurso today - or would I be better leaving it until tomorrow?! Can anyone in Thurso please tell me what the weather is like out there - I know my sister's snowed in Orkney, but it isn't so bad here in Wick.

10-Mar-11, 10:55
Fine here - roads are clear. Very windy and wet (rain.sleet) but all ok.

My Gran has an appointment in Wick this afternoon so fingers crossed it stays clear!

10-Mar-11, 13:08
I know my sister's snowed in Orkney, but it isn't so bad here in Wick.

Never a' across here. Usual hoo-haa over a paltry inch of snow! Just back from the toon, and the roads are black all the way verge to verge. Saw a plough up a single track side road (priority 3), that never got done at all last time of snow, so not much to write home about here!

10-Mar-11, 13:20
1120hrs military. Look out of study window. Horizontal sleet, gowling hales, death of the firstborn, lashings against the windows.
1140hrs military. Up the road to The Donald for papers, milk &c. Brilliant sunshine, wind dropped, birds twitting in the trees against a beautiful blue sky.

Thankyou, Caithness. You never cease to amaze and delight!

The Music Monster
10-Mar-11, 14:20
Thanks, Lindsaymac, I successfully made it to Thurso and back. Slightly blinded by the snow, though - everything is so bright!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your Gran!

She was going out to Harray, Orkneycadian, apparently her "driver" didn't feel comfortable driving in the amount they'd had. I understand that. The slightest hint of snow clad ice and I panic after having a skid a couple of years ago.