View Full Version : Are pot holes not important?

07-Mar-11, 16:42
Are pot holes not important. As I drive in and out of potholes on the Keiss road I wonder why the council arent filling them in.
Why....because they are busy making a long cycle path on the road to Keiss, and not even bothering with the potholes beside it. Surely priority should be given to potholes not paths for cyclists.

07-Mar-11, 16:44
Are pot holes not important. As I drive in and out of potholes on the Keiss road I wonder why the council arent filling them in.
Why....because they are busy making a long cycle path on the road to Keiss, and not even bothering with the potholes beside it. Surely priority should be given to potholes not paths for cyclists.

Have you contacted the Council to ask them why ? I think you'll find you'll get the most accurate answer from them than speculation here.

07-Mar-11, 17:10
Have you contacted the Council to ask them why ? I think you'll find you'll get the most accurate answer from them than speculation here.

Chordie, if you continue being sensible and showing common sense you will reap the wrath of the 'Org'.

Now please try and fit in, and ask what time Tescos shuts /and or who polishes cars best in Caithness, or failing that, gush sympathy for someone you dont knows lost cat/keys/OH/bus timetable/sense of perspective (delete as appropriate).....;)

p.s. I have the feeling most of the 'Orgs' finest wont realise your Sunday name is George....;)

07-Mar-11, 17:18
Chordie, if you continue being sensible and showing common sense you will reap the wrath of the 'Org'.

Now please try and fit in, and ask what time Tescos shuts /and or who polishes cars best in Caithness, or failing that, gush sympathy for someone you dont knows lost cat/keys/OH/bus timetable/sense of perspective (delete as appropriate).....;)

p.s. I have the feeling most of the 'Orgs' finest wont realise your Sunday name is George....;)

Thank you for your wise guidance, Droopy. I realise now that I must conform. I will chant the mantra of "post inanely, post inanely".

I had a quick look at the Forum Rules just now, and found this gem on what we must not post:

This describes posts that are purely based on fantasy. We do not wish to see serious threads hyjacked by changing the main topic into fantasy nonsense.

Thankfully this rule has never been applied by the Moderators, or we'd only have about 1% of threads left.

07-Mar-11, 18:12
Are pot holes not important. As I drive in and out of potholes on the Keiss road I wonder why the council arent filling them in.
Why....because they are busy making a long cycle path on the road to Keiss, and not even bothering with the potholes beside it. Surely priority should be given to potholes not paths for cyclists.

You can report potholes by email to '[email protected]'

07-Mar-11, 18:51
.....:(Always the completely ignorant few on here - they're quite sad people TBH !! :lol:..............

Fran - Yes, I totally agree with you, the road coming into Keiss, from Wick certainly needs to be re-surfaced (as do many other roads in the county BTW !!!) It's almost funny (in the "Ha, Ha" way:lol: !) when you drive along the road coming into Keiss, trying to avoid said pot-holes, whilst on your left-hand side there are all those council workers doing their best to make a beautiful, 3 foot across (thats a rough guess BTW !) pavement, which (once again I'm roughly gauging!) is 1/4 mile long..............for what ??

07-Mar-11, 19:41
Is this not the school cycle route?

Alice in Blunderland
07-Mar-11, 20:15
Is this not the school cycle route?

If it is then theres another bit of joined up thinking by HC give the kids a cycle route then put the school it leads to under review with the threat of closure :(

07-Mar-11, 20:30
This is a walk to school path,has nothing whatsoever to do with the council---they have been employed to do the Job

07-Mar-11, 21:06
...........for what ??

So the kids have a safe route to school!

07-Mar-11, 22:23
the path is being done instead of the potholes, because if i've been told right, the path is lotto funded! not council funded.
unforunately we will have to wait the same as the rest of caithness for our potholes to be filled! lol

07-Mar-11, 22:28
Not as much as a £20 million fund for Gaelic stuff it seems, not that I wouldn't fund that all things being equal but I'd rate the condition of the roads above it.

08-Mar-11, 00:04
Thats why we love the snow,at least it fills in the potholes.lol

08-Mar-11, 00:28
This is a walk to school path,has nothing whatsoever to do with the council---they have been employed to do the Job

I dont think so, there are cycle signs along it, must be for the end to end cyclists coming up.

08-Mar-11, 08:36
it is a school path that cyclists can use too.
as children are encouraged to cycle to school to keep kit.
local's had applied to the lotto for a school path to be put in.

08-Mar-11, 11:40
I dont think so, there are cycle signs along it, must be for the end to end cyclists coming up.

For goodness sake, just phone the Roads Dept at the Council offices in Wick....01955 607737.

08-Mar-11, 12:32
I dont think so, there are cycle signs along it, must be for the end to end cyclists coming up.

If that was the case why would it be placed on a short, straight section of road? As has already been stated the route was funded by the third sector to provide a benefit to the community.

08-Mar-11, 14:02
Yes the school applied for funding to do the path to encourage children to walk/cycle to school nothing to do with the council

08-Mar-11, 19:27
I dont think so, there are cycle signs along it, must be for the end to end cyclists coming up.

Fran I can assure you that is fact,if you get in touch with council they will tell you.

08-Mar-11, 19:32
My experience with the roads in Caithness have always been positive. I never found any pot holes while traveling there. I believe there has been good advise by posters on whom to contact to improve the situation, so get with it.

08-Mar-11, 23:33
Are pot holes not important. As I drive in and out of potholes on the Keiss road I wonder why the council arent filling them in.
Why....because they are busy making a long cycle path on the road to Keiss, and not even bothering with the potholes beside it. Surely priority should be given to potholes not paths for cyclists.

If you had read your "Groat" a few months ago you would have seen who was responsible for the path and it certainly was not the council. As for it being a cycle path, are the kids not allowed to cycle to school? Would you prefer that they all walked or cycled to school on a busy road where many drivers ignore the speed limit as you must know if you are familiar with it.

Do I detect a touch of the little green man?

09-Mar-11, 00:28
They seem to be making inroads into the potholes on the Thurso-halkirk turn off on the wick road at the moment!
Think the weather isnt in it at the moment...
Either its creating more potholes orits at the wrong temp for repairs to be carried out!