View Full Version : allotments

28-Feb-11, 17:01
For anyone who saw the thread regarding allotments in Thurso, and the facebook page associated with it, seems to be a bit premature, this is the response I received after enquiring with the person allegedly organising things :

Hi Nick

At present PCE have only instigated they would be willing to support this project in the future following board approval. I just don't have the capacity to develop this at present with other immediate commitments.

We are not in the position to progress this at present and Mr Glasgow is aware of this.

He is still progressing a project so it can possibly be adopted in the future.

I will note your email and interest and if this is something we will get involved with then I will certainly revert to you.

There was some crossed wires with Mr Glasgow and perhaps he has jumped the gun slightly.

His email address is [email protected] I'm sure he will take a note of your interest also.

Thank you for taking the time to get in touch.

Kind regards

Joanna Johnston
New Enterprise Manager
Pentland Community Enterprise Ltd

28-Feb-11, 17:13
Thanks for that Nick, I noted my interest on the Facebook page, but looks like there is no point in getting any hopes up!