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25-Feb-11, 19:32
Mod gave Caithness a multi-million pound boost

THE national Mod in Caithness, last October generated £3 million and more than half this figure remained within the local economy.
These were the headline figures of a report presented to member of Highland Council’s Gaelic Committee, today, on behalf of Mod organisers, An Comunn Gaidhealach, By David MacIntyre of Vaule 8 Research and Consultancy.
Over £2m was generated in direct expenditure and an additional £1m in indirect expenditure for the area
A survey of people visiting the Mod in Caithness 2010 has shown that over £2million was generated in direct expenditure and an additional £1million generated indirect expenditure for the area. More than half of this expenditure remained within the Caithness economy.Mr MacIntyre added that 6,673 people (half of which were competitors and half spectators/visitors) were attracted to the Mod.
The return in Caithness, on investment of £133,000 by The Highland Council and Event Scotland’s £36,000 was 9 to 1 and 31 to 1 respectively for every pound invested.
Results of the Mod visitor survey showed that:
·23% of people said that they would definitely return to the area for a holiday;
· 78% would not have taken another break in Scotland at that time outwith the Mod; and
· 30% of Caithness competitors were competing in the Mod for the first time while the other 70% were repeat Mod competitors.
Mr MacIntyre demonstrated that the National Mod had raised the profile of the Caithness area within Scotland through the wide media coverage that it attracted, including a visit from HRH The Duke of Rothesay, Prince Charles.
He added: “The Caithness Mod raised community confidence in the area by creating a success story. It encouraged involvement and participation among locals which was generated through the local Mod organising committee. It inspired a “can-do” attitude within the local population and ultimately brought the communities and the Norse and Gaelic heritage and culture together by generating an awareness of heritage.”
Welcoming the outcomes of the report, Councillor Hamish Fraser, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Gaelic Committee said: “Those of us who attended the Caithness Mod had first hand experience of the extremely warm welcome and enthusiasm with which we were received last October. I welcome this report which not only demonstrates the economic benefits to the area of hosting the Mod but also highlights the cultural and social success of staging the event which is highly encouraging for the future development of Gaelic.”
John MacLeod, President of An Comunn Gàidhealach said: “An Comunn Gàidhealach is absolutely delighted with the 2010 Royal National Mod. The strong economic performance is important to us. In addition, we are encouraged by the strong support offered throughout the event for our Gaelic Language, Music and Culture. Caithness is an important part of the Gaelic map of Scotland.”