View Full Version : Foods we miss..........

27-Aug-06, 22:23
Well this forum is either weekers who have moved away, or outsiders (me) or people who now work and live in the org region (imagine that as a sign instead of caithness twinned with blahvoconvidh russia - Caithness Land of the org!) people who use the forum.......

Anyway what foods do we miss.............

I miss Seabrookes crisps they are amazing and there is nothing to compare to the cheap nasty packaging that hasn`t changed since `83 when I remember the school holiday lasting forever munching on worchester sauce flavour, nagging to go to worchestershire to sample more saucey delights! at the tender age of 7 in sunny yorkshire.
Still to this day when I go home the first thing I do is go to the local spar and grab a bag!!!!
Then there is the beer - well yorkshire is the home of real ales - theakston and black sheep only the orkney dark island compares!

But when I`m in yorkshire I miss my malts - like mccallan and the "proper" highland malts none of this "highland meaning stirling pants coo wee watter stuff!"

So what do you miss????

Oh and old pultney is crackin! and even as an english man I hate ice in whiskey!!!!!!!!
This thread started at food and has gone to drink sorry folks.........
But one food to try is warm yorkshire pudding with ice cream and golden syrup MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

27-Aug-06, 22:44
Grilled fish (especially SARDINES!!!!!)
Migas ( a vegetable side dish made with a special type of bean, garlic, greens (usually baby turnip leaves or spinach), old home made bread croutons and olive oil..... deeeeeeelicious)
home made bread
Chourico (not to be mistaken for spanish Chourizo)
Dried salted cod
vegetable soup (it doesn't come out the same here.... I don't know why)
melon season at home....


27-Aug-06, 23:30
:confused Not so much foods I miss but the names of them

Opal fruits...Starburst


Oh and Spangles remember them, it was like eating sweet plastic.

I also miss foods my mum used to make me before the eighties food revolution. Tatties with real butter, toasted white bread with butter (theme here eh?) Oh yeah Creamola foam,...(wonderful added to vodka so I am told)

Margaret M.
28-Aug-06, 00:39
Caithness tatties.

28-Aug-06, 00:58
Hollands Pies and Steak and Kidney puddings !

28-Aug-06, 01:10
:confused Not so much foods I miss but the names of them

Opal fruits...Starburst


Oh and Spangles remember them, it was like eating sweet plastic.

I also miss foods my mum used to make me before the eighties food revolution. Tatties with real butter, toasted white bread with butter (theme here eh?) Oh yeah Creamola foam,...(wonderful added to vodka so I am told)

Spangles were ace and so was cremola foam. There are moves to get it (cremola foam) back on the shelves of the shops again once they figure out how to make it again as some dodo lost the recipe. Cremola foam and vodka was boggin very much a spew enducing drink it was worse than tequila [evil]

28-Aug-06, 04:43
I miss Tuna Mornay with Pasta
White bread, and anything with flour in it.
I am gluten intolerant.
I real pain, can only eat hot chips when I go out. :confused

28-Aug-06, 08:12
I miss bridies - loved them. Cornish pasties are OK but I can only get Ginsters here and they are the dog's dinner - yuk! The best pasties are made in one bakers in Dartmouth, Devon - try them if you are ever there.

I also miss Cullen Skink - wonderful stew!

Scotch pies - the ones down here are disgusting.

28-Aug-06, 08:18
I miss Polsons haggis. From the good old days I miss splicers, remember them? Also loved texan bars but I have come across them again lately.

28-Aug-06, 10:07
I miss Tuna Mornay with Pasta
White bread, and anything with flour in it.
I am gluten intolerant.
I real pain, can only eat hot chips when I go out. :confused

My brother in law is also gluten intolerant, its no fun, but he still takes and enjoys barley in its liquid form i.e. good malt whiskey.

There are not many foods that I miss, but I never want to see dried fish or tripe again. Loathed them both, and was made to eat them when I was small, not much else on the go in the late forties and early fifties.

28-Aug-06, 12:33
Foods I miss:

- Cheerios (they put too much sugar in them in the UK, don't know why)
- Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup
- Root Beer
- Tim Hortons donuts (at 2am, after a night out, with never-ending coffee)
- Spaghetti-Os
- A nice cold glass of milk (lactose intolerant now, sigh...)
- Fresh-from-the-field corn on the cob, dripping with butter.

28-Aug-06, 12:36
Polony suppers from Peachy's chippy in Dempster St.

28-Aug-06, 12:42
You couldna beat a chip butty from peachies along with a red pudding or a smoked sausage. Just the thing to line the stomach before a fill of drink.

28-Aug-06, 12:50
You couldna beat a chip butty from peachies along with a red pudding or a smoked sausage. Just the thing to line the stomach before a fill of drink.

No matter how many chippies I have tried over the years, I can never get a red pudding that tasted as good as it did from that chippy. God, I've just read that back and I sound like a right saddo, but you know what I mean. :eek:

28-Aug-06, 12:56
I am not sure if peachies was still on the go would it pass modern food preparation standards. Were the puddings etc etc not kept in a wooden box behind the counter? Whatever is was great chippy and the man that served (Brian I think) and the women were always a good crack and you could get some great banter with them whilst you waited for you chips.

28-Aug-06, 13:23
Scotch pies - the ones down here are disgusting.

Try your local Morrisons - I was amazed.

I miss Lemon Pan Drops
Real Mutton

28-Aug-06, 14:18
I miss PEACE pudding and I've not gone anywhere!

28-Aug-06, 16:39
"I also miss Cullen Skink - wonderful stew!"

I thought it was fish soup, a babysitter many years ago used to make it for me, I loved it. (been veggie since 25 years so its been a while)

28-Aug-06, 17:57
long blue tatties with salt herring (was Saturday's dinner when I was young)
Donnie Angus's (butcher at Harbour now long gone) white and black pudding rings.
Tubs of marshmallow cream (similar or snowball cream) used to buy it in Jamesie Coghill grocer on the way from the High School and last but not least Lemon Creamola Foam......wish I could still buy it, as I would pig out on the whole tub myself!!!!

28-Aug-06, 18:56
Beefburger flavoured Space invaders. :~( Tattie fritters from peachies were good too.

31-Aug-06, 19:43
Mint cracknel Gorgeous!

31-Aug-06, 22:06
"Peachys" chips were moreish.....

I miss Chelsea Whoppers.

31-Aug-06, 22:28
Who Remembers MB Bars (Monster Bars)?

A kind of white fondant centre covered in chocolate.

What made them stand out from the rest was the fact they were sold without any form of wrapper.

Probably killed of by the food regulators.

They were brilliant (and cheap).

31-Aug-06, 22:44
Mince patties from Pearl's Chip Shop in Kinnaird Street and Custard Cream Slices on a Saturday morning from Jessie Clynes Bakery in Smith Terrace.

31-Aug-06, 23:19

A link to a petition (one of many) to bring back creamola foam.


And the latest news.....

01-Sep-06, 11:58
Spangles were ace and so was cremola foam. There are moves to get it (cremola foam) back on the shelves of the shops again once they figure out how to make it again as some dodo lost the recipe. Cremola foam and vodka was boggin very much a spew enducing drink it was worse than tequila [evil]

cremola foam in the vodka was ace many a sat nite i was on them before i left the house. bring back cremola foam... wonder if it will taste as good though??

01-Sep-06, 12:04
Pumpkin pie - I really missed pumpkin pie, until I started making my own. Also, blueberry pie - warm from the oven...mmmmm!

footie chick
01-Sep-06, 12:20
Mince, chicken and steak pies from Johnny Polsons butchers in Dempster Street every Wednesday Yum!

01-Sep-06, 12:29
stockans oat cakes before mass production mmmmmmmm

02-Sep-06, 07:38
Walls Icecream and Rice with Raisins, Hot morning rolls with cooking margarine

02-Sep-06, 09:30
Acid drop spangles and barrs bitter lemon and ice cream made a fantastic ice drink mmmmmmmm:D

02-Sep-06, 09:38
The only one I really miss is creamola foam. My grandad used to buy it for me going to visit when I was wee, and then in later life I discovered that it was absolutely the best thing for a hangover.

Dr Evil
02-Sep-06, 12:08
when i was living in the south of england the year before last i missed haggis neeps and tatties on burns night hen last year i was at sea and nearly missed it again unil i made a special request to the chef who sorted us out bobbing up and down off the coast of campbeltown ha ha

02-Sep-06, 12:28
penny chews (daintys)

02-Sep-06, 12:40
The old style of Monster Munch crisps (both Pickled Onion and Roast Beef). The ones nowadays just dont taste the same.

02-Sep-06, 14:11
The old style of Monster Munch crisps (both Pickled Onion and Roast Beef). The ones nowadays just dont taste the same.

roast beef ones taste ok but they are so small now. going the same way as wagon wheels. they used to be huge but a 3 bites and there gone. i liked toffee yo-yos too but you never see them.