View Full Version : How good or bad is the forum

Colin Manson
27-Aug-06, 20:45
I recently recieved an email which made some serious complaints about the forum and I just wanted to get a general opinion to see if any of them are justified.

Sorry, but, the new system is absolutely ridiculous and has only made the system more vulnerable to being taken advantage of and in the end more work for yourself.

Perhaps you have not noticed the "certain factions" of people in here who if and when they decide it will all complain about one person to get them suspended and two of the ringleaders are now moderators.

This was admitted by another quite senior member who was invited to join their little game but, declined who told me! But, it's obvious! You have a roving mob amongst you.

The sycophantic sheep theory rides in here big time. (I removed a section here to protect the identity of the poster)

If the truth doesn't sit well with people theres not alot I can do about it. And if you go by the rules.. have you seen the Australia has it right thread?... it doesn't get much more offensive and should have been shut down the minute it was posted.

If you suspend me for this pm, so be it, wouldn't surprise me. But, it just keeps getting more ridiculous by the day.

The user wasn't suspended. Update - after a third abusive PM I have finally banned this User, since the User had already been banned and Abused me by PM 3 times I decided a Permanent ban was justified.

ice box
27-Aug-06, 20:56
It seems to me that there is to many chiefs and not the enough Indian . so many have been made up to mods why do we need so many ? and i cant see the use.

Colin Manson
27-Aug-06, 21:05
We have over 1000 active members who average 450 posts per day, and we have 14 Moderators, 10 of whom are active and 4 the are more active just in the chat room.

How many do you think we should have? I can certainly delete some :evil

27-Aug-06, 21:11
How many do you think we should have? I can certainly delete some :evil
none lol..:lol:

Billy Boy
27-Aug-06, 21:11
We have over 1000 active members who average 450 posts per day, and we have 14 Moderators, 10 of whom are active and 4 the are more active just in the chat room.

How many do you think we should have? I can certainly delete some :evil

you can please some of the people some of the time but you certainly canna please all of the people all of the time lol;)

27-Aug-06, 21:22
This new system is certainly more vulnerable than the old one where we only had three judges in the Godmin Room. Even though every effort has been made to poopoo the idea of cliques in the Org, they have existed and probably still exist. The potential for petty spite and general nastiness has expanded considerably with the new system where it is possible for collusion and conspiracy within the new rules. Your exlusion from your original E mail does nothing to disguise the sender and yes, I believe he (or she) is at risk under the new system. We have always had to watch our P's and Q's but now I think we will have to examine our political correctness to a ludicrous degree to appease the puritanical thinking of some of the new Mods.

Perhaps I am being unnecessarilly paranoid also, but I have trampled a few feet in my time on the Org and who knows how many I may stamp on in the future. Imsh'allah.

27-Aug-06, 21:38
Perhaps I am being unnecessarilly paranoid also, but I have trampled a few feet in my time on the Org and who knows how many I may stamp on in the future. Imsh'allah.

I think you are although I can understand your need to watch your back.:)
Personally, I think this system will strenghen your position, and as long as you dont break the rules, petty prejudices on the parts of the mods, can be recognised more easily when theres a bunch of them, who may not always agree either.
So, keep your nose clean, push it to the limit, but dont break the rules.;)

27-Aug-06, 21:45
Most forum based sites that I am a member of have upwards of 36.000 members and carry a staff of 3 sysop, (system operators), 6 admin and six moderators and seem to survive pretty well.
There is the point of old scores being settled but I am sure that yourself, niall and bill are not so naive as to not realise this happens and stamp it out.
In my experience with forums you always get a hardcore of members who try to rule the roost over the others, this is nothing new, cliques are a sad byproduct of forums, it's up the the owners of the site to stamp this out and they seem to do a good enough job.

Colin Manson
27-Aug-06, 21:45
I'll try and address your points in order.

We still only have 3 judges, you misunderstand the nature of the system and the abilities that have been granted to moderators. Everything that occurs is viewed by the admins, it's all recorded every action of the Moderators, time, dates and names.

Cliques exist everywhere in life, like minded people always group together, unless we can find 2000 users that all think differently we will have these groups.

As I said before with every move being recorded and check by admins how can a Moderator do anything underhand. At the first sign of that their status would be removed and any actions taken by them would be reversed.

I do think its paranoia, maybe you've been reading too many of those conspiracy threads :D

This new system is certainly more vulnerable than the old one where we only had three judges in the Godmin Room. Even though every effort has been made to poopoo the idea of cliques in the Org, they have existed and probably still exist. The potential for petty spite and general nastiness has expanded considerably with the new system where it is possible for collusion and conspiracy within the new rules. Your exlusion from your original E mail does nothing to disguise the sender and yes, I believe he (or she) is at risk under the new system. We have always had to watch our P's and Q's but now I think we will have to examine our political correctness to a ludicrous degree to appease the puritanical thinking of some of the new Mods.

Perhaps I am being unnecessarilly paranoid also, but I have trampled a few feet in my time on the Org and who knows how many I may stamp on in the future. Imsh'allah.

27-Aug-06, 21:58
Received and understood. Time will prove all.

Everything is viewed by Godmin. Is this supposed to make me feel better?LOL

27-Aug-06, 22:03
It might be an idea if this went up as a sticky - not sure how long you plan on leaving the message up but I think it could become a long thread which in this instance might not be a bad thing. As a comparitive newcomer, I can't say I'm decided - it seems to me very focused on 'punishment' with that being a deterrent, and maybe not enough as an encouragement like perhaps referral points or equivalent.

27-Aug-06, 22:07
Is it just me but I can't see anything fundamentally different than before the changes were made? I can see a multi quote thing but for the life of me I can't fathom its use!

Who are these cliques anyway? And can I join?

27-Aug-06, 22:08
I think some people are being cautious beyond belief. As Colin has rightly said, Caithness.org has become a very large community website with a very large member base. Ok, not everyone of those members post, but you get the point.

I've always thought that it was time Moderators were appointed... even before I was asked.

If you go to any message board you will see that there are a few mods. I don't know any of the other moderators. I don't believe I've argued with any of them and I don't believe I'm part of any clique with them.

Moderators are not the enemy, they are just like everyone else. I'm sure the mods don't log on thinking "Oh, must sign on to the Org and abuse my power"... No way! I'm still gonna post the way I used to. I'm still gonna make fun and get involved in debates that I think I know something about. I'm certainly not going to take the huff if anyone speaks against me and my opinions.

I've had little tiffs with people online, but nothing major and nothing I hold against anyone.

I don't think anyone is more vulnerable than before. Rules are in place for a reason, it just so happens that moderators have been appointed to keep an eye on things.

27-Aug-06, 22:13
Is it just me but I can't see anything fundamentally different than before the changes were made? I can see a multi quote thing but for the life of me I can't fathom its use!

Who are these cliques anyway? And can I join?
The multi-quote thing is click on each post you wish to quote on before hitting the reply button then all these quotes will appear in your post for you to reply to.
Cliques as I have said are just part of forum life, they can't be avoided, like-minded people will congregate together and they do exist.;)

27-Aug-06, 22:16
I think some people are being cautious beyond belief. As Colin has rightly said, Caithness.org has become a very large community website with a very large member base. Ok, not everyone of those members post, but you get the point.

I've always thought that it was time Moderators were appointed... even before I was asked.

If you go to any message board you will see that there are a few mods. I don't know any of the other moderators. I don't believe I've argued with any of them and I don't believe I'm part of any clique with them.

Moderators are not the enemy, they are just like everyone else. I'm sure the mods don't log on thinking "Oh, must sign on to the Org and abuse my power"... No way! I'm still gonna post the way I used to. I'm still gonna make fun and get involved in debates that I think I know something about. I'm certainly not going to take the huff if anyone speaks against me and my opinions.

I've had little tiffs with people online, but nothing major and nothing I hold against anyone.

I don't think anyone is more vulnerable than before. Rules are in place for a reason, it just so happens that moderators have been appointed to keep an eye on things.
Unfortunately some mods do abuse their position but as colin has said there are procedures in place to if not prevent this happening then to make sure there is no repetition of any underhand goings on.

27-Aug-06, 22:26
I can only talk for myself, but I hope the other mods would be the same.

27-Aug-06, 22:26
Have to say, when I read about the yellow and red cards, I thought you had set up the system where members report an offending post and a moderator reviews the offensiveness or otherwise of it..........which would seem to be a more equitable method than a moderator being solely responsible for deciding on offence.

I am on forums using simple moderation according to the vagaries of the moderator, and that one is usually a hotbed of complaints at immoderate moderation, and one which has a report system for members use...........and the one with the report system has much less trouble............and if the system is used to wage vendettas aginst any one member or group of members, or to stop reasonable debate when they are losing an argument those abusing the system are suspended/banned.

27-Aug-06, 22:30
In another forum I am involved in we have 5 Admins and 10 Moderators. We are just waiting for our 100,000th member to register.
The level of Moderation here up to now has just been Niall and Colin and Bill. So the level of help now is about right IMO.

They obviously felt they needed some extra help both in the shape of more Mods but also by upgrading to the latest forum software with it's added functions such as the Infraction system. Anything which eases the running of forums is welcomed by Admins.

...and maybe not enough as an encouragement like perhaps referral points or equivalent.
The rep system was introduced to remarks of approval and disapproval and was initially subject to a little bit of abuse in the shape of anonymous reps. It seems to have settled down now (can't tell if it has, as I opted out) so you do have your reward system.

The Infractions is just the other side of the coin - and may reduce the instances of people being sent to Orgatraz for a week of deep fried Mars Bars... :D

27-Aug-06, 22:57
I have to say i really havent noticed any cliques or maybe i am ignorrant to the fact. I very much enjoy posting on caithness.org and quite like a good old debate now and again:Razz And i will basically disagree with anyone doesnt matter who they are if i think i am right and thats 95% of the time :rolleyes:. And i have never experienced any kind of people who are on a severe power trip thankfully.

27-Aug-06, 23:03
I have to say i really havent noticed any cliques or maybe i am ignorrant to the fact.

They wear hats with "Kiss Me Cleek" on them ;)

27-Aug-06, 23:09
They wear hats with "Kiss Me Cleek" on them ;)

Watch it Pict, we can't have organgels exceding their humour quota.

27-Aug-06, 23:12
The greatest trick the clique ever pulled was convincing the org they didn't exist.[lol]

27-Aug-06, 23:14
The greatest trick the clique ever pulled was convincing the org they didn't exist.[lol]

Its just another conspiracy theory isn't it?

27-Aug-06, 23:15
Its just another conspiracy theory isn't it?
So they would have you believe.;)

27-Aug-06, 23:22
I can't really comment on the forum side of the site as I am quite new, but from my own experience here, I have found everyone very welcoming and kind:cool:

That aside, I would just like to congratulate you for the information available on this fantastic website, its a wealth of information and is one of the best local area community websites I have ever been on:D

I think every area should have a website like this, well done!

Thank you

27-Aug-06, 23:23
I can't really comment on the forum side of the site as I am quite new, but from my own experience here, I have found everyone very welcoming and kind:cool:

That aside, I would just like to congratulate you for the information available on this fantastic website, its a wealth of information and is one of the best local area community websites I have ever been on:D

I think every area should have a website like this, well done!

Thank you
Very welcoming till ye disagree wee thum, lol.

27-Aug-06, 23:28
Another thread pulled. No longer free speech. Power trips everywhere. And this new system is supposed to be fair. No longer can we speak our minds and say goodbye to old friends who are no longer with us. The sender of the Email has been banned for life. Is this being kept secret or are we just not allowed anymore to say true things on this board.
I thought the email sender wasn't banned?
What thread was pulled?

27-Aug-06, 23:30
I thought the email sender wasn't banned?
What thread was pulled?
I reacted in heat and thought a thread had been pulled. I was wrong and will pull the offending post myself.

27-Aug-06, 23:30
Watch it Pict, we can't have organgels exceding their humour quota.

I haven't used my allocated Annual Humour Quota since the start of the new AHQ year on April 1st, so I think I have a bit to throw around.....;)

28-Aug-06, 00:05
They wear hats with "Kiss Me Cleek" on them ;)

I was invited by Colin to become a Moderator. I've not been asked to join the "clique" which maybe explains why I've not received my hat yet :lol:

28-Aug-06, 00:59
Its in the post Moira ;)

28-Aug-06, 01:03
Jeid can I have a hat as well please, feeling left out here:~(

28-Aug-06, 01:13
Who are these cliques anyway? And can I join?You could always form a clique like mine.
It's a clique of one. There are rarely any disagreements, which is very unusual when I'm around, there has only ever been one dispute and I'm still debating if I won or lost on that occasion. ;)

28-Aug-06, 01:32
Would things work any better if one had to subscribe separately to each board so if you err on one board your 'punishment' is appropriate for that board only? Anyone who provides value to the forum through one board may continue to so do. Not even sure if it is possible or practicable.
Just a thought.

28-Aug-06, 04:33
Wow, I can't believe that some people take everything said here quite so seriously. You do realise that you can just not log in if you don't like it. Maybe some (if so worried about the forums) should go and do something else. I don't think that a website should over take our lives.

Having said that, I love it, it is a great place for a chat and to see what others think of what's happening around us.:Razz

28-Aug-06, 07:48
From Gleber 2:

This new system is certainly more vulnerable than the old one where we only had three judges in the Godmin Room. Even though every effort has been made to poopoo the idea of cliques in the Org, they have existed and probably still exist. The potential for petty spite and general nastiness has expanded considerably with the new system where it is possible for collusion and conspiracy within the new rules. Your exlusion from your original E mail does nothing to disguise the sender and yes, I believe he (or she) is at risk under the new system. We have always had to watch our P's and Q's but now I think we will have to examine our political correctness to a ludicrous degree to appease the puritanical thinking of some of the new Mods.

Perhaps I am being unnecessarilly paranoid also, but I have trampled a few feet in my time on the Org and who knows how many I may stamp on in the future. Imsh'allah.

Strange as it may sound I fully agree with Gleber 2, Political Correctness might have a place at the UN, but this is a Forum for goodness sake, if folk really do go too far then, yes, kick 'em off. I'm quite new to this lark, but seems to be running ok..

28-Aug-06, 07:57
I must say that I agree with many of the comments here, especially Rheghead's comment about there being not much that differs - only that there are more mods to spread the load. Personally, I do think that Moderators are necessary and this feature has been influential in keeping the forum as 'clean' as it is. If you don't have a 'police force' then anarchy will soon prevail and the org will descend to the vile depths that so many forums exist in.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my 6 months with the org and have made a number of good friends. May the org remain as it is - a friendly and constructive environment where people may meet, debate and enjoy a good laugh. I think I know the complainant who has been instrumental in their permanent ban, and I think that the action is just.

So, to summarise - excellent, no complaints, keep it up, nice job!

28-Aug-06, 08:59
Very welcoming till ye disagree wee thum, lol.
Oh how true pultneytooner! I am also fairly new to the boards and admit to being a lurker for quite some time. I don't think there is a "clique" as such but there are a number who circle with their superior forum skills before going in for the kill. If orgers don't want to be berated then stick to the "wishy washy" threads. If you make a controversial post then be prepared for the back lash and don't take it to heart.

Niall Fernie
28-Aug-06, 09:05
This does nothing but make me laugh. I am person who has been accused of being heavy handed, running forum the way I want to and basing my decisions on my own viewpoint. Isn't that why the term "Godmin" came about? Now as soon as we go an appoint some moderators who will most likely do much the same except for the fact that they have a different position to my own we get a hard time for it. Damned if we do, damned if we don't. :roll:

Also, consider that myself and Colin have full time jobs that do not leave a great deal of time to spend considering our positions when moderating. So yes, there may well have been times where I've made snap decisions or got a little bent out of shape over something, but until now you've had the choice of deal with it or have no forum at all. With the workload shared, more time can be given to these kinds of things and I'm also sure that with the new infraction system less people will be suspended or upset by decisions.

28-Aug-06, 09:11
I believe that when you right a strict ship folk are always going to try and push the limits just to see. They will then complain about a dictatorship etc. However if the rules are relaxed to common sense guidlines then folk wont feel the need to push the boundries, they will get on with things and life will be easy. Remember the whole mickey monk saga how many times did that user set up new accounts and get banned. When i set up a no rules forum and directed them to it it very quickly fizzled out as there was nobody to upset or shock. He only wanted to break rules and he did it very well on here for quite a while. It was no fun on a no rules forum and he went away and stopped playing his games.

28-Aug-06, 09:17
I must say that I agree with many of the comments here, especially Rheghead's comment about there being not much that differs - only that there are more mods to spread the load. Personally, I do think that Moderators are necessary and this feature has been influential in keeping the forum as 'clean' as it is. If you don't have a 'police force' then anarchy will soon prevail and the org will descend to the vile depths that so many forums exist in.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my 6 months with the org and have made a number of good friends. May the org remain as it is - a friendly and constructive environment where people may meet, debate and enjoy a good laugh. I think I know the complainant who has been instrumental in their permanent ban, and I think that the action is just.

So, to summarise - excellent, no complaints, keep it up, nice job!

I agree, have a look at some other forum and chat rooms and all you have are kids rabbitting on about sex. And that's on the gardening forum.

28-Aug-06, 09:27
*grins* in all honesty.. to me none of this matters..
i like the board .. and the majority of peeps on here.. even though.. ahem... we butt heads more than not.
i have even been suspended once.. wow the wihdrawl!!
but on a whole.. its a huge sorce of information..
and i recomend the org. to loads of people ..
when new peeps come thru my work.. newcomers into the town or anything. i auto. advice to come on here. as its the best way i can think of to get detailed info on the town!

sure we have our squabbles and our power games.. and so and so is not talking to so and so.. and i cant belive what "they" did.. and so forth and what not.. but in the end .. thats what familys do.
and we are in our own disfunctional way .. a huge .. mostly happy sometimes disgruntled.. always argumental family *bliss*

blows kisses all around and wonders off to find a way to annoy my nemisis.. *laughs*

28-Aug-06, 09:28
As with all areas in life there has to be rules and guidelines...by all means break the rules if you want to but be prepared to take the punishment ...
All I can say is that I don't see much difference in the forum,but then I don't try to push the boundaries and I have enjoyed my time here keep up the good work Niall,Colin and company

28-Aug-06, 09:34
*grins* in all honesty.. to me none of this matters..
i like the board .. and the majority of peeps on here.. even though.. ahem... we butt heads more than not.
i have even been suspended once.. wow the wihdrawl!!
but on a whole.. its a huge sorce of information..
and i recomend the org. to loads of people ..
when new peeps come thru my work.. newcomers into the town or anything. i auto. advice to come on here. as its the best way i can think of to get detailed info on the town!

sure we have our squabbles and our power games.. and so and so is not talking to so and so.. and i cant belive what "they" did.. and so forth and what not.. but in the end .. thats what familys do.
and we are in our own disfunctional way .. a huge .. mostly happy sometimes disgruntled.. always argumental family *bliss*

blows kisses all around and wonders off to find a way to annoy my nemisis.. *laughs*

Right on the head of the nail, Brandy.

28-Aug-06, 09:52
Wow, I can't believe that some people take everything said here quite so seriously. You do realise that you can just not log in if you don't like it. Maybe some (if so worried about the forums) should go and do something else. I don't think that a website should over take our lives.

Having said that, I love it, it is a great place for a chat and to see what others think of what's happening around us.:Razz

Lolabelle, you have hit the nail on the head; we are not forced to come on to the forum; we are here because we like it!

Good luck to all the new mods (and rockers ;) ).


28-Aug-06, 10:30
Wow, I can't believe that some people take everything said here quite so seriously. You do realise that you can just not log in if you don't like it. Maybe some (if so worried about the forums) should go and do something else.

I've been wanting to say that all along, but I thought I'd wait for someone else to say it.

I'll be accused of being in a clique ;)

28-Aug-06, 11:43
Well Guys

it appears i have a moderators hat too. Ill give it a go and you can see whether you think we have a clique in good time but i havent been asked to make any funny handshakes or stand on one leg and hop backwords or anything. The only thing about being a moderator i will say is that i will try to be as fair as i can and thats about it.

time will tell boys and girls - time will tell;)

28-Aug-06, 11:45
Would things work any better if one had to subscribe separately to each board so if you err on one board your 'punishment' is appropriate for that board only? Anyone who provides value to the forum through one board may continue to so do. Not even sure if it is possible or practicable.
Just a thought.

Having reread the original post on this thread, my understanding of the situation is that the member in question bas banned for (multiple) verbal abuse to the admin by pm, rather than what was posted on the boards.

Would your suggestion be that they should have only been stopped from sending pm's.

Someone has to be in charge, and in the case of this website, this is admin, should members be allowed to abuse admin whenever they please.

28-Aug-06, 11:54
Well I guess you have a point (Jeid and Lolabelle), there is no requirement to visit this forum but a great many do. It has a great social atmosphere in here sometimes and people quite often quote being part of the .org or being an orger. That is good as it reflects a community spirit. However within any community there are arguments and disagreements about topics that affect them. In here these topics are sometimes allowed to flow to a natural conclusion, some people chip away at others until they get a reaction just like real life. However in real life if you say something out of line or very against someone else's beliefs of right and wrong you suddenly do not disappear from the conversation you are there to argue your corner until it is sorted or you get a smack in the mouth or shunned by your community. In here someone upsets someone and a mod bans the perpetrator of the worst offence. No conclusion is reached and problems are left unsorted. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth and unsavoury feelings hang around. If someone continually causes problems anywhere the folk around them soon suss them out and ignore and do not fall for the bait they troll. For some reason in internet fora people tend to take the bait every time and fall in head first. My advice is to ignore those who annoy you and spend your time with your friends. The ones that cause real problems will get bored and either change the way they treat people or go away.

28-Aug-06, 12:03
Having reread the original post on this thread, my understanding of the situation is that the member in question bas banned for (multiple) verbal abuse to the admin by pm, rather than what was posted on the boards.

Would your suggestion be that they should have only been stopped from sending pm's.

Someone has to be in charge, and in the case of this website, this is admin, should members be allowed to abuse admin whenever they please.

Should admins be allowed to abuse memebers of the forum. You have to remember PMs are are a 2 way thing. If you think things get heated in the forum then imagine that PMs can get heated too. However the admin allways has the ace up his sleeve for that situation. Well would you like a lifetime ban?? They can be petty and throw the toys out of the pram too you know. With the its my website and I will do what I damm well please line. I know it happens I have seen the PMs

28-Aug-06, 12:12
Should admins be allowed to abuse memebers of the forum. You have to remember PMs are are a 2 way thing. If you think things get heated in the forum then imagine that PMs can get heated too. However the admin allways has the ace up his sleeve for that situation. Well would you like a lifetime ban?? They can be petty and throw the toys out of the pram too you know. With the its my website and I will do what I damm well please line. I know it happens I have seen the PMs

I don't know you sir, but you post very similar thoughts to my own. He who errects the goal posts can always move them!!!!

28-Aug-06, 12:12
At the end of the day NFJB, this(running the forum) is something that the admin has chosen to do. Its not a full time job. It can be very frustrating at times. Having people abuse you for changing a system on your own forum is a bit OTT. The only people that seem to be having a huge problem with it, are the ones who are most likely to be affected.

Nobody is taking away anyone's right to free speech. I believe Colin took as much as he could before reaching his decision.

28-Aug-06, 12:16
No cards, yellow or red were handed out, no written warnings and no points awarded.

28-Aug-06, 12:22
Having reread the original post on this thread, my understanding of the situation is that the member in question bas banned for (multiple) verbal abuse to the admin by pm, rather than what was posted on the boards.

Would your suggestion be that they should have only been stopped from sending pm's.

Someone has to be in charge, and in the case of this website, this is admin, should members be allowed to abuse admin whenever they please.

Perhaps I need to re-read as you did, but the PM aspect I didn't and don't refer to for I'm only talking Boards - General etc. in other words, what is public.

"should members be allowed to abuse admin whenever they please" - did I imply or state or even refer to that?

As far as abuse is concerned, no abuse is acceptable (which is only common sense after all) and I don't believe I mentioned abuse at all. My message I thought was clearly about Boards.
I think what happens elsewhere needs to be addressed separately.
I'm not at war with anyone on this forum, I've no wish to be, and I hope I've no need to be.
Does this answer your queries?

28-Aug-06, 12:23
I think the whole Sjwahwah thing has reached a point where we'll never reach a conclusion. Colin made the decision. We've just been informed of the decision that has been made. Nobody should have to take abuse, either by PM or publicly.

28-Aug-06, 12:26
At the end of the day NFJB, this(running the forum) is something that the admin has chosen to do. Its not a full time job. It can be very frustrating at times. Having people abuse you for changing a system on your own forum is a bit OTT. The only people that seem to be having a huge problem with it, are the ones who are most likely to be affected.

Nobody is taking away anyone's right to free speech. I believe Colin took as much as he could before reaching his decision.

The pms I am talking about are from the past not this particular incident. I do not know the details of this one. Nor do I really want to. I have been affected by admin actions in the past but I would hope not to come under the scrutiny again but sometimes people have differences in opinions. If one of those people happen to be an admin you don't really have a chance. That is what I am trying to say.

I am a member of several forums I also run 2 forums myself. The one I run are very small and do not require any moderating as it is small groups of like minded souls that post to them. However of all the forums I am a member off this one appears to have the most problems with members getting banned and fall outs with moderators and other members. It is also the most strictly moderated forum that I visit. The unmoderated or self policing ones are the most laid back and friendly

28-Aug-06, 12:29
I don't know you sir, but you post very similar thoughts to my own. He who errects the goal posts can always move them!!!!
Great minds think alike and all that. I cannot quite remember the rest of the saying but I am sure it is not relevant in this case :lol:

28-Aug-06, 12:31
Great minds think alike and all that. I cannot quite remember the rest of the saying but I am sure it is not relevant in this case :lol:

Fools seldom differ ;)

28-Aug-06, 12:37
Fairly well known Yorkshire expression - "There's nowt so queer as folk".
This forum, as with others virtually mirrors Life in the outside world. Out there there's trouble and strife, it will happen wherever mankind exists, including here. We add rules and regulations. These are supposed to be a safeguard though some feel inhibited by them. Enough has been said already about those who seem unable to live within the allowed scope.
Appreciation is very much due to the providers of the forum, our responsibility is to maintain an atmosphere which makes this place as homely, comfortable and welcoming as possible.

28-Aug-06, 12:39
Fools seldom differ ;)
Ass I thought no relevant in this case ;)

28-Aug-06, 12:57
Sjwahwah has said to me that she feels that all the PM comminication between her and Colin should be displayed so that everyone can see for themselves the truth of the matter and thus display the inequalities in the Org system. Perhaps she's right.
Jeid, your promotion seems to have gone to your head. However it changes nothing, you are still an opionionated young prat who has not lived long enough or experienced enough to have an opinion worth hearing. You seem fond of the word 'fool' and it certainly takes one to know one.

28-Aug-06, 13:04
Well I think the thread was started by a mod showing the partial contents of an email recieved so if it is ok for the mod to publish someone elses PRIVATE message then I would say it is ok for the other party to broadcast both sides of the discussion after all a precedent has been set. If that has to be through a 3rd party because they have been banned so be it. Maybe that is setting oneself up for a ban to be involved in such open and honest discussion and that we know goes against what a lot of people do on this forum.

28-Aug-06, 13:31
I have just received another warning by Godmin for "insulting another member". A member who , without obvious cause, has insulted me on several occasions in the threads. I have had PM's threatening violence towards me and that person said that he had obtained my real name from another orger and that he knew where I lived. Charming!!! I made no defence, hurled no accusations and sought no revenge except to reply to the PM. In a more recent thread I was quite literally attacked with insinuations that I was being less than honest. I wonder if that poster got a warning for insulting a fellow orger?
This forum is descending into an unprecedented level of pettiness and the level of moderation similar to what you would find in a primary school. This may be fine for what Sjwahwah referred to as the sycophantic sheep but it is certainly wearing thin for me and a few others I would imagine.
I will not give the Mod army the joy of banning me. Please terminate my membership of this Forum as of now.

To the friends I made through this Board I bid my farewells. Most of you know where to find me if you so desire. [email protected]
To those who are glad to see me go, Have a nice day.

28-Aug-06, 13:37
Sorry but I have to say it grow up people and stop being so silly and petty one member is banned and you would think the world has come to an end, there are more important things happening in the world and probably in your own houses than creating a fuss about a probable stranger. I was also suggested to be a moderator and I absolutely turned it down because of exactly this type of bickering, no thank you and well done to those of you who have stood in the line of fire. I would have banned you all by now for being so downright disrepctful!!!

28-Aug-06, 13:41
There are many references to the "Godmin" and many suggestions that the decisions that are made are made by one person weilding the heavy rod of moderatorship. Some of the same people are saying that the number of moderators now is too many and too much. You cant have your cake and eat it guys you know. If having only Niall and Colin is too narrow and having more is too many then it seems nothing would make you happy.

28-Aug-06, 13:41
I use several forums, large and small, generally special-interest groups but one or two with wider-ranging topics. None are moderated so tightly as this board.

That isn't a criticism, either. FWLIMBW my opinion is that as a community website, the wider audience that will be found here should be protected from some of the practices which go on elsewhere - flaming, trolling, use of "swearwords" and all the rest of the banned list. I don't particularly want to know what went on between She Who Is Banned and the Moderator; that's just going to start arguments and ultimately be divisive as people take sides. It certainly won't help the forum and board develop and get better, should those PMs be published, but it might help the cause of those who want to change the nature of the board.

It's like football refereeing (and I use this simile carefully, given my opinion of the professional game :lol: ); the ref might be right, might be wrong, but he's the ref and his decision is final. Like it or lump it. That's the way this should be, too - given the nature and the audience of the board.

I know, I know. I've only been here 5 minutes, and I don't even live in Caithness and I'm a moothy git to boot. But I do believe the creation of additional Mods was a mistake (albeit no doubt made with the best of intentions) because now you have people who "mix it" in discussion being suspected of using their Mod powers to further their own arguments, settle scores, talk behind people's backs and so on. Mods should be like Caesar's wife - pure and seen to be so. (I hesitate to suggest "virginal" :eek: ).

My tuppence-worth, anyway.

28-Aug-06, 13:44
My tuppence-worth, anyway.

Worth more than tuppence check!!!!

28-Aug-06, 13:48
Refering to the first post --- call me niave, but what could anyone find offensive about the 'Austalia has it right' thread?

28-Aug-06, 13:53
Worth more than tuppence check!!!!

I thought you'd gone? :lol::lol:

28-Aug-06, 13:53
This does nothing but make me laugh. I am person who has been accused of being heavy handed, running forum the way I want to and basing my decisions on my own viewpoint. Isn't that why the term "Godmin" came about? Now as soon as we go an appoint some moderators who will most likely do much the same except for the fact that they have a different position to my own we get a hard time for it. Damned if we do, damned if we don't. :roll:

That's life, mate.

28-Aug-06, 13:53
I thought you'd gone? :lol::lol:

The axe is about to fall. Nice knowing you.

28-Aug-06, 13:58
Gleeber 2: 'In a more recent thread I was quite literally attacked with insinuations that I was being less than honest. I wonder if that poster got a warning for insulting a fellow orger?'

I hope he was not refering to me? all I wrote was 'Yeah right' , thought I was being quite well behaved after being called a murderer..

28-Aug-06, 14:03
Gleeber 2: 'In a more recent thread I was quite literally attacked with insinuations that I was being less than honest. I wonder if that poster got a warning for insulting a fellow orger?'

I hope he was not refering to me? all I wrote was 'Yeah right' , thought I was being quite well behaved after being called a murderer..

Figurative not personal, factual personal. I did not call you personally a murderer but you accused me personally of lying. Intelligence would dictate that there is a difference.

28-Aug-06, 14:04
The axe is about to fall. Nice knowing you.

Sorry, G2 - didn't mean that to sound gloating. It was written having just sent you an email and a pm. Only on re-reading did I realise that some of the more sensitive souls round here might think I was publicly enjoying your departure - which I actually regret as much as I disagree with you.

Which is a lot! :lol::lol:

28-Aug-06, 14:05
dinna go gleber2 min

28-Aug-06, 14:05
Gleber2 Please tell me where I said you lied

28-Aug-06, 14:07
Gleber2 Please tell me where I said you lied

Any chance you guys could sort this out by pm? <yawns> :lol::lol:

28-Aug-06, 14:08
Gleber2 Please tell me where I said you lied

The implied meaning of the phrase Yeah Right is one of disbelief is it not? To disbelieve the point in question was tantamount to calling me a liar which I quite rightly resent.

28-Aug-06, 14:11
Sorry, G2 - didn't mean that to sound gloating. It was written having just sent you an email and a pm. Only on re-reading did I realise that some of the more sensitive souls round here might think I was publicly enjoying your departure - which I actually regret as much as I disagree with you.

Which is a lot! :lol::lol:

Point taken and I never thought you were gloating.

28-Aug-06, 14:31
Gleber2: The implied meaning of the phrase Yeah Right is one of disbelief is it not? To disbelieve the point in question was tantamount to calling me a liar which I quite rightly resent.

Figurative not personal, factual personal. I did not call you personally a murderer but you accused me personally of lying. Intelligence would dictate that there is a difference.

Oh I see, that's where I called you a liar! Well fair enough 'yeah right' might mean I've seen a number of veggies with sallow skin etc - my son (36 years old, has been a veggie for ten years) we keep telling him to change his diet, so I'm right really arn't I? And incidentally I'm not unintellegent!

Anyway thought you were off? So I 'aint going on with this nonsence any longer, it's getting boring and folk above notice it too.. bye...

28-Aug-06, 14:37
Seems to me there are a few people with bruised egos around here - the altrnating between back slapping and sniping is really making me dizzy. this is a message board folks - its not real life and its not even real conversation. Get it in perspective:roll:

28-Aug-06, 14:56
Jeid, your promotion seems to have gone to your head. However it changes nothing, you are still an opionionated young prat who has not lived long enough or experienced enough to have an opinion worth hearing. You seem fond of the word 'fool' and it certainly takes one to know one.

Gleber2, you seem to have a problem with anyone who opposes your opinion. When other members of the org state their opinion, you are usually the first person to jump down their throat.

I've been away for the past couple of hours and come back to find this. A tad insulting don't you think?

Just because I am young, it doesn't mean my opinion is not valid. I could say the exact same about yourself(but older obviously). However, I'm not going to be childish and turn this into a slagging match. You have your opinion, I have mine. Difference is, I don't get all petty and resort to name calling.

Experience counts for nothing if you don't use it.

28-Aug-06, 14:58
Seems to me there are a few people with bruised egos around here - the altrnating between back slapping and sniping is really making me dizzy. this is a message board folks - its not real life and its not even real conversation. Get it in perspective:roll:

Therein lies the problem. It needs to be isolated and taken somewhere else. For instance, set up another (kind of) chatroom where there is a symbolic punchball where folk can work out their ire and angst.
Above all, take the wrangling off the general board and shove it out the way so other folk don't get swept along in its wake. IMHO that is.

28-Aug-06, 14:59
Gleber2: The implied meaning of the phrase Yeah Right is one of disbelief is it not? To disbelieve the point in question was tantamount to calling me a liar which I quite rightly resent.

Figurative not personal, factual personal. I did not call you personally a murderer but you accused me personally of lying. Intelligence would dictate that there is a difference.

Oh I see, that's where I called you a liar! Well fair enough 'yeah right' might mean I've seen a number of veggies with sallow skin etc - my son (36 years old, has been a veggie for ten years) we keep telling him to change his diet, so I'm right really arn't I? And incidentally I'm not unintellegent!

Anyway thought you were off? So I 'aint going on with this nonsence any longer, it's getting boring and folk above notice it too.. bye...
lol u tell him

28-Aug-06, 15:07
this is a message board folks - its not real life and its not even real conversation. Get it in perspective:roll:

Is this place a figment of my imagination? Do I converse with people on here?

Some people rely on the internet and forums like this for contact with the outside world. Some people are house bound for many reasons and would find your attitude very distastefull as I do. This forum takes up a small part of my life I can do without it and I wouldnt be losing any sleep about it. What I find is fasinating reading other peoples views on matters that interest me sometimes I join in other times I merely browse and say nothing. What annoys me is those peole who think they can tell me what I can and cant say when they are no better than I. Respect is earned and I do not give it to every tom dick and harry just because they have a little bit of power over the web.

Margaret M.
28-Aug-06, 15:09
I have visited these boards for a number of years -- seldom post, when I do I keep it brief. I thoroughly enjoy debating on other sites, some with, some without moderators, but I limit my keystrokes here because it seems to take very little to get one banned. If a hearty debate is not welcomed and the viewpoints of spirited posters discouraged, this board will end up with a bunch of old codgers yakking about the weather.

28-Aug-06, 15:10
Therein lies the problem. It needs to be isolated and taken somewhere else. For instance, set up another (kind of) chatroom where there is a symbolic punchball where folk can work out their ire and angst.
Above all, take the wrangling off the general board and shove it out the way so other folk don't get swept along in its wake. IMHO that is.

Thats the attitude sweep it all under the carpet, You live in your little ideal dream world where nobody ever disagrees or argues. I dont think I am on the same planet as you. Murder Rape robbery child abuse are all real things will we stop reporting those crimes. That way if we dont see or hear about it it cannot be happening LOL!!

Margaret M.
28-Aug-06, 15:16
this is a message board folks - its not real life and its not even real conversation. Get it in perspective:roll:

Then color me real confused.

28-Aug-06, 15:23
NFJB are you quite well?

Thats EXACTLY what i am talking about. There are so many things going on that are real that to get PERSONALLY upset offended or slighted by what goes on on this message board is daft. You find my attitude distasteful? I apologise if i offended you but I think what i say is true - message board conversation and relationships are not like a real life relationship and conversation. that doesnt mean that i dont like hte people that i have met who i have chatted with - i have. But for most of us this is an entertaining diversion - this thread however is simply about people patting those on the back that they "like" and sniping at those they dont and its boring and puerile.

I am all for disagreement and discussion but as i said earlier many people - including myself- have criticised Colin and Niall for not being transparent enough in their decisions to delete posts and ban people and now they have introduced moderators those same people are complaining about it all over again. You cant have it one way and not the other.

28-Aug-06, 15:24
I've been away for the past couple of hours and come back to find this. A tad insulting don't you think?

<No Insult Alert!>Don't you think that as a Moderator, you might have resisted the temptation to become involved? It seems clear from what Gleber2 said that he'd already got a shot across the bows from a Mod for his comment; you're simply drawing out the whole unfortunate episode. As squidge said, it's a bruised ego problem. Mods can't afford egos - at least, not publicly. Goes with the turf. Like it, or.......... and if you absolutely can't resist the temptation to hit the keyboard in reply, do it by PM and I promise I'll not tell anyone :lol: </No Insult Alert>

28-Aug-06, 15:28
I don't see why mods can't become involved in topics?

If you scroll through, other mods have posted in this thread. I never took a swipe at Gleber2. I was just finishing a post by NFJB. I even put a wink to show the light heartedness.

28-Aug-06, 15:28
Thats the attitude sweep it all under the carpet, You live in your little ideal dream world where nobody ever disagrees or argues. I dont think I am on the same planet as you. Murder Rape robbery child abuse are all real things will we stop reporting those crimes. That way if we dont see or hear about it it cannot be happening LOL!!

I didn't suggest anything of the kind and well you must know it - but, I think its time that this all got moved somewhere else so those who wish to pursue it can do and leave the rest of us to enjoy the better parts of this forum.
People get sick? they get moved to hospital, they commit crimes? they go to jail. They annoy others on this board? move em to somewhere else.

You lost the plot here but that can happen. I'd feel it unfriendly if it were to happen again. Strange too as I'd just been agreeing (mentally) with an earlier post of yours - now this?

28-Aug-06, 15:29
Then color me real confused.

Sorry Margaret - what i mean is that its not like someone offending you in real life. I mean that to be PERSONALLY offended by a post from someone who doesnt know you, doesnt even know your name or what you do seems a bit touchy to me. You can say that you dont like it but why would you be hurt or upset to the point of sending abusive PMs?

Hope that makes a bit more sense

28-Aug-06, 15:30
Phew, well Colin you did ask!!

Thought I would chuck in my opinion to the, ever more melting, melting pot.

When I first joined the org my initial feeling was that there was a clique. Three years on, I still consider that there is a clique. Obviously that happens in all walks of life and it is clear that some people here know other members and are even related in some cases. With me not knowing anyone else on the site, and them probably not knowing me, I cannot expect to be part of the inner sanctum and I post away anyway in the hope that I might amuse someone or perhaps make them look at a situation from another angle. The rep points I have gathered let me know I have had some success on that score and users sometimes kindly leave a positive comment. My worry would be that too many friends of friends and cousins of cousins might end up forming an excessive amount of moderators for what I see as a fairly problem free board. Most users seem pretty sensible to my eyes and some of the persisitent offenders have been sent packing after having been well warned in most cases I recall. I would not like to see the board over-moderated and become a place for only the most banal of topics, with users frightened to say anything out of turn, or even mildly controversial. There would not be much point in being the moderator of a board only consisting of moderators!!

28-Aug-06, 15:35
Phew, well Colin you did ask!!

Thought I would chuck in my opinion to the, ever more melting, melting pot.

When I first joined the org my initial feeling was that there was a clique. Three years on, I still consider that there is a clique. Obviously that happens in all walks of life and it is clear that some people here know other members and are even related in some cases. With me not knowing anyone else on the site, and them probably not knowing me, I cannot expect to be part of the inner sanctum and I post away anyway in the hope that I might amuse someone or perhaps make them look at a situation from another angle. The rep points I have gathered let me know I have had some success on that score and users sometimes kindly leave a positive comment. My worry would be that too many friends of friends and cousins of cousins might end up forming an excessive amount of moderators for what I see as a fairly problem free board. Most users seem pretty sensible to my eyes and some of the persisitent offenders have been sent packing after having been well warned in most cases I recall. I would not like to see the board over-moderated and become a place for only the most banal of topics, with users frightened to say anything out of turn, or even mildly controversial. There would not be much point in being the moderator of a board only consisting of moderators!!

there is that clique thing again!!!!

it baffles me - i dont get it - im not in it and as a mod i think i should have been invited to be in any clique thats going so please if you are the "leader of the clique" let me know who yo uare so that i can be personally offended that i havent been asked and flood your inbox with pms telling you so and threatening to unmask you to the whole world if i dont get invited

***huff huff huff***

28-Aug-06, 15:37
there is that clique thing again!!!!

it baffles me - i dont get it - im not in it and as a mod i think i should have been invited to be in any clique thats going so please if you are the "leader of the clique" let me know who yo uare so that i can be personally offended that i havent been asked and flood your inbox with pms telling you so and threatening to unmask you to the whole world if i dont get invited

***huff huff huff***

I wanna join too... no fair!:eek:

28-Aug-06, 15:43
Gleber2, you seem to have a problem with anyone who opposes your opinion. When other members of the org state their opinion, you are usually the first person to jump down their throat.

I've been away for the past couple of hours and come back to find this. A tad insulting don't you think?

Just because I am young, it doesn't mean my opinion is not valid. I could say the exact same about yourself(but older obviously). However, I'm not going to be childish and turn this into a slagging match. You have your opinion, I have mine. Difference is, I don't get all petty and resort to name calling.

Experience counts for nothing if you don't use it.

If that's your position, I quote above the full post from which I snipped a bit before. Nothing wrong in mods getting involved, but retaliating is a different thing.

28-Aug-06, 15:51
The Cleek is in the head...

How many Mods actually still live in Caithness? The idea of us meeting up and huddling in the dark corner of some bar in Wick or Thurso is crazy.

It's your round Squidge....

28-Aug-06, 15:54
Im not paid til thursday MP the drinks will have to be on you

28-Aug-06, 15:54
Happy to be an Orgoblin. Never like angels much.The comments about taking the Org personally, I am a very well kent person and everybody and his brother is aware of my real identity. I know the personal identity of very few of those who attack me, but they always seem to know me. I have no real alternative, therefore but take the barbs personally.

Orgoblins rule.

28-Aug-06, 16:02
We can have a kitty.

You should stay Gleber2. I have no bad feeling with you. This is a messageboard after all. Most things on here are posted in heat of the moment :D

Where's my organgels leather jacket :(

28-Aug-06, 16:09



ding, ding, round 2

shucks there's mods in every bush round here, I'm almost scared to post

28-Aug-06, 16:35
Gleber2! Don't go!

What is it with the Caithness.org message board?? [disgust]

I've had plenty of differences with G2 in the past, I've not been afraid to say what I thought and he's not been afraid to say what he thought. It's never reduced to slagging match and I even had the pleasure of meeting chobbersjnr and himself not many moons ago.

I'd be lying if I said I agreed with a lot of his opinions, and guaranteed he won't agree with a lot of mine. But guess what? We can both live with that.

At least Gleber2's posts are worth reading......and sometimes (just sometimes;) ) he has a very good point!

Mods or no mods........this is a great forum but it will be a less of a forum if Gleber2 leaves.

percy toboggan
28-Aug-06, 16:44
Too many interesting folk have been banned in my humble opinion.
I'm so humble I'm not even going to offer their names.Mark my words though you might land up banned yourself if you venture any kind of controversial opinion. That's why I limit myself to posts about vacuum cleaners, and films in 'technicolour'

The forum is a really good tool , but the moderation does seem a little over the top at times.

28-Aug-06, 17:06
there is that clique thing again!!!!

it baffles me - i dont get it - im not in it and as a mod i think i should have been invited to be in any clique thats going so please if you are the "leader of the clique" let me know who yo uare so that i can be personally offended that i havent been asked and flood your inbox with pms telling you so and threatening to unmask you to the whole world if i dont get invited

***huff huff huff***

Amazing that nearly everyone denying the clique is a moderator ;o)

Anyway, I quantified my perception of the clique, so give us a little bit of credit for that at least!!

My main point is that I think there are too many mods and looking at the number plootering about in this thread, I think my point looks well justified.

Colin asked for opinions, I provided mine. Is it too much to ask that people can respect that without the huffin and puffin?

28-Aug-06, 17:12
There are so many things going on that are real that to get PERSONALLY upset offended or slighted by what goes on on this message board is daft. You find my attitude distasteful? I apologise if i offended you but I think what i say is true - message board conversation and relationships are not like a real life relationship and conversation.

It has been decided in law that messages made on message boards do have the same social substance as if they were spoken or written, and are subject to libel and defamation lawsuit. Therefore I would just like to say the law doesn't necessarily take your line though I can see the spirit in which your post was made.

28-Aug-06, 17:16
Oh - if you mean a newly formed clique which is about mods then im guilty as charged. I know you quantified it Scorrie i WAS only playing with you.

Scorrie am i to assume that i cant post or join in with a thread just cos im a mod? I would be here whether or not and im sure you know that;). Do we have to ring a bell and shout unclean unclean? Whether i suddenly have this exalted position or not is immaterial -i will still say my piece - still have an opinion and i am going to post it whether it says "moderator", "1k .orger" "sanctimonious and snide" ( thats has come in SO useful madpict) or "gobby opinionated wifie" under my handle. I am around a lot and i post a lot and i amnt going to change that

I was only teasing about the huffing scorrie - honest!!! I NEVER huff and I never sulk although i am still trying toprove that to Robert the Bruce - he is a little reluctant to beleive me IM not sure why

28-Aug-06, 17:18
It has been decided in law that messages made on message boards do have the same social substance as if they were spoken or written, and are subject to libel and defamation lawsuit. Therefore I would just like to say the law doesn't necessarily take your line though I can see the spirit in which your post was made.

Thats a fair comment Rheghead, I guess i just have learned over the years that i dont give two hoots what anyone thinks of me unless they love me and i love them. They are the only people that count and the rest I dont let bother me - I apply that to my internet activity too. Like? dislike? its immaterial to me I just try to be who i am and thats that

28-Aug-06, 17:40
Oh - if you mean a newly formed clique which is about mods then im guilty as charged.

No, it is not a new clique I am talking about, just the same one that was always there. As I explained earlier, I did not expect to ever be embraced by it. In any case, as Groucho once said, "I refuse to join any club that would have ME as a member"

28-Aug-06, 17:58
Amazing that nearly everyone denying the clique is a moderator ;o)

I think I was denying a cleek long before I put a pointy Mod hat on. Oh, maybe that is part of the initiation process - deny the cleek, get the hat? :D

28-Aug-06, 18:04
Well, if the hat fits...:roll:


28-Aug-06, 19:25
NFJB are you quite well?

Very well thanks for asking :D

Sometimes I cannot string the words together as elequontly as many others and struggle to get my meaning across as I think it in my head. So I am not sure what you mean as I dont think you took my post as I intended it to be. Anyway I have really enjoyed this thread it has been one of the better ones on the .org for quite a while. And it has done my rep points a power of good Thanks folks.
You cannot beat a good hoolie every now and then. :lol:

Colin Manson
28-Aug-06, 19:36

As you say friends gather as will all aspects of life, some of the longest members of this forum are of course moderators, tried and trusted users that we think can carry the responsibility without abusing it. (not that they are able to do that anyway)

The moderators have been limited by...the moderators, it was their suggestion that we had enough people, AFAIK none of them are related to each other in the slightest, we started with a core of moderators that came from the chat room, if that is the clique then I am clearly to blame for forming it. I picked out a few people in the early days of the chat room because I wasn't able to be there every night.

I agree that most users are no trouble at all and there has always been a minority that have ended up leaving us after long running arguments.

Nothing has changed in the rules, so the moderation wont be any different, there isn't a rule about what topics you choose.

It's been 5 days with new moderators and would you like to know how many warnings or infraction points they have issued?

Well I'll tell you anyway... 0, yep that's correct not even one warning has been issued by a moderator. They have certainly been working but it's mostly been clearing up old items in the classifieds that have been sold. Now if you pay attention to some people, you'd think that they have been on a rampage settling old scores and getting rid of the enemy.

At what point will people accept that it's a better system, fairer because moderators have time to deal with issues by giving warnings, when it was only the admins we didn't have time to deal with the problems in a gentle manner. I'd like to think that we'll have an empty jail from now on. Of course there are always the few that don't like being told where the line is and they break it just because it's there. That will never change...

Each year the forum increases in size, we have double the number of active users in less than 12 months, they post twice as many threads and four times as many posts within those threads. It may just be me but that looks like we are doing something good.


Phew, well Colin you did ask!!

Thought I would chuck in my opinion to the, ever more melting, melting pot.

When I first joined the org my initial feeling was that there was a clique. Three years on, I still consider that there is a clique. Obviously that happens in all walks of life and it is clear that some people here know other members and are even related in some cases. With me not knowing anyone else on the site, and them probably not knowing me, I cannot expect to be part of the inner sanctum and I post away anyway in the hope that I might amuse someone or perhaps make them look at a situation from another angle. The rep points I have gathered let me know I have had some success on that score and users sometimes kindly leave a positive comment. My worry would be that too many friends of friends and cousins of cousins might end up forming an excessive amount of moderators for what I see as a fairly problem free board. Most users seem pretty sensible to my eyes and some of the persisitent offenders have been sent packing after having been well warned in most cases I recall. I would not like to see the board over-moderated and become a place for only the most banal of topics, with users frightened to say anything out of turn, or even mildly controversial. There would not be much point in being the moderator of a board only consisting of moderators!!

28-Aug-06, 19:50
there is that clique thing again!!!!

it baffles me - i dont get it - im not in it and as a mod i think i should have been invited to be in any clique thats going so please if you are the "leader of the clique" let me know who you are so that i can be personally offended that i havent been asked and flood your inbox with pms telling you so and threatening to unmask you to the whole world if i dont get invited

***huff huff huff***

Squidge, people label something as a clique if they are not in it and wish that they were... its a jealosy thing.

I must ask a question here - did someone ship in a container load of assault rifles, RPGs and litre bottles of testosterone? There is a lot of bad-tempered flak whistling around here and such a carry-on can only be damaging to the org. It will put off a lot of those who are currently in the lurking phase and may make a number of milder souls throw their lot in.

Come on peeps - calm down, shake hands and say sorry. Gleber2 - you can't leave - who will I talk to on those long evenings?

28-Aug-06, 20:06
This is a very good community web site that appears to be growing very fast.
Care has to be taken so that it can expand without it implodding on itself.Colin and Niall do a great job for which at times must feel like an uphill stuggle.You cannot no matter how hard you try please everyone.:roll:
I for one enjoy the postings and will continue to do so,my only complaint is that some people appear to be taking everything so personnel.
Lighten up:Razz

28-Aug-06, 20:20
there is that clique thing again!!!!

it baffles me - i dont get it - im not in it and as a mod i think i should have been invited to be in any clique thats going so please if you are the "leader of the clique" let me know who yo uare so that i can be personally offended that i havent been asked and flood your inbox with pms telling you so and threatening to unmask you to the whole world if i dont get invited

***huff huff huff***

Taking the proverbial out of someones post does not make what they say any less relevant

I wanna join too... no fair!:eek:

why does it take 2 to denegrade scorries post?

Colin Manson
28-Aug-06, 20:34
AFAIK none of them are related to each other in the slightest

Now I know different, 2 of the moderators emailed me to say that they are indeed related and will step down if required.

I don't see that it makes any difference and as far as I am concerned all the moderators will remain as they are.

If anyone appears to be bias and unfair then I will remove their status.


28-Aug-06, 20:36
Taking the proverbial out of someones post does not make what they say any less relevant
why does it take 2 to denegrade scorries post?
Add me to the list, why is it when we hear all the shouting about cliques, on the Org nobody names names, why dont you?

28-Aug-06, 20:50
Add me to the list, why is it when we hear all the shouting about cliques, on the Org nobody names names, why dont you?

Add you to what list?
Why don't I what?
I took issue with 2 users jumping on scorries post as if he/she is some kind of moron for having a certain point of view, why would you possibly have a problem with that?

28-Aug-06, 21:39
How many Moderators are there in total now?:confused

28-Aug-06, 21:42
it show 11 at the bottom of the main page

28-Aug-06, 21:43
it show 11 at the bottom of the main pageThats's how many are logged on just now. I was wondering how many there are in total? :roll:

28-Aug-06, 21:47
Thats's how many are logged on just now. I was wondering how many there are in total? :roll:

oooops sorry i thought that was how many there was

28-Aug-06, 21:52
Thats's how many are logged on just now. I was wondering how many there are in total? :roll:

The names shown are the total number who have chosen to moderate the General forum. It doesn't mean they're logged on. If you look at Classifieds, you'll find there are 8. I don't "do" classifeds ;)

28-Aug-06, 21:56
The names shown are the total number who have chosen to moderate the General forum. It doesn't mean they're logged on. If you look at Classifieds, you'll find there are 8. I don't "do" classifeds ;)But there's some who's names aren't there, that's why I'm confused as to how many there are in total????:eek:

28-Aug-06, 21:59
lol am no sure but i think by what moira says it may be cos they are chatroom moderators or moderators for another section am just well confussed me :confused:

28-Aug-06, 22:00
So who do you reckon is not named there? As far as I'm aware, that's it.

28-Aug-06, 22:03
So who do you reckon is not named there? As far as I'm aware, that's it.
A cameron and Highlander are the two I'm thinking of.

28-Aug-06, 22:04
I think they just moderate the chatroom, but don't quote me on that:lol: Could be wrong, it wouldn't be the first time lol

28-Aug-06, 22:06
I think they just moderate the chatroom, but don't quote me on that:lol: Could be wrong, it wouldn't be the first time lolSo how many moderators and how many chat room moderators are there in total? :confused:

28-Aug-06, 22:08
I think they just moderate the chatroom, but don't quote me on that:lol: Could be wrong, it wouldn't be the first time lol

if you dont know and your a moderator lol, what hope have we got of understanding it all:lol:

28-Aug-06, 22:11
Could be that they're only moderating in the Chatroom. Will put a call into Godmin on my direct line here & see if they'll confirm this :lol:

28-Aug-06, 22:14
if you dont know and your a moderator lol, what hope have we got of understanding it all:lol:

I was invited to become a mod very recently, I have never been given a list of the other mods, we just find out in the same way you do, by checking what it says at the bottom of the boards and against folks names.:D Sorry, not a lot of help, am I lol.

28-Aug-06, 22:17
I was invited to become a mod very recently, I have never been given a list of the other mods, we just find out in the same way you do, by checking what it says at the bottom of the boards and against folks names. Sorry, not a lot of help, am I lol.No help at all. I nearly fell of my seat with excitment when I saw a reply:mad: How am I supposed to sleep tonight not knowing lol. :lol:

28-Aug-06, 22:21
So how many moderators and how many chat room moderators are there in total? :confused:

some of the longest members of this forum are of course moderators, tried and trusted users that we think can carry the responsibility without abusing it.

I count 18 from the memberlist, some haven't been orgers for 12 months, 9 months in some cases and short of 120 posts.

28-Aug-06, 22:22
At the foot of the main forum index is "Mark Forums Read - View Forum Leaders"

Clicking on View Forum Leaders shows the list.

Some in there such as Richards Garage have been listed for a long time now.

28-Aug-06, 22:25
At the foot of the main forum index is "Mark Forums Read - View Forum Leaders"

Clicking on View Forum Leaders shows the list.

Some in there such as Richards Garage have been listed for a long time now.So why have A Cameron and Highlander got moderator on theor profile but not anywhere else?

Colin Manson
28-Aug-06, 22:33
There are 15 Moderators in total, I think it's a reasonable number considering that -

We get about 500 posts per day.
Not all Mods do all the sections.
Not everyone is on everyday or all hours of the day.
They cover both the chat room and the forum.

All have access to the use the Infraction system, some choose certain sections of the forum to moderate.

Outside the Classifieds they can - Lock threads or Soft delete threads.

Soft delete hides the post from users but Moderators and Admin can read it, if a post contains something which breaks the rules the Moderator can issue a warning and hide (soft delete) the post. When that is done a record is created so that all the moderators and the admins can see what has been done and who did it.

In the classifieds they can Lock, soft delete or physical delete.

Physical delete removes the post from the database and is just used to remove items that have been sold.

So far moderators have only been removing these sold items, the few warnings that have been issued since we started the system have been done by admins.

When a user Reports a Post using the Report Post button it also creates a post in the Moderator section, anyone that has opted to moderate the section concerned can go and see if any rule has been broken/removed the sold item.

Therefore the people shouting about Moderators gang rule don't really know what they are talking about, I guess they assumed that a moderator could do a lot more than they actually can.

I hope that explains it now and we can now get back to more intersting topics.


28-Aug-06, 22:40
And who in blazes is the admin member otherwise known as Ghost (http://forum.caithness.org/member.php?u=3946)? [lol]

Is this some kind of a childish joke in the making?

28-Aug-06, 22:43
And who in blazes is the admin member otherwise known as Ghost (http://forum.caithness.org/member.php?u=3946)? [lol]

Is this some kind of a childish joke in the making?

It's the chatroom resident spook. Seen it a few times when I've been in - not in the least bit scary:lol:

28-Aug-06, 22:46
It's the chatroom resident spook. Seen it a few times when I've been in - not in the least bit scary:lol:

Well he won't be the first or the last to make a spirit-fuelled outburst on the Org. At least he can walk through the walls of Orgatraz and get back online!:D

28-Aug-06, 22:46
Connie i have been a moderator in the chat rooms for years, since this new flashchat came on the scene, it has been getting a lot of new names, a lot of them are ones who only ever used the messageboard, at the moment i am happy just to carry on and moderate in the chatrooms, and leave the messageboard to others.

Colin Manson
28-Aug-06, 22:47
So how many moderators and how many chat room moderators are there in total? :confused:

some of the longest members of this forum are of course moderators, tried and trusted users that we think can carry the responsibility without abusing it.

I count 18 from the memberlist, some haven't been orgers for 12 months, 9 months in some cases and short of 120 posts.

You have counted the 3 Car Sales section Moderators, they don't have the same options, they work only within their own sections.

I fail to see your point about the 1 Moderator that fits your statement, your 'some' is one person. Those tried and trusted named the rest of the Users that were then invited to join, some choose not to but not many. Time on the forum and post count wasn't an issue, I think you'll find that she has been in the chat room nearly every day for a long time.


p.s. I can't believe that you have never seen the Ghost, have you never been in the chatroom?

28-Aug-06, 22:50
I count 18 from the memberlist, some haven't been orgers for 12 months, 9 months in some cases and short of 120 posts.

How come you're not a mod Rheghead?
Not been here long enough? Don't post enough?
Got a bad rep?

Just plain old untrustworthy? ;)

Have you posted something vaguely controversial you naughty naughty boy??? :lol:

28-Aug-06, 22:54
p.s. I can't believe that you have never seen the Ghost, have you never been in the chatroom?

He has, but probably didn't want to say anything in case we all thought he was mad ;)

28-Aug-06, 23:00
It's the chatroom resident spook. Seen it a few times when I've been in - not in the least bit scary:lol:
Moira, I too have seen the resident chatroom spook, an he scares me [lol]

28-Aug-06, 23:02
Moira, I too have seen the resident chatroom spook, an he scares me [lol]

Don't be scared Golach, he is really just a wee sweetie pie lol

28-Aug-06, 23:08
You have counted the 3 Car Sales section Moderators, they don't have the same options, they work only within their own sections.

I count 20 including yourselves, admin et al and your ghost, that is without counting the specialist moderators like the garages and athross in the photography section.. Though I take it some might just have chatroom powers though I do not know how to differentiate between them?

nibis I have never met online, 5 posts? You either know this orger personally or I assume this is another of the admin's alter egos like zael perhaps?

28-Aug-06, 23:32
How come you're not a mod Rheghead?
Not been here long enough? Don't post enough?
Got a bad rep?

Just plain old untrustworthy?

Have you posted something vaguely controversial you naughty naughty boy??? :lol:

I have probably been guilty of being involved in pointless discussion/arguements otherwise known as a mild form of trolling, and that was probably with only jjc, and it was a long time ago. That may be the only faux pas that I've committed. I am never abusive though or I certainly don't intend to be. I might say things to get a reaction by coming out with arrogant statements, but it is never insulting, just ad hominem or engaging in nature, as you know only too well.

I once got bad repped by Colin for thinking bad of admin over brandy's ban, though I never actually accused him of bad moderation, rather fortunate really as he had good cause apparently. His bad rep was a bit cowardly, since he turned his rep off, imho.

Oh yes, i seem to remember I couldn't get on the Org for week, I wasn't told why, I guessed at the time it was because I was in a discussion about windfarms with Porshiepoo and I told her she was clueless. But I realised that the forum got changed in format that week so I put it down to teething probs with the transition period and saw we all couldn't get on. So if I was sent to orgatraz then I didn't suffer anymore than anyone else, lucky eh?

I feel that I've come along way from my early org days, and just recently I have been making a real special effort to empathise with both sides of the issues, a result of a critique that Squidge pulled me up on a few weeks ago, I'm trying real hard to be a sweetie darling now.:o

Cedric Farthsbottom III
28-Aug-06, 23:53
The chat room on here was non existent to me.Couldnae get on it,the computer said NO!!!!

Now with flashchat ye can have a blether with anyone who is on.The new moderators,are folk who regularly go on.There's always gonnae be cliques because some orgers get on better wi others.Its true.

Believe it or not some orgers know each other.I have met a few,through the org night out or through blethers.If ye think the site is cliquee....welcome to the club.I have met a lot of people through this site,new friends and AULD friends,ye orgers know what I mean.

The NEW moderators are what this thread is all about.Go in the chat room and see what its all about.Thats why their there.99% o' the time their not needed,but as always ye never know.

A moderator is an orger,we're all orgers,if ye aren't then what ye doin' here?:lol: :lol:

29-Aug-06, 00:10
The definition of clique is "a small, exclusive group of people" which really is everyone who registers to post in the forums. By being permitted access to the forums you are granted a level of exclusivity which those outside the Org do not have.
So if there is a clique, then even the ones who claim it exists are in it.....:D

29-Aug-06, 00:14
A moderator is an orger,we're all orgers,if ye aren't then what ye doin' here?:lol: :lol:

Exactly Cedric... We're just the same as everyone else. Here to post and have a laugh.

29-Aug-06, 01:45


a whole knew generation of Johnny Cash songs could be written[lol]

29-Aug-06, 02:07

a whole knew generation of Johnny Cash songs could be written[lol]

I will credit madpict for that one! :D

29-Aug-06, 03:12
And here's the ghost that some find scary -


29-Aug-06, 03:25
And here's the ghost that some find scary -


What's this? The lurking around the orgers ghost? :D

29-Aug-06, 03:27
What's this? The lurking around the orgers ghost? :D

Who knows lol but its just another daft story.

29-Aug-06, 09:32
Looks like the frothy bit you get after stirring your coffee? (Damn, I must get out more....)

29-Aug-06, 09:36
Looks like the frothy bit you get after stirring your coffee? (Damn, I must get out more....)

You too eh?

29-Aug-06, 09:48
oh i think this place is great, just one little thingie though.... a question if u like????

Do people get warnings before they are banned or are they straight banned???

We all make mistakes and get a little irate under the collar sometimes and a rash decision could get u banned, when a slap on the wrist would prob be better??

29-Aug-06, 09:51
Here's the rules explaining the new system :-

29-Aug-06, 10:10
I have probably been guilty of being involved in pointless discussion/arguements otherwise known as a mild form of trolling, and that was probably with only jjc, and it was a long time ago. That may be the only faux pas that I've committed. I am never abusive though or I certainly don't intend to be. I might say things to get a reaction by coming out with arrogant statements, but it is never insulting, just ad hominem or engaging in nature, as you know only too well.

I once got bad repped by Colin for thinking bad of admin over brandy's ban, though I never actually accused him of bad moderation, rather fortunate really as he had good cause apparently. His bad rep was a bit cowardly, since he turned his rep off, imho.

Oh yes, i seem to remember I couldn't get on the Org for week, I wasn't told why, I guessed at the time it was because I was in a discussion about windfarms with Porshiepoo and I told her she was clueless. But I realised that the forum got changed in format that week so I put it down to teething probs with the transition period and saw we all couldn't get on. So if I was sent to orgatraz then I didn't suffer anymore than anyone else, lucky eh?

I feel that I've come along way from my early org days, and just recently I have been making a real special effort to empathise with both sides of the issues, a result of a critique that Squidge pulled me up on a few weeks ago, I'm trying real hard to be a sweetie darling now.:oI dont think you are being entirely truthfull you have been extremely insulting to me on a few occassions. And one of your posts directed towards me was extremely abusive.

29-Aug-06, 10:22
The definition of clique is "a small, exclusive group of people" which really is everyone who registers to post in the forums. By being permitted access to the forums you are granted a level of exclusivity which those outside the Org do not have.
So if there is a clique, then even the ones who claim it exists are in it.....:D

HOORAY! I'm in the clique at last; in fact all the time and I didn't know it! Wayhey!
Thanks for that MadPict; you have made my day! :lol:

29-Aug-06, 11:29
The definition of clique is "a small, exclusive group of people" which really is everyone who registers to post in the forums. By being permitted access to the forums you are granted a level of exclusivity which those outside the Org do not have.
So if there is a clique, then even the ones who claim it exists are in it.....:D
Drat!!!!!! and double drat!!!! MP, you have destroyed my moral standing in one fell swoop, I have needlessly denied my self the luxury of belonging to a clique all this time......well done [lol]

29-Aug-06, 11:45
I dont think you are being entirely truthfull you have been extremely insulting to me on a few occassions. And one of your posts directed towards me was extremely abusive.

Send me a pm with references then I will apologise if necessary.

29-Aug-06, 12:17
Well the poll results seem fairly conclusive. The forum is widely regarded as pretty good all-in-all.
Perhaps we have come through this sticky patch without too many casualties...

29-Aug-06, 13:11
I can't really comment on the forum side of the site as I am quite new, but from my own experience here, I have found everyone very welcoming and kind:cool:

That aside, I would just like to congratulate you for the information available on this fantastic website, its a wealth of information and is one of the best local area community websites I have ever been on:D

I think every area should have a website like this, well done!

Thank you
This is praise that is well overdue - I agree whole heartedly.
I use the info part of the site frequently - and a lot of our distant family do the same.
Well DONE and THANKYOU for all that Caithness.org is and does.

29-Aug-06, 13:22
This is praise that is well overdue - I agree whole heartedly.
I use the info part of the site frequently - and a lot of our distant family do the same.
Well DONE and THANKYOU for all that Caithness.org is and does.

here here!

29-Aug-06, 15:19
Drat!!!!!! and double drat!!!! MP, you have destroyed my moral standing in one fell swoop, I have needlessly denied my self the luxury of belonging to a clique all this time......well done [lol]

Sorry Golach.....

29-Aug-06, 16:35
Cant please all of the people all of the time, not every1 thinks in the same direction as every1 else. Good variety is the spice of life for me;)

29-Aug-06, 22:04
I cannot for the life of me understand the people who voted this site as rubbish. I suppose it is there opinion. If they a regular visitors, why torture themselves and visit?
A good website is where people will come back from time to time - a Great website is where you visit everyday.

Quote "The portal caught the eye of the judges because it managed to capture the 'true spirit of the internet' by engaging an entire community."

There is a very small minority who dont like caithness.org and thats there judgement, but if you dont like it there are plenty space on the internet for them to find there peace.

"clique [kleek](plural cliques)n
exclusive group: a close group of friends or colleagues having similar interests and goals, and whom outsiders regard as excluding them "

I admit that I am in a clique, and the clique consists of a group of people who visit Caithness.org who enjoy and appreciates the site.

01-Sep-06, 21:45
I have watched this site/forum for many many years as i have close friends in caithness who i visit every year in fact next week, never have i seen such an informative and up to the second website if i want to know about orkney id probably be better looking on here, I have seen quite a few spout ther mooth but thankfully they have been removed, Dont knock what a great asset you have

01-Sep-06, 22:12
I cannot for the life of me understand the people who voted this site as rubbish. I suppose it is there opinion. If they a regular visitors, why torture themselves and visit?
A good website is where people will come back from time to time - a Great website is where you visit everyday.

Quote "The portal caught the eye of the judges because it managed to capture the 'true spirit of the internet' by engaging an entire community."

There is a very small minority who dont like caithness.org and thats there judgement, but if you dont like it there are plenty space on the internet for them to find there peace.

"clique [kleek](plural cliques)n
exclusive group: a close group of friends or colleagues having similar interests and goals, and whom outsiders regard as excluding them "

I admit that I am in a clique, and the clique consists of a group of people who visit Caithness.org who enjoy and appreciates the site.

The site is hardly rubbish, it's award winning and should be congratulated for it's success.