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23-Feb-11, 19:32
BT and Openreach have a lot to answer for, but who, I ask myself can sort this bunch of incompetent nincompoops out, as yet another couple whose lives are thrown into absolute turmoil http://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/Article.aspx/2148899

With both companies blaming the other and technical problems being ignored by both!

A similar situation with ourselves availed itself last summer on us and it took BT more than 4 months to sort our connection out and not before our local Councillor Mr. John Thurso intervened.

In that short period of time we had no less than three different phone numbers allocated to us, we had to instal the cable ourselves at Bt's insistance and our business suffered a great deal of lost custom.

We were never offered satisfactory explanation, we were never compensated for our loss and this despite many promises from Bt's chairman himself!

"Going public" may help this couple's cause, but I think it's high time someone in authority was making enquiry as to "why" it is the people in the extreme north who are expected to just put up and shut up about the shoddy service offered by both these companies,

I think we are as a county perfectly entitled to explanation from Bt and Openreach as to why it is that they are seemingly inadequate in doing their jobs.

What do you think?

23-Feb-11, 22:06
Well my opinions on this company... companies are well known; I'm amazed they've managed to beat people down into accepting really crappy service and not demanding better. How can they can get away with crappy resolution reports like 'replaced line card' and people or the media just don't say anything.

I'm not sure what the problem is. I know BE which operates in some parts of the country are the polar opposite, even my personal experiences with all the Virgin Cable services were pretty good (though some people have had bad ones).

I think the particular problem with BT is one that affects a lot of medium to large and corporate sized companies, especially IT and technology companies:

They pay crappy wages at some levels so get people who either don't care or aren't willing to put in effort for what they get.
They think they can train technical ability, critical thinking and troubleshooting skills into people in 2 to 4 weeks.
They're very nepotistic (you expect a certain amount in anything, but they go overboard) they promote friends, family, drinking buddies etc. When this goes beyond a critical limit quality falls.
Anyone with decent ability either leaves because of this or are so beaten down that they just give up and don't care.

That's not to say they don't have decent people who haven't given up but those people probably will someday. I'm sure everyone on here knows someone who works or has worked in the Thurso Manpower BT call centre, they'll tell you how bad it is.

They might actually get competitive if BT Wholesale didn't own most of the infrastructure and it was open for other companies to bid on and use at a lower level.