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View Full Version : Coos Moos

24-Aug-06, 22:12
Did any one else pick up on the report that coos have regional accents?
I am wondering if any of you farmers have noticed this fact and if so how is your coo 's moo different to others?
Or maybe the research was just a lot of BULL !

24-Aug-06, 22:17
It was touched on here!:lol:

24-Aug-06, 22:39
I don't know about regional accents but coos have individual voices, just as people have. I can often tell which of my coos is roaring, unseen. And my coos sound different from my neighbour's coos - so perhaps there is something in it!

25-Aug-06, 13:21
The recent news report about cow’s accents stated that the creatures mimic the farmer’s accent.

All I can say is that if the bovines surrounding my house mimicked their farmer then the air would be loud with ‘bloo coo’!!


25-Aug-06, 22:13
The coos on Harris moo in Gailic.

25-Aug-06, 22:22
Don't know about coos but Sir Iain Noble claims his dog speaks Gaelic!
He got it from an English speaking source but taught it to respond to Gaelic commands!