View Full Version : Roads

10-Feb-11, 17:55
The roads are getting into a really bad state. There are pot holes, holes where drainage covers are sunk too far below the level of the road, patches breaking up etc. It's getting widespread. The south road is bad, the road out to Papigoe, the road from Wick to Thurso etc. It reminds me of holidaying in the Republic of Ireland years ago. I don't think my car's suspension can take much more!

10-Feb-11, 18:15
If you notice any Potholes in the road and you can stop safely, then get a Photo of it. Then the next time you are online go to the link below and post the details. This site does actually work, as I have reported Potholes in my Street and usually within a week they have been patched. It is definately worth a try.


10-Feb-11, 18:18
The roads are getting into a really bad state. There are pot holes, holes where drainage covers are sunk too far below the level of the road, patches breaking up etc. It's getting widespread. The south road is bad, the road out to Papigoe, the road from Wick to Thurso etc. It reminds me of holidaying in the Republic of Ireland years ago. I don't think my car's suspension can take much more!

Agree with you about the South of Ireland, spent a week there doing a driving tour, an awful amount of their roads are diabolical, like a switch-back, bumps everywhere - although the EU funded stretches were good. We crossed over via Holyhead to Dublin and back via Rosslaire, our car had serious mechanical problems including the engine mounts..

10-Feb-11, 18:21
The road out to Tesco is bad aswell,not good for the cars suspension etc,grudge paying road tax and the roads are in such a mess.

10-Feb-11, 18:29
Quite surprised we have only had one car in with pothole damage that is obvious (spring broken) with the quantity and depth of some of the holes on the roads!

10-Feb-11, 21:26
The roads are getting into a really bad state. There are pot holes, holes where drainage covers are sunk too far below the level of the road, patches breaking up etc. It's getting widespread. The south road is bad, the road out to Papigoe, the road from Wick to Thurso etc. It reminds me of holidaying in the Republic of Ireland years ago. I don't think my car's suspension can take much more!

OK peeps you've had your winge now DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

1. Take a photograph of the pot hole with something in it or beside it to indicate it's size/depth.
2. Send an e-mail with the photograph to [email protected]

It's that simple, and I know it works because I've done it and had hole measuring 4'x 3' x 6"deep filled within two days.

10-Feb-11, 22:27
If it was the odd hole or a couple off off the beaten track then fair enough but the problem is widespread and obvious. It would take a long time to catalogue them all. I will contact them though about the general problem.

10-Feb-11, 22:46
OK peeps you've had your winge now DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

1. Take a photograph of the pot hole with something in it or beside it to indicate it's size/depth.
2. Send an e-mail with the photograph to [email protected]

It's that simple, and I know it works because I've done it and had hole measuring 4'x 3' x 6"deep filled within two days.
Roads OK here - although many years ago our road the U155 was so potholed we were able to park our car in one!.
Called Jamie Stone to show him (after everyone else; including Road/Highland Council had ignored us) he came down and weeks later we had a mile of 4 inch thick pristine tarmac - pays to complain!

10-Feb-11, 23:39
OK peeps you've had your winge now DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

1. Take a photograph of the pot hole with something in it or beside it to indicate it's size/depth.
2. Send an e-mail with the photograph to [email protected]

It's that simple, and I know it works because I've done it and had hole measuring 4'x 3' x 6"deep filled within two days.

You mean like this (http://www.break.com/usercontent/2008/2/Car-in-Hole-446388)

11-Feb-11, 10:01
The state of a countrys roads is a good indication of the state of the countrys economy.

11-Feb-11, 19:14
If you notice any Potholes in the road and you can stop safely, then get a Photo of it. http://www.fixmystreet.com/

Good grief Kodiak, if I were to do this on every single "pot-hole" ([evil]) on even a very small stretch of road in Caithness, I'd have absolutley no film at all left in camera and probably would also end up with a very large fine for stopping traffic !!! :eek::eek:

11-Feb-11, 19:37
I do my best to not drive in a pothole but theres so many of them its impossible to miss all of them. To be fair the council have filled some really nasty ones after the snow and ice. All we can do is keep badgering them to do the rest. Complaining about it here won't get it done.

11-Feb-11, 20:18
Good grief Kodiak, if I were to do this on every single "pot-hole" ([evil]) on even a very small stretch of road in Caithness, I'd have absolutley no film at all left in camera and probably would also end up with a very large fine for stopping traffic !!! :eek::eek:

Film in camera? Are you living in 1986 cherokee?