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View Full Version : Amazing Story!!

24-Aug-06, 18:35

24-Aug-06, 18:48
Wow ! that terrible, you cant begin to imagine what her parents must be going through thinking their daughter was dead and now shes alive and well. And the poor girl, how frightened she must of been. Good luck to them.

24-Aug-06, 19:08
For all the sad and tragic news, day after day, how nice to get a breath of fresh air as that story seems to be.

24-Aug-06, 19:49
Thats amazing! I dread to think what the poor girl has been through, I hope she can work through the traumas and enjoy a long, healthy and happy life x

24-Aug-06, 20:00
what an amazing turn of events.....fantastic story.
throwing himself in front of a train was too good for the guy...he must have been a raving lunatic.....but at least he didn't kill her so goodness knows what his motives were!!
Shame she has missed out on most of her teenage years....the best time of life so they say.