View Full Version : pics of latest quilt finished! *G*

03-Feb-11, 23:23
just finished it tonight.. been really busy latley so not had a chance to do much with it.. but its finally done!
on to the next ! *laughs* it should be interesting its a mario quilt!


03-Feb-11, 23:33
Its lovely!
Not doing a HK one???

03-Feb-11, 23:47
now you know i would have to do more than one.. cause iona would not let lauren have it to herself and lauren would freak when iona tried to take it! but i may be persuaded!

03-Feb-11, 23:53
Mum is knitting a HK for you know who!
Iona is coveting Euans blanket with tractors on it!

03-Feb-11, 23:54
my god that is lovely!! do you make them for people??

would love one for my daughter!!!

pm please!!

04-Feb-11, 00:17
once i get caught up.. i said i would make for the cost of material.. grins.. that way i get to do my hobby and someone gets a baby quilt!

04-Feb-11, 00:35
how much roughly would you charge????

would really love one for my daughter!

Can you put names and stuff on??

04-Feb-11, 00:47
my embroidery skills are non existent at the moment.. this one is only the second quilt ive ever made.. so very new at this. as for what i would charge.. just the cost of the materials to make the quilt.. and that depends on the pattern used and material+ threads. at the moment ive not gotten past just using squares and straight cuts in my sewing so it is really basic.. but happy to make something once i get thru my list of new babies in my family!*laughs*

04-Feb-11, 01:45
Yey lass ye're on a roll...wonder is you have ever thought of an heirloom quilt, made from pieces of the clothing worn by your child and usually given as a wedding present.

04-Feb-11, 02:27
so it woild need to be patterned material??


04-Feb-11, 09:07
im gathering scrap to make a quilt from the kids clothes that they are outgrowing now. just old shirts and what not.. will make a patchwork out of them when i get around to it.. *Grins*

aleicia: the material can be anything you want it to be.. as long as its cotton or a cotton blend.. and not stretchy material.. thats a pain.. the pattern is the design of the quilt.. the block pattern that is used..
some are a lot easier than others.

04-Feb-11, 15:46
Another absolutely beautiful quilt Brandy!