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View Full Version : Anthology - Proposal

23-Aug-06, 02:22
Wouldn't it be grand to have an Anthology produced from here?
I think there are enough folk who can write to get the ball rolling, which might help encourage others, but I'd like to get the readers involved as well. They could maybe be 'the market' and reflect their tastes in the book by giving some ideas to the writers so that it becomes a collaborative effort. Then, if that works, maybe we can get the photographers and artists to provide illustrations.
Anyone game to try?

23-Aug-06, 02:43
Sounds like a terrific idea.

23-Aug-06, 02:47
That's good to hear. Would need essentially short stories and poetry, plus articles, humorous and otherwise.

23-Aug-06, 07:33
That's good to hear. Would need essentially short stories and poetry, plus articles, humorous and otherwise.
I shall attempt to write something especially for it. As soon as I get a sec...
Any minute now...

23-Aug-06, 09:26
How about an article about where you live? Kind of give us a picture of the area?

02-Sep-06, 01:35
Wouldn't it be grand to have an Anthology produced from here?
I think there are enough folk who can write to get the ball rolling, which might help encourage others, but I'd like to get the readers involved as well. They could maybe be 'the market' and reflect their tastes in the book by giving some ideas to the writers so that it becomes a collaborative effort. Then, if that works, maybe we can get the photographers and artists to provide illustrations.
Anyone game to try?

I'm up for it! ;)

02-Sep-06, 01:40
I'm up for it! ;)

That's good to hear. We may need to bounce a few ideas around, but I believe an Organthology is possible.