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25-Jan-11, 12:45
Ok the big question this morning is about housework...I don't really do show home stylee housework but have a pattern of domestic cleaning I more or less stick to, bathrooms cleaned 3 times a week, loos daily (I have boys!) worktops wiped down and dishes done etc, a spot of hoovering in some part of the house or another daily....what routines do others follow ( I need to know if I do too little or too much domestic stuff!) I also cook daily at least two meals, we don't really do carry out or pre packed food so surely that counts for a bit?

25-Jan-11, 13:01
Ok the big question this morning is about housework...I don't really do show home stylee housework but have a pattern of domestic cleaning I more or less stick to, bathrooms cleaned 3 times a week, loos daily (I have boys!) worktops wiped down and dishes done etc, a spot of hoovering in some part of the house or another daily....what routines do others follow ( I need to know if I do too little or too much domestic stuff!) I also cook daily at least two meals, we don't really do carry out or pre packed food so surely that counts for a bit?

Each person and every Household is completely different. What may suit one will not suit another. In this life there is no absolutes so if you and your family are happy with what you do that is the perfect routine for you and your household.

25-Jan-11, 13:05
Sounds about right Kathy! Different people do differnt things.

My routine changes all the time. I have to stay quiet whilst hubby is in bed after night shift so cant get hoovering done.

Hoovering of entire house is once a week, hoover livingroom and lobby more often. Kitchen gets done daily even though it still looks like a bomb has hit it, ironing once a week, depending on washing load can do 3 loads a day sometimes.

Bedding gets stripped once a week. Jay (in the cot) is twice a week. Dishes done daily, Bins emptied pretty much daily, cook every day, bathroom washed down, loo done constantly (boys here too)

But, as i said it changes all the time for me! Right now my house looks blugh, hubby gets out of bed at 2pm so that gives me 45 minutes before first kid comes home from school. I get hoovered in that time and clean up as much as i can then just potter around doing things until dinner time. :)

Oh and i ALWAYS have a list!

25-Jan-11, 15:30
I thought you had a cleaner Kathy???? Lol

25-Jan-11, 15:42
I'd love it for someone else to do my house from top to bottom once a month!
I feel like i'm on auto pilot sometimes same routine and when kids come home it's trashed again!! :roll:

25-Jan-11, 16:00
I pay a woman to clean the house for me. She never used to charge before we got married though. :(

C'est la vie.

25-Jan-11, 16:08
I pay a woman to clean the house for me. She never used to charge before we got married though. :(

C'est la vie.

yeah yeah heard that one before, plenty of times!
Also the one where, you don't do the washing the machine does it!!
Yeah cos the washing picks itself up, sorts out the white and darks and decides, right we're going in!!!
Then the clothes take themselves out of the machine and pegs itself on the line, amazing!!!! :lol:

25-Jan-11, 20:21
We have carpets from stairs up and some kind of fake looking wood effect in lobby near the door, living room and kitchen. Downstairs gets a throughly sweep every night once our boy is in bed for the night. Upstairs hoovered every few days properly more now as we have our cat Merlin now and he is allowed everywhere but in my son's room. Kitchen near kitty litter and round the table get done when needed. Usually for the table after every meal time as my son likes to make a mess lol. Bathroom twice a week but bath washed down daily. Lucky for me though i live with three males only one uses the toilet atm. To be honest the place that gathers the most dirt is the lobby near the front door. We have a no shoes beyond the lobby policy. It's amasing how much dirt is in the lobby at times from the 2 buggies and our outdoor shoes!
Beds get stripped once a week, my son's twice a week. Dishes done everyday and bins when needed. We recycle alot of the rubbish which does mean that the bin does not fill up that quickly.

25-Jan-11, 20:27
Your meant to clean them?:eek:

25-Jan-11, 22:51
I've got a wife for that sort of nonsense.

26-Jan-11, 04:16
I'm with Quentin Crisp on this one..."After three years, the dust doesn't get any worse!":confused

26-Jan-11, 10:06
I must admit to being a slave to housework.
Daily I clean worktops, units, bleach sinks etc. I dust every day and I hoover up to 3 times a day. Groom dogs every other day plus wash walls and woodwork most days. That's without all the Bathroom and bedroom work.

I clean so much mainly because we have pets and our GSD's are semi long coated so just a short play outside on the land gets them soaking wet which they then shake over all the walls. Plus the hairs would be everywhere if I didn't hoover so much.
Plus our coal fire produces so much soot (even though it's closed in) and this has to be done every day otherwise it bugs the hell out of me.

Must admit it would be nice not to have to do quite so much but it's my choice to have animals so I just get on with it.

Penelope Pitstop
26-Jan-11, 10:33
Geez I'm tired just reading what cleaning you lot do in a day!! :)

26-Jan-11, 11:30
D'ya know, I'm currently doing my daily chores and I'm suddenly realising just how much housework I actually do.
On top of all the stuff in my previous post I mop floors several times a day, clean all woodwork several times a day, clean the leather sofa every day due to animal footprints, dust everything with the hoover and brush before polishing, do every edge with the hoover nozzle every day and that's just some of it.
The most anal thing I do though is clean the leaves on my plants every 3 days of so. You may think cleaning leaves is not so bad but I use leaf shine wipes on every single leaf including my Ficus that has hundreds of em.:eek: (thankfully at the moment it's dropped most of them though)

I think housework is taken for granted by the rest of the family though. They get so used to pots washing themselves and clothes walking themselves to the machine that they don't really think about it.
My O/H is a roofer and I've said to him that it's like him laying in a roof, being well chuffed with it but going back the next day and the owners took the whole thing off and it has to be re-done again. For the next 20 years. lol. Only he gets paid for it and I don't!

I've thought about strike action many a time but the thought of leaving things dirty and messy for even a couple of days leaves me all of a jitter. Cluttered house, cluttered mind!

26-Jan-11, 11:52
I went on strike for a week and had to give in....It was me that was running low on underwear!
No one else seemed to notice, not even the fact they all had spag bol for tea everynight gave it away!
The house is a usual mess, but, things actually get cleaned...loos everyday...everything else gets started but never finished!

26-Jan-11, 12:32
Iv tried a strike! Didnt work, dishes stacked up high, washing baskets packed to the brim. Nobody noticed! haha!

I do now get the older 2 to do dishes once a week, also any mess in their room is dealt with by them. I just dust and hoover it. They strip their own beds and make them again.

Hubby cooks once a week but somehow that fairy comes in and cleans up after him and does the dishes lol.

I dont mind cleaning, i hate when i return to the room i have just cleaned 10 minutes before and its a mess already. Gotta start all over again!