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View Full Version : Name of church ?

24-Jan-11, 13:17
hi ,

does anyone know the name of the ruined church in Castletown which is in the trees before you turn into harland gardens?

Does anyone know how old it is or the history of this church ?


24-Jan-11, 13:34
Hi Kay :D

If i remember rightly it dates from 1840 and took over from Olrig Church. It was superceded by Olrig church in 1913

I dont know its official name :(

The Music Monster
24-Jan-11, 13:39

I found this... Don't know if it helps! It is probably a page belonging to someone on here!!


Hope it's useful!

Stack Rock
24-Jan-11, 14:14
Unfortunately this is not the Church - however great info re the one in the old Olrig burial ground.

24-Jan-11, 14:22
Is this the one you mean? http://canmore.rcahms.gov.uk/en/site/224062/details/castletown+stangergill+bridge+church/

Stack Rock
24-Jan-11, 14:31
Is this the one you mean? http://canmore.rcahms.gov.uk/en/site/224062/details/castletown+stangergill+bridge+church/

I'm convinced this is the one as it's beside the Stannergill Bridge.

24-Jan-11, 14:40
Found a picture of it: http://www.churches-uk-ireland.org/images/high/castletown/stang.jpg

24-Jan-11, 14:54
Is this the one?


24-Jan-11, 15:09
Is this any help
Towards A Sustainable Future For Castletown


The Old Parish Church, built in 1840 served the parish until 1929. In order to help build up a picture of public opinion on possible ways forward for the village, the Princes Trust for the Regeneration of the Built Environment has asked Castletown Heritage Society to research the feeling of the community on the future of the old parish church.

If you would like to express an opinion, you can:
a.. email comments to castletown.heritage[AT]talk21.com,
b.. call in to the Castlehill Heritage Centre on Saturday 14th June, from 2pm to 4pm or
c.. send your comments to Castletown Heritage, Castlehill Heritage Centre, Harbour Road, Castletown, KW14 8TG

24-Jan-11, 16:12
Found a picture of it: http://www.churches-uk-ireland.org/images/high/castletown/stang.jpg

yep that is the one ....


24-Jan-11, 16:19
I think this might be ithttp://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=harland+gardens+castletown+caithness&aq=&sll=58.592291,-3.381651&sspn=0.007526,0.032637&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Harland+Gardens,+Castletown,+Thurso,+Caithne ss+KW14+8UD,+United+Kingdom&ll=58.590285,-3.384613&spn=0.000976,0.00408&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=58.590175,-3.384498&panoid=yFZnexAfqfhctbLYVdD41A&cbp=12,275.17,,0,5

24-Jan-11, 16:24

I found this... Don't know if it helps! It is probably a page belonging to someone on here!!


Hope it's useful!

This is one of Mrs Kodiak web pages. The church you are looking is not this one in Olrig.

It is the church in the post above by quality.

I have been informed by Mrs Kodiak that in this Church there is or used to be some Excellent Paintings on the walls inside, that were painted by POW's during WWII.

24-Jan-11, 17:31
I have been informed by Mrs Kodiak that in this Church there is or used to be some Excellent Paintings on the walls inside, that were painted by POW's during WWII.

There are some examples of this work and a record in the National Monument Record which can be accessed on the first link I posted.

The Music Monster
24-Jan-11, 22:11
This is one of Mrs Kodiak web pages.

Well done to her! I spent ages looking through the site and finished feeling like I knew a whole lots more about Caithness, stuff I think I would otherwise never have found out. Fantastic site, thank you!!!