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22-Jan-11, 07:23
When our daughter was born 16 years ago today we were devastated to see she was born with three defomed fingers on her left hand minus her wedding finger and to keep a long story short after umpteen trips to and fro to Jimmys Hospital in Leeds and all the amazing work of the plastic surgeons numerous operations they have given our daughter a new hand by transferring her toes to her hand she isone brave girl because through her childhood she has been taughnted and bullied for her imperfection of her hand but she was one little tuffy she delt with it all today is her birhday and one of her pressies is a ring she can wear on the finger we never thought would happen we can only thank the NHSand all the MEDICAL STAFF throughout her child hood for all the work they have done. Just thought i would share my story which has a happy ending were so proud of her.:D

Mr & Mrs
22-Jan-11, 07:41
It was lovely to read your story this morning - thank you for sharing it with us.

I hope your daughter, and you, enjoy the birthday celebrations.

The Drunken Duck
22-Jan-11, 08:30
Great story, I have always seen surgeons, doctors and nurses as amazingly talented people doing a job I couldnt even begin to contemplate, the responsibility, let alone the talent required is extreme. When you see how they can directly improve the quality of someones life like that it's quite touching.

22-Jan-11, 09:12
Beautiful... I had a wee tear in my eye reading that! Happy birthday to your brave girl and thanks to you for sharing her story. I hope you all have a great day today

22-Jan-11, 09:32
Happy Sweet 16th C xx

Doreen I knew that there was some deformity with her hands but didn't realise it was to that extent! As you say what a brave girl she is to go through all that and yes she is a little tuffy!! Hope all of you enjoy her birthday today - and shall I look the earplugs out ready for the party tonight LOL :D

22-Jan-11, 09:53
Thanks for sharing your story and happy birthday to your daughter.

John Little
22-Jan-11, 09:57
Sometimes language is not enough. 'Awe and wonder' comes pretty close though.

Happy birthday to a remarkable young woman.

22-Jan-11, 10:04
Fabulous story. Thank you for sharing. Your love and pride shines through. Have a lovely birthday and party tonight x

22-Jan-11, 12:00
What a wonderful story,and so inspiring! Hope you all have a wonderful party! x

22-Jan-11, 12:06
Best wishes to you all.

22-Jan-11, 12:21
Happy Birthday to Princess Tuffy! A brave young lady indeed....

22-Jan-11, 12:29
Wishing you and your family all the very best Doreen.

If your daughter is anything like you, then I can understand where her resilience and strength comes from. I hope she wears her ring with such pride that those ignorant bullies may feel ashamed of their actions!

Please wish her a Very Happy 16th Birthday from us here also. XXXX

Beat Bug
22-Jan-11, 12:31
Happy Birthday to a brave teenager! Hope she has a wonderful life.

22-Jan-11, 13:48
Happy 16th Birthday to your daughter, she seems to be an amazing person. Thank you for sharing her story and we wish you and your daughter all that is good

22-Jan-11, 14:08
What a lovely story with a wonderful happy ending.

Wishing your lovely daughter a wonderful 16th birthday and I bet I know what her favourite present is! x

The Happy Humanist
22-Jan-11, 14:14
Many Happy returns to your daughter and thanks for posting that
Last year I travelled to Edinburgh to marry an amazing young couple, beautiful inside and out. The groom had been born with only one hand and the life experiences it brought him, even the bullying made him the good and admirable person he is. It doesn't matter which finger you choose to put a ring on or what shape it is or you are. With courage, as your daughter has, and a good heart there's always a happiness and love to be found.

22-Jan-11, 15:07
Thank you for sharing.

My niece now in her fifties had the same deformity and at that time nothing was done. When she married instead of a ring she had a gold bangle for her left wrist.

Hope you all have a wonderful day, and your daughter a wonderful life.

22-Jan-11, 15:33
I don't often post on here anymore.....

but I'd like to wish your daughter all the very best on her 16th birthday !

22-Jan-11, 15:38
a lovely story right enough doreen, i wish yer girl all 'e happiness through oot her life, an a happy birthday also...

ye must be so proud.

22-Jan-11, 15:41
I hope your daughter has a Happy Birthday

22-Jan-11, 16:06
A lovely story Doreen and I wish your daughter all of the above sentiments, thanks for telling us, have a wonderful, wonderful day. Happy Birthday young lady and many, many more. G.

22-Jan-11, 16:27
What a lovely story:)

Corrie 3
22-Jan-11, 17:36
Lovely story Doreen, thanks for sharing with us. We all have a moan at the good old NHS but with stories like your daughters it brings it home just how good they are and how lucky we are to have them!!!!!
Hope you all have a lovely time at the party !!!

Best wishes.....Corrie 3 .......:)

22-Jan-11, 17:38
Its amazing what surgeons can do now.
You have a very brave young lady to be proud of.:D

Happy 16th birthday.:D

Margaret M.
22-Jan-11, 18:05
We take so much for granted and then we read stories like your daughter's. She sounds like a very brave girl and you have obviously been there to support her through it all. You must be so proud and thrilled for her.

A very special Happy 16th to your daughter, Doreen!

22-Jan-11, 18:21
What an inspiring young lady.

Happy birthday.

22-Jan-11, 19:22
When our daughter was born 16 years ago today we were devastated to see she was born with three defomed fingers on her left hand minus her wedding finger and to keep a long story short after umpteen trips to and fro to Jimmys Hospital in Leeds and all the amazing work of the plastic surgeons numerous operations they have given our daughter a new hand by transferring her toes to her hand she isone brave girl because through her childhood she has been taughnted and bullied for her imperfection of her hand but she was one little tuffy she delt with it all today is her birhday and one of her pressies is a ring she can wear on the finger we never thought would happen we can only thank the NHSand all the MEDICAL STAFF throughout her child hood for all the work they have done. Just thought i would share my story which has a happy ending were so proud of her.:D

Thanks for sharing this beautiful story. The grand daughter of my youngest daughter was born with a lazy eye. She has to correct her vision by wearing special glasses. One time in school a frustrated girl whio was having family problems went into the toilet where my grand daughter was washing up. The frustrated girl tore off my grand daughter's glasses and threw them into the trash can. About that time a teacher came into the toilet and saw what happened to my grand daughter. That brave little tyke told the teacher "forgive that girl - she's having a difficult home life." That made my daughter and me very proud of our little girl. She is celebrating her 8th birthday today.

22-Jan-11, 19:26
I melted my right hand on an electric fire when I was a kid. Got it stuck on the bars - lost the top of one finger and wrecked my thumb, took all the skin off the back of my hand. Poor girl must have gone through some pain over the years, and it'll be an ongoing thing as she gets older too. Well done to her for being brave enough to go through all that. Its not easy!

22-Jan-11, 20:54
Good to get a story that makes you happy and proud for a change instead of the usuall whinging and moaning on here hope your daughter enjoys her birthday.

22-Jan-11, 20:58
It is nice to see a decent, heartwarming, post instead of some of the opinionated stuff to be found on the org

22-Jan-11, 21:21
Wishing you and your family all the very best Doreen.

If your daughter is anything like you, then I can understand where her resilience and strength comes from. I hope she wears her ring with such pride that those ignorant bullies may feel ashamed of their actions!

Please wish her a Very Happy 16th Birthday from us and your neighbours also. XXXX

22-Jan-11, 21:30
Happy birthday.
Take heart lots of people have funny fingers....and as you get older its less of an issue.
I know a guy at work where I never noticed he had a couple of short fingers where the tops were missing one until it was pointed out to me (months later)
Its amazing what surgeons can do!

22-Jan-11, 22:00
Many congratulations to your daughter, Doreen, for her past (and continuing) bravery, and for her birthday!! I hope its a wonderful party :)

23-Jan-11, 15:39
Iam so overwhelmed with such lovely messages of birthday wishes for Chloe i am glad you took the time to read our story and would also like to say that there are lots of parents out their that has to deal with the same situations as we have and some a lot worse never give up always give them encouragement and make them feel special .Chloe had a wonderful night and thanks you all for your lovely birthday wishes you all had me peeping your all ever so kind Thank you all Doreen xxxx

23-Jan-11, 20:54
Happy Birthday to a courageous girl :) I'm sure that she will have a lovely b'day and a wonderful life ahead.
You must be very proud of her as I am sure she is of her parents.
May all the bullies in this often sad & lonely world feel shame & humiliation at their cowardous actions.

Let love & happiness fill your days :)