View Full Version : boys clubs

19-Jan-11, 14:57
Im looking for a club to put my 5 year old to, havent seen much advertised, with times days, what they do at the clubs etc, any help would make a very happy 5 year old,

thanks you in advance

19-Jan-11, 15:25
is he is p1 yet?
most clubs start once they are school age and in p1.. if you are in wick.. there is thursday club at the baptist church on thursday night.. it starts at 6:30-7:30 for the little ones.
then theres Jam club on a friday night.. but the waiting list is pretty long for that one i think.
you could look into beavers.. i think that is on a monday night. also, once hes in school you can sign him up for swimming lessons.. these are 30 min on a tue and thursday. .i think its thursday afternoon for the beginners.

19-Jan-11, 15:30
sorry should have said were in wick. hes in p1 and already does swimming, and loves it but feel hes needing something, instead of just doing stuff with me, its nice when we go out on our bikes, walking the dog, play football etc but needs to play/interact with his own age group cant be out playing with his mither all his life, altho i would miss it big bairn that i am hehe

19-Jan-11, 15:46
The Mini Rugby Club is excellent, my youngest son (following in the footsteps of his older brothers) just started last week, the mircros are on each Sunday from noon to 1 pm at the Games Hall at Wick High School.

19-Jan-11, 18:12
have sent you a pm

19-Jan-11, 18:24
Think there are a couple of dance clubs for boys and girls? Not sure where/when though.

I would also interested in finding out if there are any clubs for boys in Caithness (nearer to Thurso), as when my lad starts school he might like to get involved in something.

Not sure if he'd prefer dancing, or football, or rugby. At the moment he'd be happy with a train spotters club!

19-Jan-11, 19:25
What about the 1st Wick Beaver Scouts.

19-Jan-11, 19:59
i'm hoping to join my 4 year old to "rush dance" next week wed in the assembley rooms.
it's street/ breakdancing.
i seen it avertised somewhere from age 3 up although i cant remember where now :$

19-Jan-11, 20:01
We'r starting street / breakdance classes for boys and girls in the Assembly Rooms in Wick next Wednesday night (26th Jan).
Classes will be weekly for nursery age to primary 7.

We already run classes in Thurso on a Tuesday for all ages.
Find us on facebook www.facebook.com/rush.dance (http://www.facebook.com/rush.dance) or email [email protected]

19-Jan-11, 20:43
what time are the classes going to be in wick?

19-Jan-11, 22:58
Class 1 is for nursery to P3 and its at 6.15-7pm
Class 2 is P4 to P7 and its at 7.15 to 8pm

19-Jan-11, 23:52

There is a Wednesday Club at Wick Youth Club for P1-P7 from 6.30pm-8.30pm. They do arts and crafts, football, table tennis, playstation and lots of other activities.

20-Jan-11, 00:02
and the final question.. what are the prices for everything?