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View Full Version : Nice sounding rooms/building/areas...

17-Jan-11, 22:24
I'm in the last few months of my honours degree studying Popular Music at Napier Uni and for my Major Project (this is the equivelent of a disertation) I'm recording and album using no digital editing or effects. Basically, I need to find an array of rooms around the county that have interesting/great sounds/acoustic and from there record the natural sound of the instruments I use. Leaving it unedited, unlike most music nowadays.

Can anyone suggest anywhere that might be interesting? and hopefully accessible!

Cheers for any help.

Admin, Please don't shift this to the music section as its not really the music I'm interested in here. Thanks.

17-Jan-11, 22:50
Try Lyth Arts Centre

17-Jan-11, 22:54
Cheers. Lyth Arts Centre would be good. I'll try them.

I'm try to locate some mre natural buildings with echoes, reverbs and delay. Unusual places aswell. I thought about trying to find a cave somewhere. That kinda thing.

17-Jan-11, 23:23
How about trying some of the local churches or local castles.

18-Jan-11, 00:58
Smoo Cave?

18-Jan-11, 09:53
Many years ago a Fund Raiser with entrepreneurial skills organised a successful concert in an empty Glasgow swimming pool,:confused:lol:.

18-Jan-11, 09:57
Legion in Thurso is supposed to have a nice sounding hall.

Bill Fernie
18-Jan-11, 11:42
Can I suggest some of the historic places in Caithness -

The Grey Cairns of Camster - rebuilt and thousands of years old. Would only work if you can use battery power for your recording equipment. Built of stones these would probably give you a unique sound and the ancient historical aspects might lend some features to your written material.

Castles may also lend a unique place and we have several in Caithness but again you would need to use battery power.

The cave just past the coastguard station in wick where once families used to live - this place also might evoke an earlier age and would undoubtedly have the sounds of the sea nearby as well as the echoes in the cave resonating with the past inside the cave.

18-Jan-11, 17:59
The Lighthouse dunnet head has various rooms with different reverbs and echo's. Feel free to use them.We also have a fair range of analogue gear.

18-Jan-11, 18:11
I should be able to run the recording equipment from the power of the laptop but how long it will last is another question; I'll need to record pretty quickly.

I think an empty swimming pool would be pretty cool. As would the churches and castles. Are local churches fairly accessible? Would they let me in?

I've played in the legion when I was younger but cant remember what it was like. I do remember that its a fairly big room and its not a perfect box shape? Is that right, Jeid?

I'll check that cave out too.

Thats a good few ideas for reverbs and echoes to keep me going. I think the biggest problem is gonna be recording drums (they probably be fairly basic, light drum parts thought). I need a naturally good sounding room for that with just a small amount of reverb because they may be hard to control.

Cheers, Gleber. I might be payin' the house a visit in the next month or two.

And thanks to everyone for their ideas and help.