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View Full Version : I never thought I would say this but well done the EU

14-Jan-11, 15:19
The EU, has just banned Iceland and the Faeros from landing mackeral in any EU port, Well done


I first came across these Atlantic pirates in the 1960 Cod War, they were not happy to let us take an injured seaman in to Reykjavik.

14-Jan-11, 15:25
I am probably more anti EU than most but I congratulate them for showing signs of common sense on this subject.

14-Jan-11, 15:29
Pity it's the same EU CFP that dictates that half of all fish caught in the North Sea must be thrown back - dead.



14-Jan-11, 16:46
I understand that there is an item labelled 'Black Fish'. Where do they go...well I know that the UK receives some!!
Thoughts from someone who knows??

Stack Rock
14-Jan-11, 16:58
As a matter of interest does any-one know how much Icelandic mackerel is usually landed directly into European ports. Does the ban extend to processed mackerel? I know we need to take sanctions but unfortunately I don't think this will have any effect on their catch levels. I bet the Norwegians will take their fish.

Stack Rock
14-Jan-11, 17:08
Thought this woud be of interest - it appears that not only the Shetland boats were at it.

Nine face £91m black fish fraud allegations (http://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/Article.aspx/2089436)

So you could say we were exceeding our quotas also - but suspect we're not alone.

14-Jan-11, 21:47
At last! The EU has finally done something useful and constructive.

14-Jan-11, 22:31
Good news about the Mackeral.:) Now they need to get their rears in action, about throwing back dead fish into the sea.[disgust]
I can't see the reasoning in this policy whats so ever. Maybe the idea came from someone who is a sandwich short of a picnic.:confused

15-Jan-11, 00:31
Thought this woud be of interest - it appears that not only the Shetland boats were at it.

Nine face £91m black fish fraud allegations (http://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/Article.aspx/2089436)

So you could say we were exceeding our quotas also - but suspect we're not alone.
Just shows you cannot trust these Zetlanders, they are related to the Icelanders