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View Full Version : Bower clairvoyant

10-Jan-11, 22:56
Hi all,
I heard from a friend that there is a clairvoyant in Bower, any ideas or whether she does readings to anyone or just to family/friends? If she reads anyone, does anyone have a numebr i could contact her on?

Any info would be great,

thanks :D X

10-Jan-11, 23:20
if shes any good she`ll know your looking for her and she`ll get in touch with you

10-Jan-11, 23:36
if shes any good she`ll know your looking for her and she`ll get in touch with you

Funny rigger!
Just I havent heard of a clairvoyant out there and was wondering if the person who had told me was confused between this one and the John O Groats one as i've heard of her

11-Jan-11, 01:07
There is Moria in Watten, thats close to Bower?

11-Jan-11, 20:53
her name is maria....an she disna actually live in watten :Razz

16-Jan-11, 04:14
Have been to Maria in Watten when i was still in school (Left for a job i had gottten) and she told me things that would def not be true sayin i wuld take 1 year out etc though id already secured a good job. Definately not her, Not many seem to have heard of bower clairvoyant but no worries, thanks anyways guys!! x

25-Jan-11, 16:00
hi there riggerboy how did you get that picture on your page i don ken how to do it i want to put one on but dont ken how???????please let me know

25-Jan-11, 20:29
To be honest Christine near john o groats is better. She is better at the readings and is defintly better at the spirit side of it. Her number is 07751226619 and 01955611253.

She's a mediumship, tarot and crystal reader and is very good at psychic consultations.