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Corrie 3
08-Jan-11, 10:12
I believe the BNP have been saying this for a few years now but would anybody listen? Didnt Nick Griffin bring this subject up in his speech that was filmed by undercover BBC reporters and was subsequently put on trial for it?
Why has it taken the Government so long to realise whats going off ?
It is time we awoke from our slumber and took note of what is going on around us.



John Little
08-Jan-11, 11:24
What is going on around us?

08-Jan-11, 11:51
It was also racist when Nick Griffin said British jobs for British people but was ok a couple of years later when Gordon Brown said it.

08-Jan-11, 11:55
That is true, the old saying "don't do as I do, do as I say" springs to mind.

08-Jan-11, 11:59
Didn't you read this bit?

"But Keith Vaz, chairman of the home affairs select committee, said it was not a cultural problem and it was wrong to stereotype a whole community.
And Barnados chief executive Martin Narey said the case was more about vulnerable children of all races who were at risk from abuse."

08-Jan-11, 12:10
In 17 court cases since 1997 where groups of men were prosecuted, 53 of the 56 people found guilty were Asian, 50 of them Muslim, while just three were white, according to the Times.

Corrie 3
08-Jan-11, 13:00
This is whats worrying, do the Asian Muslims see the white young teenage girl as "Easy meat" as stated by Jack Straw?


08-Jan-11, 13:08
This is whats worrying, do the Asian Muslims see the white young teenage girl as "Easy meat" as stated by Jack Straw?

C3... having lived in west yorkshire yes i have to agree they do see them as that. it's sad as we watched a family pulled apart bye young asian lads using a young girl as their play thing. but heres the strange thing in the end she ended up pregant by one of them and as far as i know they are still together with a beautiful baby daughter.

The Drunken Duck
08-Jan-11, 13:35
What is going on around us?

Easy one that John.

In Britian today .. Your only racist if your white, Your only sexist if your male and only Hetero people insult and slander people of different sexual preferences according to the Government and the Diversity Industry.

In Britian today in the real world .. Non Whites are racist, Women who are anti men are sexist too and non hetero people calling us hetero people "breeders" are just as prejudiced as hetero people throwing isnults. But to say that is to be labelled "racist", "sexist" or "homophobic"

But we cant say that you see, a) it would upset the poor little dears who arent white male and hetero and b) lots of people have their jobs tied up in preserving version one. And as long as people stand around going "What is going on ??" it isn't going to change is it ??

From April it will be LEGAL for an employer to pick a candidate for a job over me purely on the colour of their skin (as long as it isnt white), their gender (as long as they aren't male), their sexuality (as long as it isnt heterosexual) or whether they are not able bodied. And they call this the "Equality Act". Incidentally to pick me because I am white male and hetero will be illegal. This crap is "what is going on" John me old mucker.

I dont agree with the BNP but something needs to be done about this PC drivel that apparently allows white girls to be targetted while those who should be stopping it stand around scared of being called "racist".

08-Jan-11, 13:40
I love these statements -

"I dont agree with the BNP but "

So what exactly don't you agree with - reading your wee rant about 'PC drivel', I am a bit confused....

08-Jan-11, 14:15
The last Labour grubbiement stifled any debate/discussion regarding any minority ethnic group and associated activities by using the 'racist' flag. Unfortunately this permeated through our public services to the extent that people dare not voice any opinion or talk about any issues for fear of being labelled ‘racist’ and jeopardising their career. This ‘policy’ also had the corrosive effect right across all the other diversity issues, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability and religion so much so that society ‘sleepwalked’ into the situation where now nobody will discuss anything in an open and frank manner,:confused.

John Little
08-Jan-11, 14:24
Duck - I do not disagree with you on the PC stuff. I have always thought that 'positive discrimination' was just plain old discrimination under a thin disguise. I do not agree that people should be discriminated against on the grounds of their race colour or creed and that includes so called positive discrimination. Especially in the getting of jobs decisions should be made on the ability of the person to do the job.

And that includes whether or not they 'support' Gaelic language teaching in non Gaelic speaking areas.

But I'm not happy with a view that generalises about an entire and large section of an entire community. That grooming and raping thing was not carried out by a community. It was carried out by individuals who are twisted and evil.

If I groomed and raped somebody then I would be judged as an individual, not because I'm white. And surely that's how it should be?

09-Jan-11, 00:48
All sex offenders target vulnerable people. They are sex offenders... It's what they do. It's always been legal to choose people of a particular race or sex as long as it's a genuine occupational qualification. For example, a woman to work in a women's refuge.

I don't believe that Asian men have a greater tendency towards committing these sorts of offences than any other race and this article from the telegraph discusses the issues with some balance.


Where issues of sexual abuse of any sort are taking place then it is important that the law deals with the offenders. Incidentally the White men found guilty that corrie3 was talking about were BNP members ... Good Job we aren't labelling whole groups by the actions of a few here then isn't it.

09-Jan-11, 02:45
I think that the comments made by The Drunken Duck closely mirror what a large amount of people in this country believe.

Wrong or right, I think that is the case. Those in the majority do not like what they percieve to be the minorities getting special treatment.

The problem that I see is that none of the mainstream political parties are tackling this issue, or addressing the concerns. That could possibly lead to people voting BNP as some sort of protest vote. It wouldn't mean that the public had suddenly become racist, or that they agree with all the main policies of the BNP, simply that they've had enough and want to show it.

I know more that one person who voted SNP due to their student fees policy and simply because they were fed up of the other parties, even though they are strongly against independence which is arguablly the SNP's flagship policy. Not all who vote SNP want independence, and not all who may vote BNP are racists.

09-Jan-11, 04:47
..."and not all who may vote BNP are racists."... but if they elect BNP MPs they will get racist policies!:confused

09-Jan-11, 05:12
but if they elect BNP MPs they will get racist policies!:confused

Exactly, and that is why the mainstream parties must address the situation. Nip the problem in the bud before the radical benefit from the hysteria. Remember Germany in the 30's.

09-Jan-11, 09:40
You are right theone however I think comparing the BNPwith the SNP is wrong. They are different animals. Whilst the SNP strive for an independent Scotland they do not exclude either non whites or non scots from the equation. They embrace the diverse population we have rather than dislike it. The BNP are racist in their attitudeand their policies. The SNP are not the same.

John Little
09-Jan-11, 10:07
Okay - I'll just take a peek at the elephant in the room.

It's my perception that I have met or seen stuff from SNP supporters which is quite anti-english. Not all of them but certainly some. Some of it is jokey. But by no means all.

Why would that be?

09-Jan-11, 10:14
I think that the comments made by The Drunken Duck closely mirror what a large amount of people in this country believe.

Wrong or right, I think that is the case. Those in the majority do not like what they percieve to be the minorities getting special treatment.
True - this isn't helped by some of the media, eg, The Daily Mail

The problem that I see is that none of the mainstream political parties are tackling this issue, or addressing the concerns. That could possibly lead to people voting BNP as some sort of protest vote. It wouldn't mean that the public had suddenly become racist, or that they agree with all the main policies of the BNP, simply that they've had enough and want to show it.
In the absence of any discussion/debate of an issue that many people are concerned about the void will be filled with the chattering of the extremists. The last Labour administration failed to talk/discuss/debate the subject. Gillian Duffy, the Rochdale pensioner dared raise the issue with Gordon Brown and got labelled, "a sort of bigoted woman". This highlights the point I made in my earlier post; if you avoid the issue, stifle debate, people will look somewhere else for answers.

I know more that one person who voted SNP due to their student fees policy and simply because they were fed up of the other parties, even though they are strongly against independence which is arguablly the SNP's flagship policy. Not all who vote SNP want independence, and not all who may vote BNP are racists.
Exactly - IMO the last Scottish election is an example, there was a surge of people voting SNP to get rid of Labour. Over recent years many people are voting to get rid of a political party rather than for the party they want to lead the country.

09-Jan-11, 10:16
Because every group has it's numptieS. Was it football related? It generally is. The difference is that the SNP don't have Racist, Fascist policies. the BNP do. The SNP has English and non White candidates... Can't see the BNP picking those sorts of candidates can you?

Corrie 3
09-Jan-11, 10:42
Going a little off topic now folks, what is worrying me is the fact that if Asian Men think that white Girls are "easy meat" as Jack Straw suggests then I think it should be nipped in the bud very quickly. Also, if it is true, I would like to know why they find the white girls "easy meat"...do they want to hurt/harm them because the are seen as infidels?


09-Jan-11, 11:04
No. There is nothing that suggests that Asian men as a group are targeting White girls because they are seen as infidels.

There is nothing in their religion or culture which encourages gangs of Asian men to groom white girls and rape them.

If you are using this to suggest that all Asian men are hard wired to abuse White girls then you must also accept that all Men...including White English men ...are hard wired to commit rape. I thought that idea had disappeared long ago. Still maybe that's what you believe too.

These men are criminals, just like any other sex offenders, peadophile rings and rapists. Their race is no more likely to make them that way than yours is.

The Music Monster
09-Jan-11, 11:11
Going a little off topic now folks, what is worrying me is the fact that if Asian Men think that white Girls are "easy meat" as Jack Straw suggests then I think it should be nipped in the bud very quickly. Also, if it is true, I would like to know why they find the white girls "easy meat"...do they want to hurt/harm them because the are seen as infidels?


Any man who intends to prey on women will always find the majority party of females (in this country: white) easy meat. Don't succumb to hysteria and think that this only happens with Asian men... Sick people exist in all races, creeds and colours. Statements like this are exactly the reason the BNP exist, to manipulate public opinion and stir up racial indifference. In my opinion people who make such generalisations ("Asian Men" find "white girls" easy meat) are in part responsible for the racial intolerance in this country.

Also, I know a lot of Asian men, none of whom would do this to any woman, white or otherwise.

Corrie 3
09-Jan-11, 13:05
No. There is nothing that suggests that Asian men as a group are targeting White girls because they are seen as infidels.

There is nothing in their religion or culture which encourages gangs of Asian men to groom white girls and rape them.

If you are using this to suggest that all Asian men are hard wired to abuse White girls then you must also accept that all Men...including White English men ...are hard wired to commit rape. I thought that idea had disappeared long ago. Still maybe that's what you believe too.

These men are criminals, just like any other sex offenders, peadophile rings and rapists. Their race is no more likely to make them that way than yours is.
I am not suggesting anything Squidge and I dont have a view or facts one way or the other. Its just that this has come to light this week with a high profile case and it looks as though it could be a bigger threat than anyone first feared. I started the thread because I am worried that if this crime is prevailant in this country as is now feared then it needs looking into very closely and stopping in its tracks.


09-Jan-11, 14:16
I am not suggesting anything Squidge and I dont have a view or facts one way or the other. Its just that this has come to light this week with a high profile case and it looks as though it could be a bigger threat than anyone first feared. I started the thread because I am worried that if this crime is prevailant in this country as is now feared then it needs looking into very closely and stopping in its tracks.

C3.... oh ok corrie 3. I should have said anyone who suggests.... And I would add that ALL crimes involving rape or sexual assault need looking into very carefully. The rate of conviction is not high for ANY of these crimes and work needs to be done on improving this.

09-Jan-11, 14:36
easy one that john.

In britian today .. Your only racist if your white, your only sexist if your male and only hetero people insult and slander people of different sexual preferences according to the government and the diversity industry.

In britian today in the real world .. Non whites are racist, women who are anti men are sexist too and non hetero people calling us hetero people "breeders" are just as prejudiced as hetero people throwing isnults. But to say that is to be labelled "racist", "sexist" or "homophobic"

but we cant say that you see, a) it would upset the poor little dears who arent white male and hetero and b) lots of people have their jobs tied up in preserving version one. And as long as people stand around going "what is going on ??" it isn't going to change is it ??

From april it will be legal for an employer to pick a candidate for a job over me purely on the colour of their skin (as long as it isnt white), their gender (as long as they aren't male), their sexuality (as long as it isnt heterosexual) or whether they are not able bodied. And they call this the "equality act". Incidentally to pick me because i am white male and hetero will be illegal. This crap is "what is going on" john me old mucker.

I dont agree with the bnp but something needs to be done about this pc drivel that apparently allows white girls to be targetted while those who should be stopping it stand around scared of being called "racist".

well said......

09-Jan-11, 18:11
To say that Asian men are predisposed to 'raping' white females is as ridiculous as saying all Pakistani or muslim men are rapists.

However, I was brought up in the West Riding of Yorkshire, an area that has had a huge Asian population since the early 70's (and even before that) and I have worked alongside more than a few of the Asian 'lads'.

You need to be aware that the Asian community has a far stricter control over its female family members than the Brits generally have. The Asian girls are brought up in a fairly regimented household where honour is still a big word. The boys tend to have a freer rein. The product of this is that the young men find that there is not much room to date, chat up and have casual relationships with young women of their own background. Not without a marraige looming, anyway...They look across to the 'white' sector of society and see teenage white girls acting in a way that would cause outrage and shame if their own sisters acted in that way.

They see white girls walking around with as much exposed flesh as you would see on a beach (thus flaunting sexuality), smoking in public, swearing in public, constantly alluding to sex, drinking to the point of oblivion and indulging in casual sex. Actions that would probably result in an Asian girl being hoofed out of her house and disowned by her own family. So the conclusion is that white girls are an easier option for sex. This isn't my opinion, this is what I have learned from working with these guys. They see certain types of white girls as slappers - and therefore fair game. A opinion that I generally cannot agree with, but I can understand.

But it doesn't mean that the despicable actions of those convicted are somehow excusable. There's a big difference between hitting on a perceived 'easy 'lay' and planning to rape someone.

Let's not confuse the issue here.

09-Jan-11, 18:42
You are right theone however I think comparing the BNPwith the SNP is wrong. They are different animals. Whilst the SNP strive for an independent Scotland they do not exclude either non whites or non scots from the equation. They embrace the diverse population we have rather than dislike it. The BNP are racist in their attitudeand their policies. The SNP are not the same.

My point was not to compare the SNP and BNP, just to show that people are willing to make a "protest vote" for a party without actually believing in their main policies. My friend, who would vote against independence but voted SNP, is an example.

09-Jan-11, 19:13
They see white girls walking around with as much exposed flesh as you would see on a beach (thus flaunting sexuality), smoking in public, swearing in public, constantly alluding to sex, drinking to the point of oblivion and indulging in casual sex. Actions that would probably result in an Asian girl being hoofed out of her house and disowned by her own family. So the conclusion is that white girls are an easier option for sex. T

Thats a bit racist of them dont you think. And whats all this "Asian" business about? They're not Chinese, Russian, Japanese or Nepalese or whatever, they are predominantly muslims of a Pakistani origin.

John Little
09-Jan-11, 19:41
I don't think it's racist of them. I think exactly the same thing.

With my own eyes I have seen girls acting in a way which when I was a kid would have them labelled as no better than they should be.
We are straying into the area of social morality here.

Has the morality of our society stretched a bit far in the last 40 Years or so?

When I go down to the high street of my local little town and see young ladettes shrieking, retching drunk and putting Sodom and Gomorrah to shame may I be excused for thinking that it has gone a little too far?

09-Jan-11, 21:50
I think Northener made an excellent post.
Do any of you watch "The Big Question" hosted by Nikki Campbell? There was an excellent debate on this particular subject this morning. One of the main points to emerge was the fact that many of our young girls are given too much freedom. They are exploited, not by asians or any other race or creed, but by the media. How many newspapers do we see outside Britain that have naked girls dispayed on page 3? do we really need that to sell a newspaper? Nearly every magazine we open and advertising dispays we see have all got their share of scantily clad young ladies parading around. One thing you do notice about it is that none of them are asian.
I do think that our young ladies are given too much freedom, but at the same time I think that the Pakistan and Indian girls don't get enough. In fact I go as far as to say that the control on the Pakistan and Indian girls is far too strict, far too much emphasis put on family honour (or at least the fathers honour) we know of a few of the honour killings in this country, but how many go undetected?, how many are supposedly sent back home never to be heard of again?
Another of the points that came out of this debate was the role of the police in this, for years their enquiries have been stiffled because they were being accused of racism and have had to tip toe around the subject. The young lady that spoke out this morning in the debate explained how she was groomed,
and sold on to older and older men, but she managed to get out of the ring. But exploitation of young girls is happening all the time, all over the world and it is allowed to happen in all religions and all societies, not much seems to be done about it. Why is this ? is it classed as a necessary evil? It has been with us since the beginning of time.

Incidentally, the BNP won't be able to fix it either

09-Jan-11, 23:42
Surely a woman can dress however she likes without being accused of being partly responsable for the sexual urges of young whippersnappers whether white or black?
Jack Straw seemed to be saying something pretty specific and we would do well to listen to him. He was talking about male children from Pakistani descent who are British born. They are having particular problems sowing their wild oats within their own communities because everybodies watching everybody elses sister. It must influence how a young Pakistani will view a western women and some will misinterpret the fashion sense of the western women although some of the women will be vulnerable anyway. If that's the case they are out of order and need to be made aware of it.

10-Jan-11, 04:14
Seems to me that it is the responsibility of parents to warn their daughters of the dangers. The thing is to not be mealy-mouthed about this...tell it as it is, whithout embarrassment...lay it out, loud and clear.
I made my daughter watch "The Silence of the lambs" just to give her an idea of what goes on in the real world. I think she got the message.

John Little
10-Jan-11, 07:56
Surely a woman can dress however she likes without being accused of being partly responsable for the sexual urges of young whippersnappers whether white or black?
Jack Straw seemed to be saying something pretty specific and we would do well to listen to him. He was talking about male children from Pakistani descent who are British born. They are having particular problems sowing their wild oats within their own communities because everybodies watching everybody elses sister. It must influence how a young Pakistani will view a western women and some will misinterpret the fashion sense of the western women although some of the women will be vulnerable anyway. If that's the case they are out of order and need to be made aware of it.

I wonder if that follows? You seem to be arguing for right without responsibility.

I am male and well over 6 foot. I know that our society has dress codes. If I were to put on a skirt as short as lampshade and walk down Thurso High Street I am pretty sure there would be a reaction.

Ergo, though I have a perfect right to wear what I want, I would not do so, because I know that there would be consequences. I would be asking for it would I not?

I do not know how it is in Scotland at the moment but I can tell you that in the centre of a lot of english towns and cities you will not find many older folk at night, especially when the weather warms up. The streets seem to be full of younger types who scream shout, vomit, behave in lewd ways and generally act in an obnoxious manner, fuelled by cheap drink and lack of personal restraint. Many of them are wee lassies who dress as they like and act like folk of low morality.

Now we may bring our kids up to think that is ok and there are no consequences for how they dress and behave- but not every young man is a thinking, logical and reasoning creature.

Nor am I proud of the picture I paint but I have seen it often - and even while abroad in foreign resorts and it makes me ashamed that we export it.

I do not excuse the actions of criminals either, for the men who carried out these acts were British too.

But what I do think is that if we have a society where the code of general morality is loose and amoral then perhaps we should not be surprised that we get taken for loose and amoral.

It's a bit like allowing everyone to have guns then being surprised when people get shot.

Corrie 3
10-Jan-11, 09:50
I am surprised you havent had a few complaints from the Ladies on here about your recent posts. Are you suggesting that the way that young Girls dress and act has something to do with British born muslim Men from Pakistani decent taking advantage and subsequently raping them? Are not the girls of today just trying to keep up with their Male counterparts who do not get abused from Females of Pakistani decent do they?
I do believe in the recent highlighted case that the Girls involved were tagged as "vulnerable", to me this means that they are growing up unparented in the normal way, perhaps their Parents are on drugs, in jail etc, etc and are not getting the facts on life in Britain today told to them, they will feel unloved and fall for the charms of this scum just to feel loved.
I have no doubt that if the victims were of Pakistani origin their community would blame the Girls in some perverse way......There is no need for us to follow that way of thinking, grooming of young females and susequent rape will always be the fault of the man who does it for his own gratification.


John Little
10-Jan-11, 10:06
I'm talking about moral relativism. There are patterns of behaviour which have evolved in this country in the last 40 years which by the standards of my childhood owe little allegiance to any form of morality.That is to say that if they are not immoral, then in a recognition of no or little moral benchmarks, then they are amoral.

All forms of behaviour then become acceptable.

And it encourages a view that we are not responsible to others for how we behave and how we present ourselves.

The trouble is that morality exists at all in order to encourage respect for others. Sweep away the morality and the respect for others is also eroded.

You are left with a society where the rights of the individual are paramount but where responsibility to others is minimal.

You wish to take issue with me, then tell me I am imagining the scenes in our town and city centres at weekends and increasingly during the week.

I say again - if something acts amoral and behaves amoral then it will be taken by many- especially of differing cultures as amoral. And that's not just true of women. Need I reference examples of behaviour of british louts abroad? Or Lithuanian opinions about when british stag parties arrive and riot and urinate etc through their streets?

But I certainly do not excuse the actions of people brought up in Britain who know the score.

10-Jan-11, 13:31
Good post John, so very true. I'm surprised that so many people seem to take the actions of the youngsters in our towns for granted, they seem to think it is quite normal for them to go out and get drunk at weekends (and other times as well) and have no responsibility for their behavour. I was probably lucky, I was brought up at a time when we were taught by our parents and teachers the value of good behaviour, respect, and the responsibility we had to the community as a whole. Sure we all used to gurn about it and step out of line at times, and on the odd occasion even be bold enough to step over that line, but we had the sense to know when we stepped over the line and we were prepared to suffer the consequences, there does not appear to be a line to step over any more.

10-Jan-11, 14:15
Women and girls absolutely have the right to wear what they want, when and how they want to. Short skirts, cropped tops and the like. Women earned that right and should be entitled to wear whatever they want. In addition women earned the right through the struggle for equality to look after themselves. To be independent and to take responsibility for their own life and welfare. Part of that is about keeping yourself safe. It's about looking after yourself and not expecting your man, your father, your brother to fight your battles for you. That message seems to have been lost in the vomiting unconsciousness of a Saturday night down the town. I once had to deal with a friend of my son's who was absolutely off her face at 15. Two of the lasses decided to have a drinking competition and this was the result. I could have been anyone and this pretty, long legged, short skirted unconcious lassie could have been vulnerable to anyone. Fortunately my lad had the presence of mind to phone me and her pals did not run off and leave her.

In my mind it starts much earlier with the sex focused media and entertainment which prevents our children from enjoying a childhood without make up, high heels, sexualised clothing, erotic dancing by pop stars and the rubbish that comes into our homes via the tv every week.

Add to that the Internet, the dangers that even bright kids don't seem to quite understand, the eye popping stuff you can stumble on by accident and suddenly sex stops being something special to be shared with someone you love and becomes something to give away to a different person every night. Now that's fine if you are older and decide that's the way to live your life... I'm sure many of us have had our fun - but it is not good when you are 15 or 16 and think that's the way to live your life.

Corrie3 is correct to point out these are vulnerable girls but vulnerable girls can fall prey to any sexual predator, Pakistani men are not any more likely to be rapists than any other race.

10-Jan-11, 18:24
Nearly every magazine we open and advertising dispays we see have all got their share of scantily clad young ladies parading around. One thing you do notice about it is that none of them are asian.

Asian Babes, anyone?

Corrie 3
11-Jan-11, 09:55
A similar story this morning with arrests again of Asian origins.....Maybe the problem is much bigger than first thought!!



The Drunken Duck
11-Jan-11, 11:26
No. There is nothing that suggests that Asian men as a group are targeting White girls because they are seen as infidels.

There is nothing in their religion or culture which encourages gangs of Asian men to groom white girls and rape them.

If you are using this to suggest that all Asian men are hard wired to abuse White girls then you must also accept that all Men...including White English men ...are hard wired to commit rape. I thought that idea had disappeared long ago. Still maybe that's what you believe too.

These men are criminals, just like any other sex offenders, peadophile rings and rapists. Their race is no more likely to make them that way than yours is.

Have to disagree a bit there Squidge, I think there is something in their culture that does allow them to behave a certain way towards white women. Mainly becuase its the way they treat the women of their own society in some respects.

August 1990 .. I am detached to Oman. While staying in the Muscat International we discover that the it is also the accomodation for the stewardesses training with Gulf Air. We think that the gorgeous Brit, American and Australian women hang around us for our dashing looks and humour. They do but there is also a culture amongst local arab men and the asian men working in the hotel to go after the white women. The australian women for some reason were particularly popular, they hung around with us to feel safe.

March 1991 .. Detached to Incirilik in Turkey, the girls on our det went nowehere without one of us after a day or two. We thought they were making up the stories of all the pawing they got. They werent. Lots of fights to "educate" the Turkish guys (and also to avenge Gallipoli), I have a young blonde haired lass in her mid twenties as a neighbour, she went to Turkey last year on holiday with her family and tells me that not much has changed.

1991 -1996 .. Went on Armament Camp to Cyprus every year for two weeks in the summer, more of the same behaviour we saw in Turkey here. But if we tried to chat up a cypriot girl we were treated to a scene out of the Beverly Hillbillies as her male relatives piled into the back of a pick up and came to sort us out. And then drove off shouting how "lucky" we were when they saw we were right up for it. Told by mates still going it is a little bit better today but not much.

1996, 1998 - Saudi Arabia .. Had a physical confrontation with a Saudi when I walked into the Duty Office and found him pinning one of our female groundcrew into a corner and sliming all over her. And that wasn't the only incident in that period. Latterly a guy I worked with says that incidents like that have been hushed up at a base in England where Saudi are being taught to fly and maintain the new Eurofighters they have bought. Politically insensitive you see.

I have spent a bit of time in these cultures and they seem to have an ingrained lack of respect for women. Look at Islam for instance, so while you maintain that there is nothing in their culture or religion that encourages this behaviour I disagree as I have seen it for myself. Not saying ALL men in these cultures go hunting white women, of course not, but there seems to be an attitude that is present there that is not present in ours that allows unwanted attention to be put in their direction as acceptable.

11-Jan-11, 14:09
A similar story this morning with arrests again of Asian origins.....Maybe the problem is much bigger than first thought!!



How is it, when Nick Griffin mentioned this years ago he was taken to court for inciting racial hatred?

Corrie 3
11-Jan-11, 14:19
How is it, when Nick Griffin mentioned this years ago he was taken to court for inciting racial hatred?
I mentioned the same thing on post #1 Baz.
I think the Drunken Duck has hit the nail on the head with his reply. I am old enough to remember the race riots on the late 50's in places like Nottingham, Brixton and Liverpool where the main reason for the riots was the incoming West Indians were out chasing white women and the white men took exception to this......Perhaps there is something fascinating about white women for Men who have not lived amongst them before and that is being passed down to their offsprings offspring!! I dont know but I do know that I dont like what I read on the subject !


11-Jan-11, 16:23
Have to disagree a bit there Squidge, I think there is something in their culture that does allow them to behave a certain way towards white women. Mainly becuase its the way they treat the women of their own society in some respects.

August 1990 .. I am detached to Oman. While staying in the Muscat International we discover that the it is also the accomodation for the stewardesses training with Gulf Air. We think that the gorgeous Brit, American and Australian women hang around us for our dashing looks and humour. They do but there is also a culture amongst local arab men and the asian men working in the hotel to go after the white women. The australian women for some reason were particularly popular, they hung around with us to feel safe.

March 1991 .. Detached to Incirilik in Turkey, the girls on our det went nowehere without one of us after a day or two. We thought they were making up the stories of all the pawing they got. They werent. Lots of fights to "educate" the Turkish guys (and also to avenge Gallipoli), I have a young blonde haired lass in her mid twenties as a neighbour, she went to Turkey last year on holiday with her family and tells me that not much has changed.

1991 -1996 .. Went on Armament Camp to Cyprus every year for two weeks in the summer, more of the same behaviour we saw in Turkey here. But if we tried to chat up a cypriot girl we were treated to a scene out of the Beverly Hillbillies as her male relatives piled into the back of a pick up and came to sort us out. And then drove off shouting how "lucky" we were when they saw we were right up for it. Told by mates still going it is a little bit better today but not much.

1996, 1998 - Saudi Arabia .. Had a physical confrontation with a Saudi when I walked into the Duty Office and found him pinning one of our female groundcrew into a corner and sliming all over her. And that wasn't the only incident in that period. Latterly a guy I worked with says that incidents like that have been hushed up at a base in England where Saudi are being taught to fly and maintain the new Eurofighters they have bought. Politically insensitive you see.

I have spent a bit of time in these cultures and they seem to have an ingrained lack of respect for women. Look at Islam for instance, so while you maintain that there is nothing in their culture or religion that encourages this behaviour I disagree as I have seen it for myself. Not saying ALL men in these cultures go hunting white women, of course not, but there seems to be an attitude that is present there that is not present in ours that allows unwanted attention to be put in their direction as acceptable.

Drunken Duck's experiences are not unusual I've witnessed similar behaviour myself. It is quite rare but it does happen. IMO the problem is that no one in authority is willing to openly challenge such behaviour or even talk about it for fear of being labelled "racist".
It seems the PC Collective have got us all by the short and curlies!
Whenever I was deployed to the Middle East or Asia I was briefed reguarding local sensitivites; I wonder if the same happened to those of a different culture who are deployed in the UK.

11-Jan-11, 16:43
Drunken Duck you make some valid points about the countries you are talking about and I am quite sure that the female personnel involved were well warned that this is a continuing problem in these countries. However - we are not talking like for like here. Corrie 3 alludes to British Born Asian men - Bazeye points out this means specifically Pakistani young men - being more likely and indeed predisposed by their race ....

being passed down to their offsprings offspring!!.. to abusing young white girls because they see them as infidels.

They are asking whether recent cases reported in the press are evidence for this. The answer STILL - even with the poiints you make - is No. All the things you mention are unpleasant and distasteful but they are not about gangs ofmen raping vulnerable young women and girls. A quick google search shows information on half a dozen police officers who have been charged with rape or sexual assualt in the last few months. Given this "evidence" should we be concerned that there is something about being a police officer that means they are more likely to commit these types of crmes. Of course not the idea is frankly ridiculous. As are the questions raised here.

It is understandable that the BNP and its supporters should rub their hands with glee at the recent reports however the researchers themselves have said that the statistics quoted have been misreported and also that whilst the majority of victims were white there was a proportion of black and asian victims which was larger than expected in an area where the residents are predominantly white.

Am i saying that Asian men dont commit sex crimes - of course not. Am i saying that any crimes they commit should be ignored - Absolutely not. Am i saying that White men are more likely to be abusers than black men - nope. What I am saying is that Criminals commit sex crimes. Sad, perverted, wicked men (and women) and that race, colour or religion has no impact on whether they do or they dont.

11-Jan-11, 17:50
Have to disagree a bit there Squidge, I think there is something in their culture that does allow them to behave a certain way towards white women. Mainly becuase its the way they treat the women of their own society in some respects.

August 1990 .. I am detached to Oman. While staying in the Muscat International we discover that the it is also the accomodation for the stewardesses training with Gulf Air. We think that the gorgeous Brit, American and Australian women hang around us for our dashing looks and humour. They do but there is also a culture amongst local arab men and the asian men working in the hotel to go after the white women. The australian women for some reason were particularly popular, they hung around with us to feel safe.

March 1991 .. Detached to Incirilik in Turkey, the girls on our det went nowehere without one of us after a day or two. We thought they were making up the stories of all the pawing they got. They werent. Lots of fights to "educate" the Turkish guys (and also to avenge Gallipoli), I have a young blonde haired lass in her mid twenties as a neighbour, she went to Turkey last year on holiday with her family and tells me that not much has changed.

1991 -1996 .. Went on Armament Camp to Cyprus every year for two weeks in the summer, more of the same behaviour we saw in Turkey here. But if we tried to chat up a cypriot girl we were treated to a scene out of the Beverly Hillbillies as her male relatives piled into the back of a pick up and came to sort us out. And then drove off shouting how "lucky" we were when they saw we were right up for it. Told by mates still going it is a little bit better today but not much.

1996, 1998 - Saudi Arabia .. Had a physical confrontation with a Saudi when I walked into the Duty Office and found him pinning one of our female groundcrew into a corner and sliming all over her. And that wasn't the only incident in that period. Latterly a guy I worked with says that incidents like that have been hushed up at a base in England where Saudi are being taught to fly and maintain the new Eurofighters they have bought. Politically insensitive you see.

I have spent a bit of time in these cultures and they seem to have an ingrained lack of respect for women. Look at Islam for instance, so while you maintain that there is nothing in their culture or religion that encourages this behaviour I disagree as I have seen it for myself. Not saying ALL men in these cultures go hunting white women, of course not, but there seems to be an attitude that is present there that is not present in ours that allows unwanted attention to be put in their direction as acceptable.

I have to say that I've witnessed similar behaviour to that alluded to here on occasions when I have been in a group of English 'lads' say on holiday or just away from wives and girlfriends for the day.

11-Jan-11, 17:59
Drunken Ducks post has reminded me of two exercises I attended in AF SOUTH in Naples as a member of the Royal Naval Reserve, prior to departing from the UK, we were all issued with the do's and don't's when out and about in Naples, one of which was do NOT leave any of your belongings unattended especially any female company, the Neapolitan males are infamous for hassling any non Italian single female, so just as bad as any Muslim males, very predatory, and frightening.

Alice in Blunderland
11-Jan-11, 21:58
I suppose being married to one of these depraved Asian men who think so low of white females ( I am white ) I should thank my lucky stars that I am not tied barefoot, pregnant with his tenth son to the sink. Nor am I raped and pillaged every evening :roll:

Indeed I should be grateful that I can walk hand in hand along side him on the street and not two steps behind him with my head bowed low.

Maybe I should also be thankfull that he has not sold my two eldest fair haired white skin daughters from my first marriage off to his many Asian brothers for a large Dowry. :eek:

Honestly there are problems in all society's and many poor young women are treated disgracefully by men of all colours and backgrounds.

As one poster has already pointed out when watching the behaviour of some of our drunken ambassadors antics abroad who are we to judge others.:~(

12-Jan-11, 01:09
The good of the many is always overshadowed by the bad of the few Alice.

12-Jan-11, 08:27
I mentioned the same thing on post #1 Baz.
I think the Drunken Duck has hit the nail on the head with his reply. I am old enough to remember the race riots on the late 50's in places like Nottingham, Brixton and Liverpool where the main reason for the riots was the incoming West Indians were out chasing white women and the white men took exception to this......Perhaps there is something fascinating about white women for Men who have not lived amongst them before and that is being passed down to their offsprings offspring!! I dont know but I do know that I dont like what I read on the subject !


And I can counter your post with this:

My brother in law has been, for many years, a copper in Bradford. His beat included the Manningham Lane area - an area made infamous by the 'Band of Gold' series about a group of Bradford prostitutes.

I clearly remember the riots that kicked off in the aftermath of that series back in the 90's.
And what caused it? Literally hundreds of white males coming into the area and kerbcrawling, hassling the largely Asian female population who were out doing their shopping or walking to their friends houses. The police started to clamp down on this, but the Asian population (for Asian, read Pakistani, and Indian - incorporating Muslim, Hindu and Sikh - but not Russians, Nepalese or Chinese.....) were becoming increasingly angry at the constant harassment of their womenfolk. The result being that they began to chase off the kerbcrawlers themselves.

Unfortunately one group made a mistake. They cornered a man who they believed had been hassling some young lassies. Unfortunately they got the wrong guy/car - this man had broken down and had gone back to his car to await recovery. Being confronted with a group of angry young men - he proceeded to take a crowbar out of the back of his motor and lay into the Asians. Light blue touchpaper...

So there's an example of white men treating a certain class/group of women as an easy target and harassing them. As for this tabloid style cobblers about 'gangs of asians' sexually assaulting young girls...how short memories do some of you lot have? We turn up white male sexual abuse with a monotonous regularity, yet as soonn as men from a different background are caught - the whole racial/religious group are somehow to blame.

I'll tell you what, lets all go out and kick the crap out of some Catholics. After all, they're being brainwashed by paedophile priests no doubt.:roll:

Corrie 3
12-Jan-11, 10:43
So the press and media have got it all wrong then and there isnt a problem in this area?..Thank goodness for that and I can now sleep a little easier, mind you, I should have known as I have been warned in the past not to believe all I read and see on the news.
Thanks Folks !


12-Jan-11, 23:56
I'm glad you feel better Corrie3. :)

Corrie 3
13-Jan-11, 10:35
I'm glad you feel better Corrie3. :)
Thanks Squidge
To be honest I dont take much notice of what is reported in the papers these days but I do trust the BBC who are supposed to be impartial, what worried me is they seemed to put a lot of emphasis on these stories and tied in with the stories that Muslims want to take over the world I thought it was something that we should be worried about or at least take note of. I suppose what we need to do now is see if this happens again in the near future and then decide if its an ongoing problem.


13-Jan-11, 11:08
Thanks Squidge
To be honest I dont take much notice of what is reported in the papers these days but I do trust the BBC who are supposed to be impartial, what worried me is they seemed to put a lot of emphasis on these stories and tied in with the stories that Muslims want to take over the world I thought it was something that we should be worried about or at least take note of. I suppose what we need to do now is see if this happens again in the near future and then decide if its an ongoing problem.


fair comment, Corrie.

But unfortunately, when it comes to crime the media (Beeb included) will only devote time to those stories which will create the most interest. For example, if an young Asian man is stabbed in a gang related incident in a known problem inner city area - then it would only register on the local news - if you were lucky. If the crime was more unusual - as in the case we are talking about - then it will attract a lot of attention.

Unfortunately, there will always be those who will pick up on the enthnicity of the criminals and use it as a weapon...something that never happens when white men are convicted of luring young girls into underage sex, prostitution and crack addiction.

Such is human nature.

13-Jan-11, 21:29
For example, if an young Asian man is stabbed in a gang related incident in a known problem inner city area - then it would only register on the local news - if you were lucky.

Depending of course whether the gang that attacked him were Asian themselves, or White. Stephen Lawrence/ Kris Donald ring any bells?

13-Jan-11, 21:56
Depending of course whether the gang that attacked him were Asian themselves, or White. Stephen Lawrence/ Kris Donald ring any bells?

Yes, they ring bells.

Your point is what, exactly, Baz?