View Full Version : Dead animals on Dunnet Beach

07-Jan-11, 17:27
Whilst walking the dogs on Dunnet beach today I passed 6 dead seals, remains of a ?whale and a dead cow. All this was from the burn at Castletown end to the middle burn. Seems rather a lot to me. I take it the cow must have fallen from cliffs somewhere.

07-Mar-11, 02:22
I remember getting a talk and tour from a Dunnet forest Ranger? as a child.

They said the beach/bay naturally attracts things brought in from the sea. They've had all sorts washed up over the years, including palm trees!

I assume it's a mixture of the tides and shape/dirction of the bay.

07-Mar-11, 04:48
Seems an awful lot of carcases all at once! Are these natural deaths? Especially in the case of the seals and the whale, as this would seem to warrant some investigation.:confused

07-Mar-11, 15:41
Well, I did wonder if there was something dead on the beach as driving past the last few days, the smell is horiffic!

Has anyone reported it to the Council I wonder?

You could report the seal deaths to BDMLR as they have an interest in this sort of thing?

As for the cow - if it still has an eartag, then the owner could perhaps be traced?

07-Mar-11, 15:50
Hiya yes I reported the carcasses to the enviromental health.The seals were looked at nothing sinister though-luckily! The beach there acts like a funel,and all manner of things wash up on it,and can come from miles away! Good to know people are keeping an eye on things though,as I know not all deaths are natural ;) x