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View Full Version : three strange orange lights over wick

02-Jan-11, 21:26
can anybody living in wick tell me if they saw strange orange lights on new years night between 7pm - 730pm..some people in wick must have saw them?:Razz

02-Jan-11, 21:30
chinese lanterns??

02-Jan-11, 22:24
Distress flares?

02-Jan-11, 22:33
i know what flares are.. and chinese lanterns float ...these light changed directions for more than ten minutes..strange

02-Jan-11, 22:55
it sounds like the lanterns - they float around, some going in different directions, some faster than others, some fly high and other descend then rise again, each catches a different draught of air, they do not all float together.
I was looking out for the SAR helicopter here one night as had heard it going about - saw quite a few lights but could not understand these strange lights in the sky. Watched about a dozen of these lanterns for nearly 25 minutes, they certainly moved around a lot more than I expected. Watched them with bare eyes, then binoculars, then telescope before realised it was these floating lanterns.
Later when talking to some of the crew of the helicopter - that was the only reason they were called out.
Luckily I have not heard of anyone setting them off again over here

02-Jan-11, 23:21
thanks for your reply..but i saw them close up around 500ft up ..these things were pulsing and was bright orange..no sound..i asked around and the areodrome was not working..so cant be planes helocopers ect

02-Jan-11, 23:44
thanks for your reply..but i saw them close up around 500ft up ..these things were pulsing and was bright orange..no sound..i asked around and the areodrome was not working..so cant be planes helocopers ectForget the pulsing flames of the dizzy lanterns getting tossed about by the different draughts. I saw hundreds of them on Hogmanay.

What I'm really desperate to know is what model of broomstick were you riding to keep up with the lanterns' twists and turns to see them close up at 500 feet? Mine is getting a little long in the tooth and I need a new model.

PS Was one of the lanterns engraved with 'C luvs MA xxx'?

02-Jan-11, 23:53
to those who so the lights in Wick. If you have any spare junk ill have some.:lol: :lol: :lol:

03-Jan-11, 00:29
We wondered if they were balloons, the type with a light inside.

03-Jan-11, 02:10
I have seen the error of my ways.

They were alien spacecraft intent on gang-probing all of us. For obvious reasons they wanted to start with the good people of Wick. At New Year.

03-Jan-11, 03:59
We wondered if they were balloons, the type with a light inside.

lek a sorto....lantern thingy?? :D :Razz

The Flea
03-Jan-11, 09:59
I saw quite a few Chinese lanterns passing over houses where I was, then going quite high up in the sky. They went so far up it generally looked like a bright star.

03-Jan-11, 10:24
They're from Portgower. If you spot them again, run inside, lock all the doors and close the curtains.

'Tis strange things that happen to those who gaze upon the Lightwraiths.....

Mr P Cannop
03-Jan-11, 10:31
what are Chinese lanterns ????

03-Jan-11, 10:58
These things..... (http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/home-news/coastguard-left-counting-cost-of-lanterns-craze-1.1001424)

03-Jan-11, 12:54
it'll be the chinese lanterns that were set off from keiss harbour at the bonfire. the wind was wild and the lanterns we're zigzaging all over the place until they went out of sight from keiss somewhere around akergill (hard to tell.....it was dark lol)

Missy Wick
03-Jan-11, 16:19
they were paper lanterns. I saw them also. They were glowing a beautiful orange in the sky.

We have some that we were going to light at the cemetery to mark the 2nd year since losing Scott but unfortunately it was rainy and too windy that night.

they really are beautiful tho.

04-Jan-11, 14:40
I have seen the error of my ways.

They were alien spacecraft intent on gang-probing all of us. For obvious reasons they wanted to start with the good people of Wick. At New Year.And about time too. :lol:

I heard they were mini-aliens disguised as chinese lanterns learning the rules of quidditch with Wick's finest broomers as coaches. :cool:

I also heard they were Photobucket sales executives demonstrating the resilience of their 3D holographic service using cosmic consciousness as their ISP carrier.