View Full Version : ♥ ♥ ♥ Valentine's Gift Idea ♥ ♥ ♥

29-Dec-10, 20:51
Ladies and/or Gentlemen, now Christmas is over your thoughts will soon be turning to what to by your loved one for Valentines Day.

A boudoir photograph is all about the lady: her look and her sensuality and is not to be confused with Glamour photography

Boudoir is soft lighting, soft focus and making the woman look and feel FABULOUS!

If you want to know more or you wish to book a photo shoot, just give me a call on 07729 325 626


29-Dec-10, 21:06
hey!!! 'at's ma pal...angel! isnt she gorgeous??

'e first lassie in 'e picture....:cool:

29-Dec-10, 22:12
aye it is Trix, and yes she is!

13-Jan-11, 10:20
Bedroom now ready for bookings - come on ladies, get your sexy frillies looked out & dusted down and treat your man this Valentines Day while you get to feel & look fantastic at the same time

Tel 07729 325626 or email me - [email protected]

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs074.snc6/168402_485975593262_754753262_5995475_2036999_n.jp g

13-Jan-11, 11:01
And what about the ladies? I'm sure they would enjoy a picture of their man looking good!

13-Jan-11, 11:19
ooh! I don't know if my hormones could cope with semi-dressed young men!

13-Jan-11, 11:26

13-Jan-11, 15:30
Do you do the hair and make-up too?

13-Jan-11, 17:57
i could but can't guarantee the results! tho I have spoken to someone who is doing beauty at the college so it is something I am thinking about offering. You going to come back over here for a photoshoot then Sandra?

13-Jan-11, 18:30
i could but can't guarantee the results! tho I have spoken to someone who is doing beauty at the college so it is something I am thinking about offering. You going to come back over here for a photoshoot then Sandra?

Yes. I need new photos of the boys and who else would I have do them??

20-Jan-11, 23:40
Well the 1st shoot has been done and while a lot of the photos are on my blog, I don't know if they will be suitable for here but I think this one is respectable enough for viewing.


http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1359.snc4/163176_489643883262_754753262_6047801_5786546_n.jp g

21-Jan-11, 02:34
Really nice, very attractive girls, but would you be able to hide double chins and wrinkles????

21-Jan-11, 08:18
its all about the positioning Fran so yes those features can be minimised - I'll have a "normal" lady in the next day or so (i.e. not just out of her teens or a size 8/10) and if she allows me to show any of hers I can show what I mean ;-)