View Full Version : Sunrise boxing day

26-Dec-10, 11:54
couldn't get over the gorgeous clouds and colour this morning, snapped this from the front door

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1379.snc4/163132_477523858143_300395478143_5948910_5244183_n .jpg

26-Dec-10, 12:01
wasn't it just stunning! I slept in for the 1st time in years so only caught the tail end of it and was wondering if anyone managed to get some photos - thanks for sharing

26-Dec-10, 12:02
That looks like something out of War of the Worlds.

Stunning Tuggs.

26-Dec-10, 12:04
thanks, it's a shame the camera didn't show the almost metallic sheen the clouds had, but all in all not too bad a bad photo i think