View Full Version : Trump Golf Course, Aberdeen.

15-Dec-10, 06:52
Just watched a Documentary on the new golf course in Aberdeen.
Quite a story, much adversity, but seemingly success!
Donald Trump's Mother was a Mary Macleod from Stornaway! Every day we learn somethng new.

15-Dec-10, 12:58
Just watched a Documentary on the new golf course in Aberdeen.
Quite a story, much adversity, but seemingly success!
Donald Trump's Mother was a Mary Macleod from Stornaway! Every day we learn somethng new.

So why did he not build his golf course on Lewis?
I see that he Trump aka "Shredded Wheat Head" is now complaining about an offshore wind farm spoiling t.he view for the homeowners who will inhabit the housing estate he is building

15-Dec-10, 13:52
So why did he not build his golf course on Lewis?
I see that he Trump aka "Shredded Wheat Head" is now complaining about an offshore wind farm spoiling t.he view for the homeowners who will inhabit the housing estate he is building

Pray tell me why you would not look at it as a positive for Scotland. And why get personal about this hair??
Seems a bit unfair...or jealousy perhaps.....Would be interesting to know...Tks.

15-Dec-10, 14:04
Pray tell me why you would not look at it as a positive for Scotland. And why get personal about this hair??
Seems a bit unfair...or jealousy perhaps.....Would be interesting to know...Tks.

I personally have no objections to anyone building a golf course on land they own, if it is in the done within existing planning regulations
I do object strongly to a person destroying an area of natural beauty for pure personal profit, and in doing so using Compulsory Purchase Orders to force people out of their homes.

Who mentioned hair? I didn't!

15-Dec-10, 14:23
I personally have no objections to anyone building a golf course on land they own, if it is in the done within existing planning regulations
I do object strongly to a person destroying an area of natural beauty for pure personal profit, and in doing so using Compulsory Purchase Orders to force people out of their homes.
Sandyr1 I do not normally agree with Anfield, but I have to say I do on this issue, people are going to be thrown off the land their fathers owned, will they get a decent price for it? I do not think so.
I have suspicions our First Minister is so deep in the pocket of the said D Trump, that he will make sure the Purchase Orders go through.

15-Dec-10, 14:43
Sandy if you go the posts started 26 October, this is one of the times it has been discussed on here.

I personally object to the fact he is trying to throw folk off the land they own - how would you feel if someone came and threw your family out of the house at Swiney because they wanted to do something else with your land - wher would it stop if the law was changed due to someone else wanting your land/house whatever.

I also object due to area being of "special site" but he is still being allowed to build although it has gone through all the process to become a special site, because he wants to build and is flashing the cash the council say - of course son of scotland, welcome you can do anything you want and we will bend over backwards and kiss your behind too.

I am all for anyone investing money but to come over here to make money for himself, to denegrate the people who live on the land he wants, trying to force them out - we can do without this type of business.

Why does he not take it to Lewis where his mother was from - the simple reason I do not believe the council would bend over backwards to allow him to open shops, golf courses and businesses on a Sunday, therefore cutting his profit margins.

15-Dec-10, 15:45
OK. Got the msg.
It was very well done, perhaps a bit on his side, but then there was a 'farmer' with 20 acres of scrap rite beside him. He wouldn't move so he planted trees around there. They didn't force him off altho' Trump tried everything!
Here's what I found.....personally.......
I walked the Dornock course and the way it is set up, the wildness is still there, but there are walking paths rite on the Ocean and I think that the Golf Course improved a piece of what you could call wasteland. i.e. not used for anything!
If Trump's idea comes true there is big money for Aberdeen and area.
Yes I hear that some people were made to move but it was done legally, and we are a Democracy.
And Mr G.....I realize what you are saying but on one hand the people of the North are complaining that they have nothing, then when they get a World Class idea, people still are not happy.
Following thru on that, why would not Caithness, look at creating a 9 hole Exec Course even more daunting than the dunes and get the people up there....I dunno....just thoughts!

Mr. G...Wasn't this being planned since 2004/ was the same Minister in then? A Q as I am not quite sure of the goings on.
Change in this World has to be accepted.....the only thing that is consistent is change!
And he is only using 1500 acres....not exactly a huge part of Scotland!

15-Dec-10, 16:15
So why did he not build his golf course on Lewis?
I see that he Trump aka "Shredded Wheat Head" is now complaining about an offshore wind farm spoiling t.he view for the homeowners who will inhabit the housing estate he is building

I personally have no objections to anyone building a golf course on land they own, if it is in the done within existing planning regulations
I do object strongly to a person destroying an area of natural beauty for pure personal profit, and in doing so using Compulsory Purchase Orders to force people out of their homes.

Who mentioned hair? I didn't!

So are you saying that the "aka Shredded Wheat Head" part of your first post doesnt allude to his hair? Are you a complete fool, or do you just think that everyone else on the .Org is?
Actually, dont bother answering that, there is enough documentary evidence on the .Org to prove that it isnt everyone else! :roll:

15-Dec-10, 16:25
Sandy, you have a Quixotic streak to your postings that I enjoy very much. The mention of the role of windmills in the Trump project reinforces that impression! But truly, you are overlooking the main point - Trump will not be making a ton of money off the golf course. It is the housing part of the project that is truly lucrative. The golf course is not only a windmill but also a Trojan horse.
I am sorry for all these metaphors but our office party is getting underway.
You know, somehow I dont think Scotland is going to be seeing very much of the Trumps in the future.
On the subject of native sons done well abroad and come home with largesse Trump ranks among the bottom feeders. Compare him to Andrew Carnegie who bequeathed to Scotland a public library system and much else.
Now that was class.
Or to look at Trump USA - how does old wispy locks compare with the Rockefellers?
To even ask the question is to answer it!

15-Dec-10, 16:27
OK. Got the msg.
It was very well done, perhaps a bit on his side, but then there was a 'farmer' with 20 acres of scrap rite beside him. He wouldn't move so he planted trees around there. They didn't force him off altho' Trump tried everything!

Yes he did try everything:
"..Mr O'Connor (Trumps star greenkeeper) - who previously spent 18 years at Carnoustie Golf Club in Angus, helping to attract the Open in 1999 and 2007 - was dismissed last week after refusing to be part of Trump's "campaign of intimidation" against people refusing to sell their land to the New York-based magnate.

It is understood the dispute centres round Mr O'Connor's refusal to follow Trump's order to build a huge mound of earth behind the home of David Milne, one of several neighbours on the Menie estate who refused to sell their homes.

Trump visited the site last month and was said to be extremely angry his instructions had not been complied with. A bank of earth about 100ft across and 20ft high appeared behind Mr Milne's house a few days before Mr O'Connor's dismissal.." The Scotsman (http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/news/Donald-Trump39s-star-greenkeeper-39sacked.6612308.jp)

One thing I like about Trump though, are his environmental claims:
"..Right now, that site is a killing field and they kill 25,000 birds a year. When I build this course, they won't be killing any birds.."

Theres more:
"The environmental benefits outweigh any negatives.
"But when you add the economics into the equation, it's not even a contest." Article (http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/scotland/Donald-Trump-39If-anyone-else.4171820.jp)

There have been two recent TV programmes about this issue, and in one of them he claimed that he had the backing of "the majority" of environmental organisations. When pressed as to who they were, he went quiet.

So are you saying that the "aka Shredded Wheat Head" part of your first post doesnt allude to his hair? Are you a complete fool, or do you just think that everyone else on the .Org is?
Actually, dont bother answering that, there is enough documentary evidence on the .Org to prove that it isnt everyone else

I see your sense of humour has gone walkabout again


15-Dec-10, 16:36
Sandyr1, Hi, You must have seen a different version of the programme than we did, not only does Mr Trump want all the land but it seems he is not adverse to going for 'compulsory purchse orders' to get the remaining people off the land completely, these people have given YEARS of their lives to upgrading most of the remaining properties, they're broken hearted, and being called more or less 'scum of the earth' all because Mr Trump can make even more money, money that will go into HIS POCKET....and yes we wondered why he didn't go for his so called beloved mother, my tears are falling.....not! Aberdeen was rich when the oil was booming (not for the rest of Scotland though...I won't start on that one!) so maybe he thinks he'll get an easier time if he steps up with the I'm your big Saviour rushing to help you!...again...NOT....and yes we'd all like if new jobs were created, who wouldn't,...but not at his price, thanks...I think that's my rant over. Sorry if I offend never intentional. Regards Garnet. :D

15-Dec-10, 17:01
Well, well.......strong comments. Methinks business is not a game for the weak at Heart......

15-Dec-10, 17:07
From what I read and see on the TV about Trump...he is ruthless, will bankrupt one of his own Companies, or you for that matter in the quest for the $.
But he employs many people and if he is a believer in you, you will become successful.
The Media love him as he is so flamboyant, and such an Ass at times, but that is what sells.. He is in business, not just to be a 'nice guy'.

15-Dec-10, 19:34
OK. Got the msg.
Yes I hear that some people were made to move but it was done legally, and we are a Democracy.

80% of our laws are made in Brussels. We ceased to be a democracy when we allowed non elected people to make our laws.

15-Dec-10, 19:44
80% of our laws are made in Brussels. We ceased to be a democracy when we allowed non elected people to make our laws.

Ohhhhh come on!
I am sure the Scottish Laws have not changed that much....as far as I can remember, much is 'Common Law', which is common sense.

And this Documentary seemed to have been made quite recently....his final comment was...See you in 18 months! The assumption being that perhaps that was the opening time for the course.....
Also his thoughts seemed to be...leave much of the brush/whins(?) and dunes as is. The fairways would not be closely groomed....Just the T boxes and greens would be manicured.....I dunno/ you guys know best!

15-Dec-10, 20:02
Also his thoughts seemed to be...leave much of the brush/whins(?) and dunes as is. The fairways would not be closely groomed....Just the T boxes and greens would be manicured.....I dunno/ you guys know best!

On one of the TV programmes I saw, it was said that he was planning on modifying the structure of the "wandering dunes" at Menie so that they would not shift in the winds.
A site well worth looking at for reasons why Trump should not be allowed to build a housing estate, sorry, World beating golf course is MenieScotland (http://www.meniescotland.co.uk/environment.htm)

15-Dec-10, 20:22
So are you saying that the "aka Shredded Wheat Head" part of your first post doesnt allude to his hair? Are you a complete fool, or do you just think that everyone else on the .Org is?
Actually, dont bother answering that, there is enough documentary evidence on the .Org to prove that it isnt everyone else! :roll:

I think he got the 'Shredded wheat' thing from here: http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=289622 (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=289622)

"Donald Trump's "hair" reminds me of shredded wheat. It is THE strangest hairstyle I've ever seen." (KittyLitter) :eek:

16-Dec-10, 19:01
I think the Duchess of Sutherland's factor used the same rhetoric about her tenantry when she threw them off their land. He probably learned that one from his esteemed mother.

But his P.R. machine have managed to get most of the media to swallow the golf course story hook line and sinker. Would he build one without a thousand houses? No way! That's where he sees the money and if world economic woes contiue just watch him back off from the project.

Walter Ego
16-Dec-10, 19:18
OK. Got the msg.
It was very well done, perhaps a bit on his side, but then there was a 'farmer' with 20 acres of scrap rite beside him. He wouldn't move so he planted trees around there. They didn't force him off altho' Trump tried everything!
Here's what I found.....personally.......
I walked the Dornock course and the way it is set up, the wildness is still there, but there are walking paths rite on the Ocean and I think that the Golf Course improved a piece of what you could call wasteland. i.e. not used for anything!
If Trump's idea comes true there is big money for Aberdeen and area.
Yes I hear that some people were made to move but it was done legally, and we are a Democracy.
And Mr G.....I realize what you are saying but on one hand the people of the North are complaining that they have nothing, then when they get a World Class idea, people still are not happy.
Following thru on that, why would not Caithness, look at creating a 9 hole Exec Course even more daunting than the dunes and get the people up there....I dunno....just thoughts!

Mr. G...Wasn't this being planned since 2004/ was the same Minister in then? A Q as I am not quite sure of the goings on.
Change in this World has to be accepted.....the only thing that is consistent is change!
And he is only using 1500 acres....not exactly a huge part of Scotland!

Trump is not doing this out of some philanthropic motive. He is targetting one of the wealthiest areas in Scotland - his motive is profit, pure and simple. And he will ruthlessly crush anyone who stands in his way whilst giving it the 'Western Isles boy at heart' routine.

Welcome to the Highland Clearances - C21st style.

You might not be so full of bluster if it was your land that was being taken away from you against your wishes by a bunch of grovelling local councillors.

16-Dec-10, 20:43
Trump is not doing this out of some philanthropic motive. He is targetting one of the wealthiest areas in Scotland - his motive is profit, pure and simple. And he will ruthlessly crush anyone who stands in his way whilst giving it the 'Western Isles boy at heart' routine.

Welcome to the Highland Clearances - C21st style.

You might not be so full of bluster if it was your land that was being taken away from you against your wishes by a bunch of grovelling local councillors.

Full of Bluster?? Did I say he was a philanthropist?
What businessman does not want to make a profit!
Methinks there is jealousy creepin' in here. Chips on shoulder routine!
I don't know where you are from, but there are as many in the North who would rip your heart out for a pound!

Walter Ego
16-Dec-10, 23:51
Full of Bluster?? Did I say he was a philanthropist?
What businessman does not want to make a profit!
Methinks there is jealousy creepin' in here. Chips on shoulder routine!
I don't know where you are from, but there are as many in the North who would rip your heart out for a pound!


You do a runner from Scotland and then blast on about how we should be running our affairs. Your ignorant and flippant comments regarding the amount of land involved show just how out of touch you really are with your perceived 'homeland'.

'Rip my heart out'? I'll happily take bets on that one. If you can threaten, then I can insult:

Go poke, you pathetic idiot.
You left the country you are so concerned about, so don't tell the people who choose to live here how they should live their lives.
You lost the credible right to do that the minute you got outside UK airspace.

'Chip on the shoulder'?
Ridiculous, I put money into this Far North community through my business. It's not a lot, but I'll be effed if some plastic Canook numpty is going to get one over one me.

Why don't you come back here, put your money where your mouth is and try to make adifference instead of sitting in Canada passing judgement on those of us who are trying to make a positive difference to the Far North?

You're nothing more than a plastic Jock. You'll play the 'homeland' card when it suits you andd then turn your back when it gets too difficult.

I reckon you're a Trump.

18-Dec-10, 22:48
Wow...Got the Bluster goin'.
Well done!

Methinks I shall add a wee piece to my comment.......Sma' Mind!

18-Dec-10, 23:05
Fantastic idea Sandyr1.

Get in touch with Trump and ask him to convey his ideas to the Reay Golf Course Committee. The empty Dome would make an excellent Clubhousel

22-Dec-10, 16:13

You do a runner from Scotland and then blast on about how we should be running our affairs. Your ignorant and flippant comments regarding the amount of land involved show just how out of touch you really are with your perceived 'homeland'.

'Rip my heart out'? I'll happily take bets on that one. If you can threaten, then I can insult:

Go poke, you pathetic idiot.
You left the country you are so concerned about, so don't tell the people who choose to live here how they should live their lives.
You lost the credible right to do that the minute you got outside UK airspace.

'Chip on the shoulder'?
Ridiculous, I put money into this Far North community through my business. It's not a lot, but I'll be effed if some plastic Canook numpty is going to get one over one me.

Why don't you come back here, put your money where your mouth is and try to make adifference instead of sitting in Canada passing judgement on those of us who are trying to make a positive difference to the Far North?

You're nothing more than a plastic Jock. You'll play the 'homeland' card when it suits you andd then turn your back when it gets too difficult.
I reckon you're a Trump.

I just re-read your 'diatribe', and now that I know who you are, I would not have expected less.
Constructive criticism is quite normal/Personal insults are usually from people with small minds, who think they are important.......
FYI...I do own 'property' in the North, and have 'contributed' to the econony in approx. 28 takes offs and landings to Scotland in the past few years, but my genuine thougths for the area was to compensate for the loss of many jobs at Dounreay, perhaps sooner than expected. And this is enhanced today when another 'true accounting' of the state of the UK economy was released.
Sometimes one has to look outside 'The Box' you in particular live in.
So there is an olde saying...Fowk who live in gless hoosies, shidna be throwan them stanes!

22-Dec-10, 16:41
I wonder is there a word in Gaelic for the Trump hairstyle?

22-Dec-10, 16:47
On the subject of Plastic Canooks:
There is no such thing as a plastic canook. But I might be able to get my hands on a plastic mountie. $50.00 (Canadian) and it could be yours!
Cash only, please. I know what it's like trying to do business with northerners...

22-Dec-10, 16:52
Sandy - This is latest I have from Tripping Up Trump

Thanks to you public opposition to Trump has never been higher.

Last time public opinion was measured with an official poll it was 74% against Trump's actions.

Not the '93% in favour' as Trump frequently likes to quote, but when quizzed on national television he can't find the reference.

In fact, a recent poll of 20,000 Scottish people on St. Andrew's Day showed the protecting local families from Trump is the second most important campaign in Scotland. Only bankers are as unpopular.

So, public opinion is on our side, but the national and local government are still not listening or acting.

And now the legal system appears set to fail 86 year old Molly Forbes who was refused legal aid to protect her own home.

Now Trump is set upon financially destroying Molly in pursuit of his legal expenses, which could be as much as £75,000.

In Scotland it seems a pensioner isn't allowed to protect her home from a foreign multi-billionaire.

ACTION - Molly's case returns to the court room on January 11th. So if you've a spare Christmas card, please post it to Molly and the families of Menie. Remind them that they are never alone in this battle against Trump and that we'll stand with them until we win. Molly will welcome the support.

Please post your card to :

Molly Forbes
AB23 8YE

Trump's claim of hundreds of local jobs has already turned into a local joke.

To top it all, Trump is now intent on wrecking one of Aberdeenshire's great economic hopes for the future: clean energy.

Trump's already played an influencing role in derailing a massive offshore clean energy windfarm project to a third of its original size.

He's now campaigning to stop the whole wind farm, as it might spoil the view from his golf course.

Why not help ensure Trump doesn't stop this project and rob the Scottish economy of its future.

Please show your support.

ACTION - Please email [email protected] and copy [email protected] and Scottish Minister [email protected]

Here is some suggested wording you can use, although it's always better if you can write some of your own:

The proposed windfarm represents an important diversification in the energy industry in Aberdeen. It will help provide a truly sustainable economy with skilled, high wage jobs. It represents a major investment in clean and renewable energy, one of Scotland's key goals. This is an important statement about the true future of economic development of the north-east. It should not be held to ransom by a Donald Trump's vanity project.

Many thanks for all that you continue to do.

Have a wonderful festive season.

22-Dec-10, 16:55
Well, here he is!


22-Dec-10, 17:09
Pat...If you read my posts, I am not 'For' or 'Against' Trump.
I am olde enough to remember all the Industry in Scotland...Shipyards in Glasgow, Oil Rigs and replenishment of same in the Aberdeen and Tain area, and two or three Air Bases.
These have pretty well all gone, or are in the process of elimination.

But I am also Young enough to know Scotland, especially the North needs 'something'...Whatever that will be.
Progress and Change are difficult to handle.

And why your comment 'Thanks to me', opposition to trump has never been higher? That is a bit stupifying, and the personal contempt from the other poster....Amazing.....I thought that this forum and you in particular were professional/ normal enough to have a discussion...But maybe I shall join Rich and sell Mounties...I know a wee bitty aboot that!

22-Dec-10, 20:46
sorry Sandy
that was taken from the latest release by "Tripping Up Trump" and not aimed at you personally.
It was the email which is received by everyone who asks for updates on "Tripping Up Trump". I ask for updates as I used to live near this area and am interested what is happening.

22-Dec-10, 21:13
sorry Sandy
that was taken from the latest release by "Tripping Up Trump" and not aimed at you personally.
It was the email which is received by everyone who asks for updates on "Tripping Up Trump". I ask for updates as I used to live near this area and am interested what is happening.

Tks for reply/ understood....

Dounreay...The North took it but it did cause a lot of grief/ pain & sickness.
Trump... Perhaps the same and then there will be someone else..There is a trade off with everything we do or decide!

Walter Ego
30-Dec-10, 20:43
What's with the new thread regarding Trump, Sandy? Not getting the support you think you're due on here?;)

Let's face reality. His scheme could easily go ahead without the approximately one thousand houses that he wants to build alongside his precious course. But it won't.

If he did that, he might even get support from me. Providing he didn't boot law abiding Scots off their own land.

And whats the "I know who you are" comment about, anyway? Is it a threat?

30-Dec-10, 21:50
What's with the new thread regarding Trump, Sandy? Not getting the support you think you're due on here?;)

Let's face reality. His scheme could easily go ahead without the approximately one thousand houses that he wants to build alongside his precious course. But it won't.

If he did that, he might even get support from me. Providing he didn't boot law abiding Scots off their own land.

And whats the "I know who you are" comment about, anyway? Is it a threat?

Gosh you are quite childish. If you cannot/ are unable to debate and put consecutive words together...I dunno!

Walter Ego
30-Dec-10, 22:26
Gosh you are quite childish. If you cannot/ are unable to debate and put consecutive words together...I dunno!

I did in the quote you used just then.

I would say that you can't hack disagreement, hence your starting a seperate thread under a slightly different heading.

You accused me earlier in theis thread of having 'a chip on my shoulder', being 'jealous' and then some comment about 'ripping my heart out'. Now I am 'childish'. I fire back in an equally insulting manner and you cannot hack it.
Then you appear to 'know who I am' - I doubt that very much. Even if you do, feeble attempts to detract from the fact that your stance is getting absolutely no support whatsoever on this site simply reinforce your positions weakness.

Is that childish enough for you?

30-Dec-10, 22:37
I have no stance and do not require support.
I thought that these two 'business people' were unique, and wanted to know first of all why Trump was hated.
I started the second thread as I couldn't find the first...perhaps due to the new format, or just me, after seeing Branson on National TV., and how he is here to start his new low cost whatever Airline.
So I would like to perhaps close this 'thread' but won't until I get permission, if not I'll be accused of covering something up.

Walter Ego
30-Dec-10, 22:45
OK. Fair comment about the second thread.

But I don't think you need permission to shut the thread, Sandy. If you are the OP then I'm pretty certain you can lock the thread at any time.

31-Dec-10, 00:45
OK. Fair comment about the second thread.

But I don't think you need permission to shut the thread, Sandy. If you are the OP then I'm pretty certain you can lock the thread at any time.

Done TY...Oh I have to write something...