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14-Aug-06, 21:12
The Monkey's Disgrace

Three monkeys sat in a coconut tree,
Discussing things that are said to be;
Said one to the others, "Now listen you two,
There's a certain rumor that can't be true:
That man descended from our noble race,
The very idea is a disgrace!
"No monkey ever deserted his wife,
Starved her babies, and ruined her life;
And you've never known a mother monk,
To leave her babies with others to bunk,
Or pass them on from one to the other,
Till they scarcely know who is their mother.
"And another thing you'll never see,
A monk build a fence round a coconut tree,
And let the coconuts go to waste,
Forbidding all other monks to taste;
Why, if I put a fence around a tree,
Starvation will force you to steal from me!
"Here's another thing a monk won't do:
Go out at night and get in a stew,
Or use a gun, a club or a knife,
To take some other dumb monkey's life!
Yes, man descended, the ornery cuss,
But, brother, he didn't descend from us!"

Author Unknown

14-Aug-06, 21:36
Very good, also very true. Never heard that one before.

14-Aug-06, 21:46
Very good, also very true. Never heard that one before.

So you really don't know where you came from? lol

14-Aug-06, 21:50
Yes I do, I was found under a goosberry bush.(a wild one)

14-Aug-06, 22:03
Aha! A little tree person - not up top with the monkeys.

15-Aug-06, 11:18
Thoughts that Darwin did not consider when he came up with his theory.

:roll: :lol:

15-Aug-06, 11:20
"Origins of the (Orgerites) Species?

15-Aug-06, 12:08
Male monkeys will kill infant monkeys, Not such a nice creature after :~( And the females have sex with all the males.

Passage below copied from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Blaffer_Hrdy

When an outside male takes over a group, he usually proceeds to kill all infants. This proved to be very advantageous to the male langurs who practiced infanticide. In addition, Hrdy began studying female langurs closely and soon found evidence that female primates had evolved sexual counter-strategies in order to gain protection. Turnover in a langur tribe occurs approximately every 27 months. The male who is taking over has a very small window of opportunity to harvest his genes, and if the females are already weaning infants, it's likely that they won't ovulate again for another year. Killing their dependant infants makes the females once again receptive to mating. Female choice is subverted, as females are put under pressure to ovulate and are forced to breed with the infanticidal males. This is where the idea of sexual counter-strategies comes into play. Hrdy theorized that by mating with as many males as possibly, particularly outside males who are not part of the colony, mothers are able to successfully protect their young, as males were unlikely to kill an infant if there was the slightest chance that it might be their own. This gives an "illusion of paternity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paternity)," as Trivers put it. The goal of the male langur is to maximize the proportion of his offspring, and according to Hrdy, a male who attacks his own offspring is rapidly selected against. While infanticide has been seemingly preserved across primate orders, Hrdy found no evidence to suggest that the human species has a 'genetic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic) imperative' for infanticide.

15-Aug-06, 13:35
I have heard this or something similar before. Did you write it?

15-Aug-06, 14:47
"But, brother, he didn't descend from us!"

Author Unknown

15-Aug-06, 15:05
Um, duh, its late and I am going to bed, I have had a stressful day. Goodnight. Maybe I will read better in the morning.
PS, I emailed you those stories.

15-Aug-06, 15:13
Thanks - got em.