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08-Dec-10, 21:23
my 2year old cocker has somehow managed to skin the end of her tail, she did it about a week ago, left it for a day or two to see if it would heal. however she is a typical cocker and the tail goes non-stop and in this snow it was continually getting a battering and then lots of licks. so yesterday i took her to the vets and he informed me its infected my poor girlie, felt really sorry for her. so a 10day course of antibiotics and painkillers and cross fingers it will be better then otherwise she may need to get it shortened.
anyone else had this problem am really hoping it heals

08-Dec-10, 21:45
The problem with tails that get hurt is if the wound compromises blood circulation to the tail. The only thing to do is follow the treatment and hope for the best. Don't use caustic alternative remedies. While they might treat the wound locally, the scaring can constrict blood flow.

09-Dec-10, 09:47
Mum and Dads springer kept bursting the end of his tail open and he ended up having the tip removed, he kept bursting that open too.
He ended up having his tail shortened to the length it would have been if it was docked.
His tail was very waggy and like a whip if it got you:lol:

09-Dec-10, 22:52
In my opinion cockers should not have tails, I have owned both docked and un-docked cockers and its just really silly how much pain is caused to both human and dog from them having the waggiest tails of any breed I know.
My daughter also has a cocker and there was a mystery for a while as blood trails kept appearing on the kitchen cupboard doors and the washing machine - it was his tail he kept hitting off some furniture or other - he still has a bare patch which is quite easily cut over and over again.

Now I have seen puppies getting docked (many years ago) and I cant say it was a pleasant experience - however breeds like cockers should be allowed to be docked by the vets - not just when a problem occurs, but as a pup so that they are never put through the misery of a vets visit and the terror of an op when older.

10-Dec-10, 08:52
Few dogs (and cockers are not over-represented in this) seriously hurt or frequently damage their tails in the normal course of a day. Even working dogs.
I come from where docking was legal until fairly recently and it is horrendous. It also deprives the dog of an important communication tool.

10-Dec-10, 14:27
- however breeds like cockers should be allowed to be docked by the vets - not just when a problem occurs, but as a pup so that they are never put through the misery of a vets visit and the terror of an op when older.

yep thats what i think too. my jack russell was docked as a puppy and has no problem comunicating with any other dogs, he will never have to suffer with repeated damage and pain to a full tail.


del 123
12-Dec-10, 13:52
my 2year old cocker has somehow managed to skin the end of her tail, she did it about a week ago, left it for a day or two to see if it would heal. however she is a typical cocker and the tail goes non-stop and in this snow it was continually getting a battering and then lots of licks. so yesterday i took her to the vets and he informed me its infected my poor girlie, felt really sorry for her. so a 10day course of antibiotics and painkillers and cross fingers it will be better then otherwise she may need to get it shortened.
anyone else had this problem am really hoping it heals

hi this happened to our cocker,we took him to the vets a couple of times and the bandaged it up,but just started bleeding again,after the bandage came of.so he ended up getting a operation too remove most of the tail.was horrible seing him go through it,but it was worth it.and at least don"t have to worry about infection

20-Dec-10, 16:10
aye tail did have to get docked, so she's curled up on the couch with her lampshade on not speaking to me, just hoping it doesna get infected (fingers and toes crossed) and i think she told the vet staff in no certain terms what she thought of getting it done, we could hear her from outside the vets when we went to pick her up.

22-Dec-10, 10:39
As we speak!!!
The Gamekeepers Association and BASC, are in consultation, on a process of 'presentation', and colation.
The present contact we should be 'bombarding', with 'factual evidence', and written concerns is ''Richard Lockhead''

http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/msp/m ... ontact.htm (http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/msp/memberspages/richard_lochhead/contact.htm)

I would advise , a typed out letter, sent direct , with a copy e-mail as well?
This will get a reply,to you.
You can also if you wish cc. or send copy direct to 'Airlie Bruce Jones',
airlie@abjcon.co.uk (airlie@abjcon.co.uk)
He will 'sit on it', and forward or use , as when the 'consultation process', has been agreed,to the ministries.

I know of several working and non working spaniels suffering due to the silly laws in scotland, if you feel it is wrong to put the dogs through suffering of amputation in adulthood take pics of your dogs damaged tails and send to the above!

23-Dec-10, 18:15
aye tail did have to get docked, so she's curled up on the couch with her lampshade on not speaking to me, just hoping it doesna get infected (fingers and toes crossed) and i think she told the vet staff in no certain terms what she thought of getting it done, we could hear her from outside the vets when we went to pick her up.

So sorry, hope she is feeling better now.
