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View Full Version : im about ready to give in

07-Dec-10, 14:44
I know the posties are doing their best, i really appreciate it!

BUT............i never got my copy of Twilight Eclipse yet! :~( Was meant to be here yesterday cos it was posted last thursday!

If it doesnt come by postie van this afternoon im gonna need to watch it on box office!!! [lol] I cant wait anymore! I need an Edward fix!! (twilight fans will understand me)

mums angels
07-Dec-10, 14:54
I know the posties are doing their best, i really appreciate it!

BUT............i never got my copy of Twilight Eclipse yet! :~( Was meant to be here yesterday cos it was posted last thursday!

If it doesnt come by postie van this afternoon im gonna need to watch it on box office!!! [lol] I cant wait anymore! I need an Edward fix!! (twilight fans will understand me)

Not sure if it has anything to do with the weather to be honest as the last 4 pre orders i got from Play.com were a day or two late [evil] i watched it on box office last night and have it on sky+ record until tonight so have watched it twice already LOL no sign of it arriving today yet either as pretty sure my postie has done my street but since i got no mail at all i cant be sure and the postie van doesnt usually deliver small packages that will fit thorugh the post box but you never know

07-Dec-10, 15:06
Saw it Last night!! Well worth the wait!

07-Dec-10, 15:34
Mine is coming from play.com and now that you say it alot of our pre-orders dont come on time anymore. Ordered kinect and it was 2 days late, fable 3, halo reach...so yeah im not impressed. we only usually order from there because they say it will be here day of release. Been fine up until this last few months.

Got a mate going to lend me her copy so will watch it later! WOOOO!

07-Dec-10, 15:59
Probably the one good thing about the snow is that it will hamper Twilight deliveries :D

07-Dec-10, 16:39
I havent had mine from Amazon yet :-(

Didnt know it was on box office - so Im ordering it tonight! YAY!

07-Dec-10, 18:50
we have had one post delivery in the last 10 days. :roll:

07-Dec-10, 19:27
Not sure if it has anything to do with the weather to be honest as the last 4 pre orders i got from Play.com were a day or two late

I find Play are normally slow on deliveries. Most of their smaller items seem to come from Guernsey and take longer. On the plus side, delivery is free!!

07-Dec-10, 19:51
Watched it last night on box office in HD it was sooooooooo worth it :)

07-Dec-10, 23:57
Probably the one good thing about the snow is that it will hamper Twilight deliveries :D

Lol true.

We've had no deliveries here since Friday I think. Plus the whole central belt is locked up. Play take a while to deliver stuff once you order it but I have always had pre-orders on time.

08-Dec-10, 00:15
Just watched Eclipse on Sky Box Office - LOVE IT!!!!

Still torn between Team Jacob and Team Edward!!!

08-Dec-10, 00:27
Team Buffy should hopefully be able to deal with both of them.

08-Dec-10, 09:48
Team Buffy should hopefully be able to deal with both of them.

Team Blade is on standby for backup. I remember when vampires and werewolves used to be cool now they're just annoying emos.

I always thought this (http://theoatmeal.com/story/twilight) was a rather apt description.

08-Dec-10, 10:13
Im team edward all the way! Hopefully my copy comes today! Was going to watch it on box office last night but i couldnt get it to work on the HD channel. Iv ordered a blu-ray so i aint lowering my standards!! Got Twilight and new moon on blu ray already.

Come to me edward!!!! [lol]

08-Dec-10, 10:19
we have had one post delivery in the last 10 days. :roll:

same here, im local shopping now (if and when we can get out) incase snow goes then returns with a vengance!! anything we cant get can be got after christmas ;)

mums angels
08-Dec-10, 15:37
My copy still didnt arrive today and am still waiting for shrek 4 that i got an email over a week ago to say it had been dispatched so god knows where its gone

08-Dec-10, 18:15
My copy still didnt arrive today and am still waiting for shrek 4 that i got an email over a week ago to say it had been dispatched so god knows where its gone

Never got any post today :( Was in tesco earlier and was tempted to buy it but i resisted! (no idea how)

Waiting on alot of things coming, dvds, graphics PC, toys etc etc.... *sigh*

08-Dec-10, 18:28
Just to depress you even further, I sent out 90 orders between Saturday 29th November and Monday 1st December and they're only just starting to arrive with customers. First class to/from here seems to be taking about 7 working days at the moment.

09-Dec-10, 13:44
Its here! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-Dec-10, 13:49
Its here! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yaaaaaaay!!! Did you get the rest of your orders Shelley?
I'm waiting on a few things including a rental from LoveFilm.:D

09-Dec-10, 13:58
No post here yet - My dad posted something rec del on monday from Suffolk, and still havent got it.

Fingers crossed we will get some post at some point this afternoon..... waiting on so much to arrive!

09-Dec-10, 13:59
Yaaaaaaay!!! Did you get the rest of your orders Shelley?
I'm waiting on a few things including a rental from LoveFilm.:D

Got a couple of things, still waiting on alot though. But i think they will be coming by the van cos they are bigger.

Trying to get the rest of my christmas stuff ordered today so i know it will be here on time! :Razz

09-Dec-10, 14:19
Got a couple of things, still waiting on alot though. But i think they will be coming by the van cos they are bigger.

Trying to get the rest of my christmas stuff ordered today so i know it will be here on time! :Razz

Cheers Shelley and good idea to get shopping now in case the evil white stuff comes back!:confused