View Full Version : spiders

13-Aug-06, 00:13
Oh! Iv'e just had to escort a huge light brown spider out of the house...
No joking...he was massive!! legs at least one inch long walking along my wall as bold as brass.
My eye just caught a glimpse ..and boy could he travel.
There was me with my tissue to hand trying to catch him/her without harming it(never kill spiders) and trying not to disturb my "other half" who usually comes to my assistance ..snoring his head off!!!
He'll never beleive me in the morning when I add a bit more to the size!!!

13-Aug-06, 00:17
Tell "other half" the thing barked as well - you may get a strange look but you know you have caught the attention of.

13-Aug-06, 00:20
The strange noises coming from the room he'd be hard pushed to take in anything I said at the moment.....or believe!!!

13-Aug-06, 00:24
You'd get away with it then cos he'd maybe think it was just a bad dream?

13-Aug-06, 00:34
you are so right...mmmm...might enlarge the size even more.I'll give it a try.

Tiger Jones
13-Aug-06, 01:03
you are so right...mmmm...might enlarge the size even more.I'll give it a try.Show him this - might help your story ;)


13-Aug-06, 01:26
Had a spiderin my kitchen a while back, decided to take the opportunity to make some macro photographs:



13-Aug-06, 01:29
Had a spiderin my kitchen a while back, decided to take the opportunity to make some macro photographs:



Is it having a 'bad hair day'?

13-Aug-06, 04:14
Had my sister-in-law out for a viset from Edinburgh last year,one night I went to the toilet a few time and saw that her bedroom light was on I thought she must have fallen asleep so in the morning I got up her for waisting elect,she draged me into the room and showed me this pile of books,lifting them up I saw a plastic dish and under the dish on of the big spiders that run around now and then so I picked it up and put it outside,from what I could gather she sat up all night watching the box incase the spider lifted the great pile of books and got loose,never had such a good laugh for ages she hardly spoke to me all day,thats city folk for you,now when she comes to visit we spray the room before she arrives http://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon6.gif

13-Aug-06, 10:28
What is it about not killing spiders? I kill other insects in the house with only a small feeling of guilt but spiders have to be removed to the garden, preferably intact (unless they're really tiny when they're allowed to stay). Used to be difficult getting them out without injury but now I have a humane spider catcher (Christmas present from my granddaughter who loves all animals including insects) and problem solved. Catch them at arm's length and drop them safely outside while feeling very virtuous. :)

Maybe darkie should get one for sister-in-law's visits?

13-Aug-06, 10:34
Spiders eat all those other things you don't want but might kill if you could catch them. Me? I'm happy to give a spider free board and lodging if it keeps other creepy-crawly things away.

13-Aug-06, 22:47
Oh my days I don't like spiders atall, although I couldn't kill one, (I won't get that close:confused) I usually have to vacate the room I see one in, only to return when I feel its safe:lol:

I heard once that you actually swallow spiders when your sleepin euurrrgghhhH!

13-Aug-06, 23:24
No one is going to believe me, but I swear on my life that this is a true story. I had a friend when going to Uni that was studying to be a vet. He was a strapping bloke of 6 odd feet in height and 90kg in weight ( in otherwords, not a stringy little man) who was living in his parents home till he finished his studies (we have no student loans in Portugal, except from the bank of Mum and Dad).
He told us that in his first year at Uni he would often study till the small hours of the morning for exams, because the daytime heat was not conducive to productive study. So during exam trime days were often spent catching up on sleep.
One day he was lying on his stomach ontop of his sheets, in his underwear (or so he says), half way between sleep and wakefulness when he felt something fall on his back. This something then seemed to move a little. Now this great big guy (studying to be a vet, I remind you!) was absolutely terrified of spiders and he got it into his head that a spider had fallen on his back. He lay paralised in fear untill his mother came home a few hours later.....when the brave lady removed the beastie: a small piece of plaster from the ceiling.;)
We always had a good laugh when he told this story. He had the extreme good humour share this story with us and share in our laughter.

14-Aug-06, 17:58
Hi folks

Don't know if any of you have any desert experience? but 'camel spiders' always gave me the willies.. they are 'quite big' - well huge really -they move faster than you can walk, in the desert they follow you around, you see one and move briskly away - it follows you, move again and it's there. It's not really after you it just likes the shade your body gives..
In case no-one beleives me put in 'camel spider' on Google (honest)

George Brims
14-Aug-06, 19:40
There was a discussion on here before about camel spiders. Someone posted a deceptive photo that came with an exagerrated description. snopes.com flagged the whole thing as an urban legend. The silly thing is, those beasties are quite big enough to scare the living daylights out of anyone with arachnophobia, and a lot more people besides - no need to make them worse than they already are!

14-Aug-06, 19:41
not that bothered now about them just put them out.
couple o months ago our oldest son was having a bath and came down the stairs looking for someone to get rid of the tarantula (his words) in the bath. it was tiny.
couldnt stop laughing at the size of it. he was not amused.

14-Aug-06, 20:21
Hi George, sorry did not know 'camel spiders' have been on before (I'm new)

You're right there's a lot of rubbish written about them; how they move at 30mph, are venomous, and will eat anyone's flesh when they asleep. Actually in truth they can move at 10mph (and a walking pace is about 3mph!) they aren't venomous, but can bite, but in the two years I was in the desert saw about 5-6 of 'em, still give me the creeps now.

So yes, partly urban legends but they are big nasty things..

George Brims
14-Aug-06, 20:36
LOL Pete, if one of those things was following me I would walk a lot faster than 3mph!