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View Full Version : Looking for a Piano teacher

12-Aug-06, 18:48
Hi there! I am looking for a piano teacher for two of my little boys ages 6 and 7. i tried in the spring but all the ones I found either were full up or were no longer teaching. Desperatley want to get them started- please let me know if you or someone you know teaches piano and is available. Thankyou in advance!:)

24-Aug-06, 15:40
Ruth Ferguson,huddart st is very good :lol:

27-Sep-06, 20:31
If you are in Wick then the best piano teacher to go to is Mrs Cormack. She has many pupils and lets the pupils learn at their own pace and wont push them into anything that is too hard for them. She also provides exam books (you pay for them, she gets them) and tells you all the books you need as you go along.