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11-Aug-06, 14:45
right thats it. i've come to browse the boards where its safe.

i'm in the process of moving. everything i own is covered in bubblewrap. my clothes are everywhere (yes worse than usual) and i've found one or two items i think must have come off the ark, i think i'm going to hire a skip and be done with it!!!

how is everybody else's day going? please take my mind off it :Razz

11-Aug-06, 14:57
right thats it. i've come to browse the boards where its safe.

i'm in the process of moving. everything i own is covered in bubblewrap. my clothes are everywhere (yes worse than usual) and i've found one or two items i think must have come off the ark, i think i'm going to hire a skip and be done with it!!!

how is everybody else's day going? please take my mind off it :Razz

safe? What's that?

11-Aug-06, 15:00
it's nowhere near bubble wrap tape or cardboard boxes. also its well clear of anyone tryin to fit all their stuff into a space half the size it was in before [lol]

Tiger Jones
11-Aug-06, 15:03
it's nowhere near bubble wrap tape or cardboard boxes. also its well clear of anyone tryin to fit all their stuff into a space half the size it was in before [lol]Just a wee bit advice - keep moving around a bit or else you'll end up in bubble wrap yourself. Although, you could always play at Daleks then.

11-Aug-06, 15:05
it's nowhere near bubble wrap tape or cardboard boxes. also its well clear of anyone tryin to fit all their stuff into a space half the size it was in before [lol]

You could find yourself wrapped up in something else on here!

11-Aug-06, 15:08
Just a wee bit advice - keep moving around a bit or else you'll end up in bubble wrap yourself. Although, you could always play at Daleks then.

Could we all have a go at bubble bursting and 'exterminate'?

11-Aug-06, 15:09
Daleks...... now theres an idea... :lol:

i could well get wrapped up in something here but i think the packing has been abandoned for the day.

11-Aug-06, 15:12
and i think i know whats its been abandoned for!!


11-Aug-06, 15:12
They've got it taped have they?

11-Aug-06, 15:18
and i think i know whats its been abandoned for!!

OK - What?

11-Aug-06, 15:19
bubblewrap daleks!! :Razz :Razz

11-Aug-06, 15:21
That your best? Yup - you needed a rest lol

Tiger Jones
11-Aug-06, 15:22
On the Doctor Who theme, I may have a solution to your storage and transportation problems.

Get a few large cardboard boxes, tape them together in a column formation, paint them up a dark blue colour, add a blue light to the 'roof', cut a double door into the side and there! You've got yourself a Tardis.

11-Aug-06, 15:26
On the Doctor Who theme, I may have a solution to your storage and transportation problems.

Get a few large cardboard boxes, tape them together in a column formation, paint them up a dark blue colour, add a blue light to the 'roof', cut a double door into the side and there! You've got yourself a Tardis.

have you ever considered a job on blue peter? [lol]

11-Aug-06, 15:26
Can one be 'beamed up' from one of them?

11-Aug-06, 15:30
i have just found a perfect excuse to stop packing

there are 2 lambs in the garden. better summon the collie dog, cheerio!! :roll:

Tiger Jones
11-Aug-06, 15:32
have you ever considered a job on blue peter? [lol]Yes, but one would have to contend with all those kids. Can't have them upstaging me or making better models :lol:

11-Aug-06, 15:33
Byee or was that Baaaa?

Tiger Jones
11-Aug-06, 15:34
Can one be 'beamed up' from one of them?Think we could be looking at a Dr Who/Star Trek crossover here ;)

11-Aug-06, 15:37
So long as they're happy?

11-Aug-06, 15:39
peedie, the org is a wonderful diversion from the onerous task of packing to move. Many hours I spent avoiding the boxes.

The org is even better as an excuse to not unpack. 4 weeks into my new house and I am still surrounded by boxes. But I have to work hard at it today. I told malcolmdog I would wear my Caithness Hospital Tshirt tomorrow. I haven't a clue where it is!

I love the Tardis suggestion. Give it a go and let us know if it works.

Tiger Jones
11-Aug-06, 15:41
So long as they're happy?I think Happy is with another Doc.


11-Aug-06, 15:44
Sorry, I must be Sleepy

11-Aug-06, 15:47
I think Happy is with another Doc.

Dopey.He's not with me. I hope he's not lost.

11-Aug-06, 15:51
Oh Dear! Here we go again.


Tiger Jones
11-Aug-06, 15:58
He's not with me. I hope he's not lost.He's most likely in the pub. It's happy hour, you know.

I'll get me coat.

11-Aug-06, 23:08
you guys back yet? Been gone to that pub a long time lol

Tiger Jones
11-Aug-06, 23:11
you guys back yet? Been gone to that pub a long time lolI can tell you that Happy is VERY happy just now. He's so happy he's horizontal. Appears to be singing "Oh floor of Scotland".

11-Aug-06, 23:20
I can tell you that Happy is VERY happy just now. He's so happy he's horizontal. Appears to be singing "Oh floor of Scotland".

You mean from the floor?

Tiger Jones
11-Aug-06, 23:28
You mean from the floor?Aye. A horizontal Scottish floor as it happens.

12-Aug-06, 00:51
Can go no further then?