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28-Nov-10, 19:23
So do we know if any schools are closed in Caithness?
I cannot access the website.........

28-Nov-10, 19:29
Cant access it either , try here but nothing for highland on it last i looked.


28-Nov-10, 19:31
I cant get on either...... and the latest on the phone line is from 1st March!

Im guessing Miller Academy wont be open as the staff car park and all the paths/playgrounds were still totally covered in snow at 3pm today!

28-Nov-10, 19:48
Do you really expect someone from the council to be in on a Sunday, gazing into a crystal ball and trying to imagine what like the roads will be in the morning, then updating a webpage?

Give them half a chance! A lot can happen in 13 hours!

28-Nov-10, 19:48
We're more likely to find out early tomorrow morning when the bus companies report on the state of roads across the county.

Mystical Potato Head
28-Nov-10, 19:58
[QUOTE=orkneycadian;791672]Do you really expect someone from the council to be in on a Sunday, gazing into a crystal ball and trying to imagine what like the roads will be in the morning, then updating a webpage?


Try this in the morning.Yet another page that can be found by the magic of GOOGLE!!!!!!
The site is down just now so maybe its getting updated with the latest news.Its the one we always used when our son was at school.

Stick MFR on in the morning,they give all the school closures..again,available through the magic of GOOGLE!!!

28-Nov-10, 20:01
Do you really expect someone from the council to be in on a Sunday, gazing into a crystal ball and trying to imagine what like the roads will be in the morning, then updating a webpage?

Give them half a chance! A lot can happen in 13 hours!

Im not really intersted in the roads!
Considering there is more snow forecast tonight and tomorrow and the negative temperatures, I would imagine that unless the playgrounds and school carparks have been cleared then it would be an easy decision to make!
It would be sensible to let people know in advance so that they can make childcare arrangements!
No crystal ball required - just a little common sense!

28-Nov-10, 21:01
Im not really intersted in the roads!
Considering there is more snow forecast tonight and tomorrow and the negative temperatures, I would imagine that unless the playgrounds and school carparks have been cleared then it would be an easy decision to make!
It would be sensible to let people know in advance so that they can make childcare arrangements!
No crystal ball required - just a little common sense!

I agree, its nice to have a little warning. Back in Febuary when it was snow i was due to go for my first scan and it was snow. School line or council website didnt update until 0855! Thanks for the 5 minute warning.

Because it was left so late i couldnt arrange for my step sons to go elsewhere for an hour so my husband could come to the scan with me.

I think the line should be updated by 8am at the latest in the morning. Plenty notice for people who work to get a child minder for the day. :)

29-Nov-10, 08:33
Mfr also have a school closures page on thier website , thats my two at home as no spittal bus.

29-Nov-10, 08:34
So far on MFR only local closures are

Bower Primary
Crossroads Primary, Dunnet,
Halkirk Primary
Thurso High School Bus transport on main routes only. And no pupils picked up from Spittal
Wick High School Buses running as normal - except on side roads.
Wick North Primary School

29-Nov-10, 08:42
does anyone have the school closure telephone number and code for miller academy?

29-Nov-10, 08:50
Wick High School is open with no bus pick ups from side roads. Stagecoach are only uplifting pupils on the main road.

29-Nov-10, 08:53
does anyone have the school closure telephone number and code for miller academy?

Miller Academy Primary is 0870 054 6999. Pin number is 042620

29-Nov-10, 08:56
anyone got the number and code for thurso high? i know mfr have listed it as open, with main route bus on, but my 2 have to leave the house just after 8 to make it down in time for the bus in halkirk, and mfr dont list again till 8.10. the school closures website still down, so is the highland council and thurso high websites so cant find number anywhere!!

29-Nov-10, 08:57
Thurso High is open, buses only picking up main roads

Pennyland is open as normal

thurso high 08700546999 pin 041230

lynne duncan
29-Nov-10, 08:59
north school closed

29-Nov-10, 09:13
anyone know the code for south school?

29-Nov-10, 09:16
Pulteneytown code is 042820

29-Nov-10, 09:20
Is the website down because the council's new IT contractor forgot to switch it on for the winter? They've had a lot of bad press lately.




29-Nov-10, 09:23
anyone got wick high school code please

29-Nov-10, 09:23
Pennyland Primary are advising parents to keep their children at home if possible as they will only have a few staff members.

Basically means if you are working and have no other option then take your children to school.

29-Nov-10, 09:24
The code for WHS is 041270. The information is in the post above. The school is OPEN.

29-Nov-10, 09:25
wick high school code 041270

29-Nov-10, 09:27
thanks venture

29-Nov-10, 09:29
There should be a list on the org of pin numbers for each school, it may be of use to a few like me that often misplace them!

Alice in Blunderland
29-Nov-10, 09:29
Thrumster primary is closed.

Kids are delighted :D

29-Nov-10, 09:38
Hillhead Primary closed.

29-Nov-10, 09:39
Pulteneytown Academy is CLOSED!

They've been unable to update the phone line and the website has crashed so just rang the school.

29-Nov-10, 09:42
Blackstairs Playgroup in Wick is CLOSED


29-Nov-10, 09:43
MOUNT PLEASANT have only got few staff so are advising to keep kids at home if possible......

29-Nov-10, 09:47
south school is open just phoned:D

29-Nov-10, 09:51
:confusedwick high school open to everyone except kids on side roads

29-Nov-10, 09:56
Watten school is closed so is the nursery!

Norlin Playgroup
29-Nov-10, 09:58
Just to let folk know the Norlin Playgroup (at the Wick North Primary School) is closed today.

Time to play in the snow me thinks :roll:

29-Nov-10, 10:03
Just to let folk know the Norlin Playgroup (at the Wick North Primary School) is closed today.

Time to play in the snow me thinks :roll:

Thanks for the update, off to get wrapped up and try to make a snowman :D

29-Nov-10, 10:11
My girls have gone off to Miller this morning without a problem.

29-Nov-10, 10:15
my girls went to the bus stop in Halirk, at 8.40 everyone left the bus stop as they were advised to do by the school if the bus doesnt turn up, i can see a part of the main street and after they came home the bus past at 8.45!

29-Nov-10, 10:17
My girls did the same in Castletown first bus was full -next bus drove straight by them. So they came home at 8.45.

29-Nov-10, 10:42
See now that bugs me! The schools are open to some pupils? Whats the point in that? Seriously! Either its open or its just shut! :roll:

Also doesnt help the council website is down so nobody can see whats actually happening and everyone relying on what other people are saying but then they find out everything has changed!

Schools need to get a system that will actually work! Sorry....lack of sleep and needed a morning rant!

Good morning everyone :Razz

29-Nov-10, 10:58
my 2 went down for halkirk bus, came back later with 2 of their pals, saying it never arrived, but found out after that it turned up late.

so what to do with a bunch of bored teenagers for the day? hmm, shoveling snow off the drive sounds good, they can even do the neighbours!! they gonna love me by end of the day!!

29-Nov-10, 12:36
See now that bugs me! The schools are open to some pupils? Whats the point in that? Seriously! Either its open or its just shut! :roll:

The point in some pupils being at school is that they don't loose out on school days. Those that are not there are in places of difficult acess in the winter or that it might be risky returning pupils to if the weather degenerates. It makes sense in schools that collect pupils over a large area or that have pupils coming from areas with difficult roads.
What bugs me is that some primary schools in the town are open and others not. I think that when you have several closely placed primary schools, they should stay open or closed in a joint decision. They will all be afected by the same weather, afterall.

Have a nice strong cup of coffee, Shelly, it drastically improves my mornings.

29-Nov-10, 13:09
The point in some pupils being at school is that they don't loose out on school days. Those that are not there are in places of difficult acess in the winter or that it might be risky returning pupils to if the weather degenerates. It makes sense in schools that collect pupils over a large area or that have pupils coming from areas with difficult roads.
What bugs me is that some primary schools in the town are open and others not. I think that when you have several closely placed primary schools, they should stay open or closed in a joint decision. They will all be afected by the same weather, afterall.

Have a nice strong cup of coffee, Shelly, it drastically improves my mornings.

Im on my 5th cup. Just was in a grumpy mood, was up nearly all night with Athrun being sick :( Just hate when my kids are ill.

But yes either all local schools should be open or closed, not 1 or 2 open and the other closed. Carpool with kids is a way to help others if possible. But i dont really see any reason why schools should be closed today, but i dont know what country roads are like

29-Nov-10, 13:09
my 2 went down for halkirk bus, came back later with 2 of their pals, saying it never arrived, but found out after that it turned up late.

so what to do with a bunch of bored teenagers for the day? hmm, shoveling snow off the drive sounds good, they can even do the neighbours!! they gonna love me by end of the day!!

great idea get them working. tomorrow they will walk to school lolololol

29-Nov-10, 13:24
Ive heard that Pennyland and Mount Pleasant were only taking kids if they couldnt stay at home........ where as Miller were advising it down to the parent to make the decision.

Wonder how many kids made it in?!

Corrie 3
29-Nov-10, 14:52
I think you will find that the problem is caused by the Teachers, not the Head or the Council...
Some Teachers are not satisfied with 10 weeks annual and all Bank holidays off, as soon as it snows they call that a "Snow Day" and use it as an excuse for even more time off. The Head is then left with the decision, if he hasnt got the Teachers then he cant supervise the kids all on his own.
I know this to be true because I have a Daughter who is a Teacher and she cant wait for it to snow and have even more time off. Her excuse is "Why should I risk smashing my car up when I can just pick up the phone, have day off and get paid for it"...cant blame her really can you?


29-Nov-10, 15:09
I dont know!
There might have been no probs getting to school this morning but its getting pretty slidey in places now.
The Wick - Watten road is filling in nicely and it could be nasty for hometime!
and you imagine the uproar if the road conditions deteriated so much while the kids were in school they had to stay overnight?

29-Nov-10, 15:22
Thurso high school kids have been sent home!

My hubby has just left to pick up my girls from Millar - not because school is closing, but because youngest one fell over in the snow and is soaking wet!!!

No way on earth could we get the car out on our road right now, will need to wait until the plough has been down a few more times!!!

29-Nov-10, 15:29
I dont know!
There might have been no probs getting to school this morning but its getting pretty slidey in places now.
The Wick - Watten road is filling in nicely and it could be nasty for hometime!
and you imagine the uproar if the road conditions deteriated so much while the kids were in school they had to stay overnight?

The weather here too has gone downhill since this morning. The wind is set to increase by hometime and more heavy snow is forecast. You'd think weather forecasts hadn't been invented.;)

29-Nov-10, 15:34
a bit concerned, hubby has just left to go to work at dounreay.. on back shift. I hope he gets home tonight.. but have to say.. would rather him spend the night out there than be on treacherous roads!

yorkshire lassie
29-Nov-10, 16:24
I think you will find that the problem is caused by the Teachers, not the Head or the Council...
Some Teachers are not satisfied with 10 weeks annual and all Bank holidays off, as soon as it snows they call that a "Snow Day" and use it as an excuse for even more time off. The Head is then left with the decision, if he hasnt got the Teachers then he cant supervise the kids all on his own.
I know this to be true because I have a Daughter who is a Teacher and she cant wait for it to snow and have even more time off. Her excuse is "Why should I risk smashing my car up when I can just pick up the phone, have day off and get paid for it"...cant blame her really can you?


What rubbish! I'm a teacher and I was at school at 7.50 this morning, after getting stuck at the end of the track to my house. luckily the plough came past and helped me make it up the hill. it took me 40 minutes to make a 5 mile journey. the head teacher decided to close the school just after i got there, mainly due to the road conditions and the fact that the majority of our pupils are bussed in. a good number of the teachers still came in.

last year, the school closed for 5 snow days. every one of those was because the bus drivers/company considered the state of the roads unsafe to drive on. i went to school on 4 out of 5 of the snow days. i couldn't get out of my village on the other one. don't tar us all with the same brush.

Corrie 3
29-Nov-10, 16:51
a good number of the teachers still came in.

I think that line says it all YL.... Surely all the Teachers have to turn up to run and supervise a school properly....If only half the Teachers turn up the Head cant tell half the pupils to stay at home can he, he has no choice but to close the school.
I bet if Teachers didnt get paid when they take a "Snow Day" you would see 100% attendance.
I dont tar you all with the same brush, if you read my second line it starts..."Some Teachers"....Not all,....... some!!!!


29-Nov-10, 17:38
The point in some pupils being at school is that they don't loose out on school days. Those that are not there are in places of difficult acess in the winter or that it might be risky returning pupils to if the weather degenerates. It makes sense in schools that collect pupils over a large area or that have pupils coming from areas with difficult roads.
What bugs me is that some primary schools in the town are open and others not. I think that when you have several closely placed primary schools, they should stay open or closed in a joint decision. They will all be afected by the same weather, afterall.

Have a nice strong cup of coffee, Shelly, it drastically improves my mornings.

Same weather but not the same staff nor staff who may stay near to the school. Some schools may have staff where almost all are out in the country and in rouds, like mine, impassible.

29-Nov-10, 17:40
I think you will find that the problem is caused by the Teachers, not the Head or the Council...
Some Teachers are not satisfied with 10 weeks annual and all Bank holidays off, as soon as it snows they call that a "Snow Day" and use it as an excuse for even more time off. The Head is then left with the decision, if he hasnt got the Teachers then he cant supervise the kids all on his own.
I know this to be true because I have a Daughter who is a Teacher and she cant wait for it to snow and have even more time off. Her excuse is "Why should I risk smashing my car up when I can just pick up the phone, have day off and get paid for it"...cant blame her really can you?


What aload of claptrap - less said about this post and the person the better. Oh, one point, there are teachers like that, as people in any job, but few and far between thank goodness.

29-Nov-10, 18:00
Just to let everyone know....

Miller Academy have said that they are hoping the school will be open tomorrow, and a confirmation will be on the answerphone line by 8.15am. If parents do not send their children because of adverse weather, it will go down as an AUTHORISED absence and not to worry.

Hope that helps some people.

rs 2k
29-Nov-10, 18:22
a bit concerned, hubby has just left to go to work at dounreay.. on back shift. I hope he gets home tonight.. but have to say.. would rather him spend the night out there than be on treacherous roads!

I know how u feel, my hubby starts work at dounreay at 8pm tonight, just hope it doesn't snow again tonight so he can get home in the morning :(