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10-Aug-06, 15:38
Your Age By Chocolate


For all you math whizzes out there...
You will never want to tell me your age but you'd probably tell a lie anyway - but the CadburyMan will know!


This is pretty neat.

It takes less than a minute
Work this out as you read ...
Be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out!
This is one of those waste of time things but it's fun.

1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to have chocolate (more than once but less than 10)

2. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold)

3. Add 5

4. Multiply it by 50 -- I'll wait while you get the calculator

5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1756.... If you haven't, add 1755.

6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.

You should have a three digit number

The first digit of this was your original number
(i.e., how many times you want to have chocolate each week).

The next two numbers are...

YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it is!!!!!)

10-Aug-06, 15:53
Does it work with Leap Years? lol
(he asks while munching chocolate)

10-Aug-06, 16:02
[evil] I tried that and embarassingly it got it right. I hoped that it would make me 21 again....oh well better get some chocolate to make me feel better.

10-Aug-06, 16:04
Very clever :cool:
Wonder how it works :confused
I'm of to have some more chocolate now

10-Aug-06, 16:04
It worked, yep you guessed it lol i picked 7 days (didn't want to be to greedy lmao)[lol]

PS.. don't tell the caburyman I'm eating a nestle nuts bar!!!:evil

10-Aug-06, 16:11
Think we're 'nuts'? lol

10-Aug-06, 16:30
Didn't work for me. Got a lower number in both cases. :(

10-Aug-06, 16:32
Then its your age that's wrong lol
Did nobody ever tell you how old you were ? (hehehe)

10-Aug-06, 16:33
Then its your age that's wrong lol
Did nobody ever tell you how old you were ? (hehehe)

I think my mom must have been trying to age me. :lol:

10-Aug-06, 16:36
Your'e a "choc angel" Ju.

Worked perfectly and the answer alas was correct!! (couldn't cheat)
Ah! well...fancy a Mars Bar anyone?

10-Aug-06, 16:38
Mother: "Now son, act your age!"
Son: "So how old am I?"
Mother: "Go ask your father!"
Son: "Dad, how old am I?"
Dad: "Away and act your age! Ask your Mom - she was there!"

er umm - there's the problem!

10-Aug-06, 16:40
Double checked my math - on paper this time instead of in my head. It does work - spot on. (munch, munch):roll:

lynne duncan
10-Aug-06, 16:41
smart it works for us both now where did i put the choccies

10-Aug-06, 17:02
Your'e a "choc angel" Ju.

Worked perfectly and the answer alas was correct!! (couldn't cheat)
Ah! well...fancy a Mars Bar anyone?

Fried Mars Bar of course!

10-Aug-06, 17:04
Fried Mars Bar of course!

Oh.. yuk! How gross. :~(

10-Aug-06, 17:07
You think I jest?

10-Aug-06, 19:10
thats a bit freaky. was right thou.

percy toboggan
10-Aug-06, 19:15
Another good idea of defining 'age by choclate' might be to inquire of ones favourite treat during childhood. Mine was 'Five Boys' - by Fry's I think - does anyone else remember this bar of choc?

They also made 'chocolate cream' much later. Do you rememeber the ads where a cat would knock over the chocolate and a woman would coolly catch it, in the nick of time.

When 'Galaxy' was first introduced c.1965, I, as a mid - teenager would refuse to watch the t.v. ads - being loyal to Cadbury's by then. I resented Galaxy's intrusion onto the market and covered my ears and wailed, loudly, whenever a Galaxy ad. came on. I was a weird kid.

10-Aug-06, 19:21
It worked for me - confirming that I am no longer 21!

10-Aug-06, 22:01
Wow that is scary now i well never sleep until i figure it out

10-Aug-06, 22:07
Have some chocolate to keep you going while you wrestle with the problem.

14-Aug-06, 23:26
It makes my husband 1 years old and I am right I wonder what this means