View Full Version : Shellioge Archery

09-Aug-06, 13:34
Shelligoe Archery has only 5 places left for the FREE Have-a-go weekend - being held on the 12th and 13th August.
To get your place book call Joy on 01593 721 496

Lessons available form the 20th August- onwards for 6 weeks
Out Door Range opening September.

percy toboggan
09-Aug-06, 18:58
....is something I have always fancied having a go at and one day I shall! A shame I'm so far away but hope your lessons fill up fast. The very thought of getting my hands on a long-bow has me all a quiver.

11-Aug-06, 15:31
Thanks for the good wishes, percy toboggan.

Thank you everyone for supporting Shelligoe Archery!!

We have had such a great response for this weekends have-a-go-day that it's all booked up !
But don't think that's it- you're very welcome to attend another before you put your name down for the lessons, which are being held every sunday at Lybster Hall.
Booking please contact Joy on 01593 721 496 / [email protected]

Tom Cornwall
14-Aug-06, 20:15
Where can you hold archery competitions at Shelligoe. We used to throw plenty of stones down there, but there didn't seem to be eanough space to fire an arrow...perhaps

15-Aug-06, 09:04
just to say thanks to Joy and her parents for running the free have a go weekend, my daughter thoroughly enjoyed it and all being well with other commitments will be able to come along to your lessons:)

15-Aug-06, 16:27
We all appreciated the helpful instruction and can honestly say it was a wee bit of a challenge just to get the arrows to depart from the bow, but with a bit of peseverance (by some of us) we succeeded in the end! So a big thank you to Joy & Co; for the lessons and perhaps several new members too!

15-Aug-06, 16:58
Had a great time :) I think Joy was pleased to get the chance to boss Eliz around for a change [lol] Really enjoyed myself and would like to sign up for the course now......................