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View Full Version : How do you do mornings?

21-Nov-10, 22:51
How do you kick off your day? TV or radio? Cooked breakfast or cup of coffee on the run? Fall or jump out of bed?

21-Nov-10, 23:00
I start by hitting the sleep button far to many times lol!

21-Nov-10, 23:05
Usually by pulling on my dressing gown and coming down to a cup of herbal tea and a catch up on Facebook and the Org..... kids are usually eating breakfast and getting ready for school. Then I get myself sorted and get them off to school.

No breakfast for me....... I am not a morning person!!!

21-Nov-10, 23:06
Would have thought that a happy bunny like you would hop out of bed no bother :lol:

21-Nov-10, 23:08
How do I do mornings? Not very well, but I do what I have to do, I'm a night person really.

21-Nov-10, 23:48
Sleep button, fall out of bed, no breakfast too early, then a rush to get to school.

21-Nov-10, 23:56
Monday wed fri - get up 6am,training(weights),shower,eat,work

Every other day - get up 6am,eat,work

Unless ive had a few beers the night before ill get up about 7/8

21-Nov-10, 23:58
No alarm clock, I wake up whenever I need to. Dress quickly, walk the dogs, feed them, shower and dressed for work. Breakfast once I get there.
Throw away your alarm clock, its totally unnecessary, and you'll feel more refreshed waking up naturally.

Beat Bug
22-Nov-10, 00:02
I don't do mornings! Never have done!

22-Nov-10, 00:04
Two options

1. 7.00am Up; Cup of tea whilst i watch the news; 7.30am Babies up; Breakfast made; hubby up; he washes and does teeth and I go get the clothes for the babies; I dress; he makes sandwiches and empties dishwasher from last night; I drive him to work (Bike is off the road and he cant summon enthusiasm to fix it just now) and 3 year old to Playgroup and then home for another cuppa and tidying up. 9.25am

2. 05.30am Babies up and in our bed; 06.00 finally give up and get up; Cuppa and CBeebies; mum snoozes in chair whilst babies watch telly and play; breakfast made ( has to be toast - can do that with my eyes shut);get husband up; he does wash and teeth and i do clothes; I get dressed; he gets money for lunch; i drive him to work and 3 year old to playgroup and then home for 1 year old who has spent the last hour crying to go to bed and me to sit exhausted in the chair 9.25am

Guess which I prefer????

22-Nov-10, 00:25
Two options

1. 7.00am Up; Cup of tea whilst i watch the news; 7.30am Babies up; Breakfast made; hubby up; he washes and does teeth and I go get the clothes for the babies; I dress; he makes sandwiches and empties dishwasher from last night; I drive him to work (Bike is off the road and he cant summon enthusiasm to fix it just now) and 3 year old to Playgroup and then home for another cuppa and tidying up. 9.25am

2. 05.30am Babies up and in our bed; 06.00 finally give up and get up; Cuppa and CBeebies; mum snoozes in chair whilst babies watch telly and play; breakfast made ( has to be toast - can do that with my eyes shut);get husband up; he does wash and teeth and i do clothes; I get dressed; he gets money for lunch; i drive him to work and 3 year old to playgroup and then home for 1 year old who has spent the last hour crying to go to bed and me to sit exhausted in the chair 9.25am

Guess which I prefer????

It always amazes and annoys me that though you get up earlier it still takes longer to get it all done. I have mornings with my 6 month old son like your option 2 at times. Not often now thankfully as he too likes to sleep lol.

22-Nov-10, 00:27
Get up 6.30am look out the window, decide if I'm going to work, weather good, breakfast, dog walk, head out about 09.30 - 10.00 (or if I'm working with a pal, head out about 8.45)

If weather bad, decide what else I can do productively. There is always something.

What? I'm semi-retired! I've done my bit :lol::Razz:cool:

22-Nov-10, 00:28
How do you kick off your day? TV or radio? Cooked breakfast or cup of coffee on the run? Fall or jump out of bed?

Usually with giving my young son his morning milk and breakfast, putting in my breakfast when i can. Take him upstairs to have nappy changed and dressed. Then to the shower i go.

coppertop 1958
22-Nov-10, 00:39
scottish breakfast 5 fags and big mug of tea .....

22-Nov-10, 00:46
scottish breakfast 5 fags and big mug of tea .....

Sounds like it will soon be coppertop 1958-20.. :eek:

22-Nov-10, 01:22
What's a morning?............................

22-Nov-10, 06:50
not a morring person dont do morrings

22-Nov-10, 10:33
Aye too early for breakfast. Get up around 7 put the hot water on bath at 730 on the road for 830 normally but today I start at 1000 so I got to sit on my butt on the org. Coffee can help depends how bad the morning is lol.

Corrie 3
22-Nov-10, 10:40
I start my morning by waking up.......................Hopefully !!!!...:roll::lol:


22-Nov-10, 16:25
Get woken by Athrun usually. so get up, brush teeth. Take Athrun and Jay downstairs. Kettle on, bottle on, fag (yes im bad i know), make a brew. Get Athruns breaky ready, feed Jay whilst helping Athrun with his breakfast and sipping my brew at intervals with the other hand. Get kids nappys changed, get em dressed.

If we have my step sons its - hubby up (lol not me) at 7.45 to get em bathed and ready for school etc etc....he gets Athrun up on those days when he aint working and i get to sleep til when Jay sleeps :)

I like it when i get to sleep!! [lol]

Why is it when im up at 6am to feed Jay i feel more awake than after i go back to sleep and have to get up again?! :confused

22-Nov-10, 17:06
morning noon or night i'm just the same always bright and happy, although this does seem to annoy some people first thing. must be my 2 shredded wheats and coffee

22-Nov-10, 18:07
Coffee and a fag. Before Im halfway through my coffee, I have to rush upstairs to the loo. dont know what it is but my first coffee of the day always loosens me up.:confused

22-Nov-10, 18:27
At least six cups of coffee and a packet of twenty,
:) no breakfast, never have had breakfast, always too busy attending to everything else's breakfast!

22-Nov-10, 18:30
Its no wonder so many folk want double summertime, when they cant seem to get underway at a sensible hour! The days about half done by the time most of you lot see it!

22-Nov-10, 18:36
0600 Up and in shower
0615 Quick check of email
0630 Breakfast sometimes watching Sky News
0645 Leave for Office
0653 Arrive in Office
0700 Official start time

22-Nov-10, 18:37
Now thats more like it!