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08-Aug-06, 12:47
I have several pots of herbs that are doing really well including 3 varieties of thyme that are now blooming with a lovely display of flowers. What I really wnat to know is can you still use them if they have flowered? and should I cut the flowers off to save the plants for next year:confused Or indeed should you let them flower in the first place?

16-Aug-06, 12:08
You can still use the herbs.
Enjoy the flowers,you don't need to take the flowers off,after all without them there would be no pollenation so no seeding for new plants. what flavours of thyme do you have? my favourite is Lemon.

17-Aug-06, 11:22
I've got 2 types of common thyme, a lemon one called doone valley which is lovely and another type not sure what it's called but it smells a bit like pine? The flowers are gorgeous right now. One thing I have trouble with is growing it's partner parsley. I have never been able to get it established.Have you got anything nice growing right now?

18-Aug-06, 12:07
a lovely Lemon Balm which i'm told i can use in cake?? think i'll wait till i speak to the ladies at the nursery tea room to find out how?

i don't have much knowledge of parsley my mother-in-law always grew flat (mediterranean) parsley. i buy mine in fresh bunches

18-Aug-06, 12:15
found this might help with your parsley
just click on the type you want.


18-Aug-06, 21:57
try croft lotions and potions she grows most of her own herbs in caithness for her skin balms and soaps www.croftlotionsandpotions.co.uk