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View Full Version : Console Conundrum

06-Aug-06, 22:07
:confused HELLO,


06-Aug-06, 22:18
Between the 1st Xbox and the ps2 then the Xbox wins hands down but between the xbox360 and the ps3 then I would say the ps3 is the best.

06-Aug-06, 22:20
My son has a ps2 and says its a lot better than a x-box.

07-Aug-06, 12:38
i had a ps2 and dumped it for a xbox, i have now upgraded to a xbox 360 and can only say the graphics, game play is truely awesome, u can also use it as a stereo, and a DVD player. The controllers are bluttooth so there are no cables lying about the floor. Also you can register online and play people from allover the world with the games you have bought, only £40 for the year of playing, i think thats cheap. I couldnt comment on the ps3 as its not out yet and im sure no one else can either.
When it is realeased watch Msn have the price of the 360.

07-Aug-06, 12:43
I couldnt comment on the ps3 as its not out yet and im sure no one else can either.

From a technical aspect people can comment.;)

07-Aug-06, 22:16
yeh fair point tooner, i might be buying one if it lives up to its reputation :)

07-Aug-06, 22:55
yeh fair point tooner, i might be buying one if it lives up to its reputation :)
Thanks, bigjjuk, I have been trying to keep up with all the technical specifications of both machines, saddo that I am lol.:D

08-Aug-06, 16:58
From a technical aspect people can comment.;)

Without going into a detailed technical discussion, most experts round the world agree that there is going to be virtually no difference in performance from the PS3, and the 360. The PS3 probably has the edge on CPU performance (1), and the 360 definitely has the edge on GPU performance. Given the price differential, I personally think the 360 is the much better bet. Plus its here now, already has some excellent games available, with the 2nd tranche of games coming very soon now. Incidentally, the 360 controllers arent bluetooth, they are wifi, its the PS3 controllers that will be BT.

As for putting my money where my mouth is, I currently have a 360, but will not be buying a PS3 at launch. Going to wait till the price pretty much halves before I'm going to be tempted.

1: Although the PS3 CPU is likely to be capable of outperforming the 360 CPU, it is believed to be a lot more difficult to program for, meaning that in all likelihood, there will be very few games actually making the most of its power. I think John Carmack recently described it as being a pain in his rear end.

08-Aug-06, 20:35
From a technical aspect people can comment.;)

Aye, but it means nothing. It is about what they do with the capabilities that counts. My son recently invested in a PS2 as a stop-gap until the new Nintendo console comes out. Looking at the games for the PS2, there are loads of them, but 90% plus are total rubbish. The pattern is always the same for new consoles nowadays, they fire in more power and simply tart up the graphics. Basic gameplay remains the same, find key, flick switch etc to progress. You pay £40 and finish the game in two days. Every possible movie title has a crap game quickly produced to cash in on the advertising.

At least Nintendo are throwing in a new control method with their next console and you can download old Sega and Nintendo games. With the Mario and Zelda characters they have some of the best and longest lived computer names on the go and they usually offer much more longevity for your money.

PS2 and XBOX are Sony and Microsoft hype, throwing up meaningless stats for the sadsters to waft in front of their mates whilst shouting "Milk, Lemonade, Chocolate"

At £45 for an xBox 360 game, I think that Bill Gates is having a laugh.

08-Aug-06, 21:47
Aye, but it means nothing. It is about what they do with the capabilities that counts. My son recently invested in a PS2 as a stop-gap until the new Nintendo console comes out. Looking at the games for the PS2, there are loads of them, but 90% plus are total rubbish. The pattern is always the same for new consoles nowadays, they fire in more power and simply tart up the graphics. Basic gameplay remains the same, find key, flick switch etc to progress. You pay £40 and finish the game in two days. Every possible movie title has a crap game quickly produced to cash in on the advertising.

At least Nintendo are throwing in a new control method with their next console and you can download old Sega and Nintendo games. With the Mario and Zelda characters they have some of the best and longest lived computer names on the go and they usually offer much more longevity for your money.

PS2 and XBOX are Sony and Microsoft hype, throwing up meaningless stats for the sadsters to waft in front of their mates whilst shouting "Milk, Lemonade, Chocolate"

At £45 for an xBox 360 game, I think that Bill Gates is having a laugh. Totaly agree, scorrie, bill gates is laughing all the way to the bank.
These 'next generation', consoles are under-programmed, always have been.
The difference between nintendo and the other consoles is that nintendo have always seemed to be about gameplay which I would have thought was the most important aspect of a game.
Sony and microsoft seem to be of the opinion, 'sod gameplay as long as you can see sweat on a characters brow or see them blink or see grass bending in the breeze'.
I would rather play some of the old console, spectrum, amstard games than anything made today, purely on the basis of their gameplay.
Rememeber, the p.s.one hasn't realised it's potential yet.