View Full Version : Magpies

08-Nov-10, 20:10
I saw a pair of magpies at Berriedale.

I've never seen them this far north before.

08-Nov-10, 21:10
Are you sure they were not just celebrating their win against Arsenal on Sunday. ;)

08-Nov-10, 21:41
Saw a pair in Strathalladale last summer, knew they were making a push north but did n't realise they had made it so far.
The locals will have to look to their laurels as their cousins arrive dressed for dinner!

08-Nov-10, 23:54
An interesting sighting at Berriedale. Magpies have been (and probably bred) intermittently in Caithness for a long time. They were at Rumster, then Reay/Shebster and at least one bird at Dunnet for a spell.
But they never seem to get a proper foothold up here.

09-Nov-10, 03:11
They used to nest in Rumster forest and the woodland at Castle of May, there was a pair nesting at Shebster and another pair at Reay until they were shot. There's still at least one pair in Strath Halladale and a pair at Melvich, been there for at least 20+ years, they've also been seen recently as far west as Strathy.


09-Nov-10, 10:36
I remember seeing a magpie in the Watten area about 10 years ago an i saw one in Strathalladale last year.

back of beyond
15-Nov-10, 22:14
Yep i def seen magpies in berriedale last saturday too, i used to hate them but was thrilled to see them as they are a rare sight :D

16-Nov-10, 22:33
i think magpies are beautiful (unless i see a single 1 lol). Me and my sons saw a flock of them the other day. Kept losing count, but there must have been at least 20.

01-Feb-11, 23:25
There have been a nesting pair in Tongue for a few years.

11-Feb-11, 00:53
I didn't realise they were not in abundance up there like they are down here (PLAGUE PROPORTIONS HERE!) we have them hopping round the garden and you daren't leave your sandwiches or toast in the garden and go back indoors for anything in the Summer or you will lose it very rapidly!
I'll send some Magpies up, we can afford to send loads!