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View Full Version : Foreign prisoners facing transfer

08-Nov-10, 16:18

so then what do you think of this one....
sending foreigner prisoners back where they came from?
in principle it sounds ok to me.......

08-Nov-10, 16:29

so then what do you think of this one....
sending foreigner prisoners back where they came from?
in principle it sounds ok to me.......

Just need the thousands of illegal immigrants to follow them.

08-Nov-10, 16:30
:) I like it, particularly the bit that says, "Foreign national offenders who have no right to remain in the UK will be removed from the UK at the earliest opportunity” and the fact that an 'EU prisoner transfer agreement, which comes into force next year, will not require the consent of the prisoner and could enable the return of many more people to EU countries.'

But ~ there’s always a ‘but’. You can bet there will be a queue of lawyers wanting to argue for ex-offenders to stay, quoting human rights legislation while pillaging the legal aid budget. [disgust]

08-Nov-10, 16:30
my sentiments exactlly teddybear1873!

08-Nov-10, 16:37
Sounds good, I'm all for it. I dislike how people who want to restrict immigration or have a perfectly reasonable concern are branded by the media and popular culture and subjected to ad hominem attacks.

08-Nov-10, 18:38
Just need the thousands of illegal immigrants to follow them.

Those thoughts match my thoughts. We need for that to happen in the USA where thousands of illegals have sneaked across our borders and living off the tax payers. Australia is already taking care of their problems.

08-Nov-10, 21:17
Time to get me trebuchet out!!

08-Nov-10, 21:20
Time to get me trebuchet out!!

will the prisoners make it over to dry land or fall short into the water.

08-Nov-10, 21:34
will the prisoners make it over to dry land or fall short into the water.

Well there are a number of factors to take into account: wind & direction, weight, aerodynamics, air pressure etc. etc.

Now if your asking me if I give a toss, that's easy, No.

08-Nov-10, 21:36
Now if your asking me if I give a toss, that's easy, No.

:Razz you will just do the tossing I take it;)

08-Nov-10, 21:40
:Razz you will just do the tossing I take it;)

You calling me a tosser?

I bet it's 'cos yer jealous :Razz

08-Nov-10, 22:04
You calling me a tosser?

I bet it's 'cos yer jealous :Razz

Oh dear typing before the brain in gear I suppose that can be a common occurance.

08-Nov-10, 22:14
You calling me a tosser?

I bet it's 'cos yer jealous :Razz

Yes with what you have for your signature.;)

( Go Wagner, Go Wagner, Go Wagner )

Only jesting.[lol]