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05-Nov-10, 20:05
i have just had my dogs out when some idiot let one of while i was passing not 20feet from his garden i thought my dogs where going to have a heart attack they where terified. fire woirks should be banned for sale to the public and only sold to proffesionals with a correct and valid licence, after all you wouldn't sell dynamite or explosive to teenage r or athug with a hoodie.

05-Nov-10, 20:12
not to sound hateful or anything but why were you walking your dog on bonfire night at a time you knew there would be fireworks?
its once a year and even with animals i dont freak out over it.
a little common sense should be used i would think.
someone in thier own garden lighting fireworks is perfectly fine.
as long as theres no hazzard and its done properly by an adult i just cant see a problem with it.
I love my animals as much as the next person, but seriously..
you were offended because someone dared to set off fire works while you were walking you dog in the dark on bonfire night?

05-Nov-10, 20:29
I definately would not be taking mine out right now after dark. That said it is a bit like the Gazza strip where I am right now.

05-Nov-10, 20:32
Ours won't be out till much later, he spent a lot of the daylight out to make up for it.

As Brandy (cannae give you rep, as I don't spread it about enough) said, its one day a year.

Ok there are fireworks going off on other nights, but maybe it should be that as what is banned rather than an outright ban.

05-Nov-10, 20:32
i have just had my dogs out when some idiot let one of while i was passing not 20feet from his garden i thought my dogs where going to have a heart attack they where terified. fire woirks should be banned for sale to the public and only sold to proffesionals with a correct and valid licence, after all you wouldn't sell dynamite or explosive to teenage r or athug with a hoodie.

My feelings exactly!
It's not as though they are actually celebrating guy fawkes these days,
it's just an excuse,

any child wanting fireworks would enjoy a community do, all around a big fire and roasting potatoes along with their pals,

snow tiger
05-Nov-10, 21:52
Unfortunatly when a dog has to go it has to be taken out, as for the fireworks i agree they should only be allowed at controlled events.

06-Nov-10, 13:32
I was bringing my horses in, as early as I could manage, after work while fireworks were going off. They were surprisingly calm - just a bit jumpy, Would've hated them to be any closer though. It is such a pain in the neck and causes me so much extra stress and work, just ban them all - or have the organised display like the one being held tonight, at least then owners know the actual time and date fireworks will go off and can make arrangements for the animals.

Mystical Potato Head
06-Nov-10, 15:12
not to sound hateful or anything but why were you walking your dog on bonfire night at a time you knew there would be fireworks?
its once a year and even with animals i dont freak out over it.
a little common sense should be used i would think.
someone in thier own garden lighting fireworks is perfectly fine.
as long as theres no hazzard and its done properly by an adult i just cant see a problem with it.
I love my animals as much as the next person, but seriously..
you were offended because someone dared to set off fire works while you were walking you dog in the dark on bonfire night?

A voice of reason,makes a pleasant change.

06-Nov-10, 22:49
i was walking my dogs because it was a nice night for a change it so happens i forgot it wa sthe 5th of november. i still say fire works should be banned ask any one who has had one come through a window, their car damaged or been hurt by them.

06-Nov-10, 23:26
Have to say. I'm in the ban them camp.
Organised displays, yes.

07-Nov-10, 10:12
and again i say ,as long as theres no hazzard and its done properly by an adult i just cant see a problem with it.

07-Nov-10, 10:40
and again i say ,as long as theres no hazzard and its done properly by an adult i just cant see a problem with it.

Do you mean a not a problem with, organised displays.
The general public having access to them Brandy?

The Music Monster
07-Nov-10, 10:41
Our back yard is not big enough to have fireworks in now, but we used to have our own displays every year. Our neighbours who had animals used to know to keep them in and we left our cat indoors. Public displays are great, but you can't beat having your own display - especially since little bairns can't always get through to the front of a public display.
In terms of vandalism and danger with fireworks, rest assured that if someone wants to do something to damage someone else's property, they'll just find another way of doing it - not selling them firework, sadly, is not going to stop them.
That being said, I'll hop down from my soap box:roll:!

07-Nov-10, 13:37
i have just had my dogs out when some idiot let one of while i was passing not 20feet from his garden i thought my dogs where going to have a heart attack they where terified. fire woirks should be banned for sale to the public and only sold to proffesionals with a correct and valid licence, after all you wouldn't sell dynamite or explosive to teenage r or athug with a hoodie.

I hate to point out the obvious but he was in his own garden according to your post, thus he was being responsible, just was unfortunate you were walking past at the same time as he let a firework off, if he had been doing so in the actual street then that would have given you the right to criticise. I am a dog lover and have several of my own and would be the first to jump up and down if any were put into danger by irresponsible people but on this occasion i think you were the one being irresposible walking your dog at a time when fireworks were most likely to be being let off.

07-Nov-10, 16:00
i dont have a problem with either..
as long as they are used responsibly by adults in a safe way it shouldn't be a problem.
the problem comes when kids, usually teenagers get a hold of them and light them any where and everywhere.
should they be more regulated? i would say so.
probably wouldn't be a bad idea to raise the age limit to decrease the likely hood of kids getting hold of them. sparklers are even dangers and can give extreme burns, but you see kids running around with them all the time.
my kids were begging for fireworks this year, but i felt that our garden was too small. would have been ok with an all in one box that just does the ground show, but decided against it and popped into the staxigo display for a few min.