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02-Nov-10, 15:16

Can anyone tell me if Tesco's deliver to Lyth area and how is your shopping delivered, i.e. in bags etc....

Sorry if this is a stupid thread to add, but would just like to know what there delivery procedure is like before I consider ordering online and what others think on their delivery experiences.... Seems to be the way to do your shopping....Lol...

Cheers :)

02-Nov-10, 15:18
As far as i'm aware they cover a 40 mile radius so yes Lyth would be covered. All the shopping comes in containers and they unpack the shopping for you and you sign for it. Simples :)

02-Nov-10, 15:22
And if you pop in your clubcard details all the stuff you have bought at tescos is in your favorites already!

02-Nov-10, 15:29
We have used tesco home delivery service many times and it is first class no problems to use at all.
Handy if you are away you can order delivery for day of return up to 21 days i think.
we are in thurso area but it is wick van that delivers to us.:lol:

02-Nov-10, 15:33

Can anyone tell me if Tesco's deliver to Lyth area and how is your shopping delivered, i.e. in bags etc....

Sorry if this is a stupid thread to add, but would just like to know what there delivery procedure is like before I consider ordering online and what others think on their delivery experiences.... Seems to be the way to do your shopping....Lol...

Cheers :)

i am in lyth and they are delivering to me between 4-6pm
they bring your shopping into your house in crates, help you unload them then take the crates away again.
i use it weekly and they are fantastic!!
always get a wee blether with the driver too! lol

02-Nov-10, 16:54
:D For all those who use Tesco online I have a couple of questions. I’d like to know if they pick and send food that has a decent length of time before it has to be used. I wouldn’t be happy if I ordered milk or pre-packed fruit and veg that had to be eaten the next day. What about meat; would I be liable to get a decent cut of meat or would it be a piece full of fat because it got left on the shelf? :confused

02-Nov-10, 16:58
I would imagine it would depend on who was doing the picking as to what you get.

For speed its probably the first thing that comes to hand, rather than picking out short dates or fatty meat.

As they unpack it for you, then the opportunity is there for you to reject anything you don't like the look of.

02-Nov-10, 17:09
You can always put notes on your shopping order for the picker as well

02-Nov-10, 17:13
:D For all those who use Tesco online I have a couple of questions. I’d like to know if they pick and send food that has a decent length of time before it has to be used. I wouldn’t be happy if I ordered milk or pre-packed fruit and veg that had to be eaten the next day. What about meat; would I be liable to get a decent cut of meat or would it be a piece full of fat because it got left on the shelf? :confused

the picker in store is told by they're trolly computer if the date is not an acceptable length.
you cant buy from the deli, meat counter or fish counter though.

02-Nov-10, 17:34

What about these crates your item's come in, do you have to get them all un-packed there and then or can the crates be left for you to unpack at your own leisure and then picked up on your next delivery, just so that you can check things properly and instead off all your item's lying all over the place you can put them all away in your cupboards... Also do you have to have you item's delivered in these crates or can you ask for your item's to be delivered in bags....

Thankyou :)

02-Nov-10, 17:47
the whole point of crates is to not have bags and be environmentally friendly.
they help you empty the crates and take them away as they belong to tesco. they are infact a part of the vans fittings.
if you want you can check your goods against the a4 printed reciept they give you before you sign to confirm a happy delivery.
the liquids, such as fabric softners, shampoo, cleaning fluids etc will come in small knotted bags to protect potential spillages.

02-Nov-10, 18:20
Many thanks annemarie482 you’re answers are very reassuring. I don’t know about you goldilocks but I think I’ll give it a go and see how I get on. :D

02-Nov-10, 18:28
Many thanks annemarie482 you’re answers are very reassuring. I don’t know about you goldilocks but I think I’ll give it a go and see how I get on. :D

Thankyou Annemarie482, you have given a really good description on what they do etc......

Yes Gronnuck I think I will give it a go, Its all very daunting to me and I am not really up on this tecno stuff, etc.....

Thankyou :D

02-Nov-10, 18:48
if you want you can check your goods against the a4 printed reciept they give you before you sign to confirm a happy delivery.

Unfortunately the drivers don't have time to check the shopping with the customer. If they did it would be on heck of a long day for the driver. However, if you check your shopping after the driver has been and there are any missing items there is a number to call on the receipt.

03-Nov-10, 21:31
I must say the Tesco delivery service from Wick has been second to none in my opinion!

Having moved up from Suffolk in April, I had used Tesco & Asda home delivery services before, and wasnt overly keen.

However, Tesco Wick were, and continue to be absolutely superb! They bring the crates directly into the kitchen, help unload and are always friendly. I have never had any issues with bad fresh items, and never had any need to call customer services once the driver left...... a far cry from the service received in England!

Good luck with ordering online! I use it about once a month now for things I would like that Wick Tesco sells, but Thurso Tesco doesnt!!!

04-Nov-10, 01:51
Not only can you get items delivered to your door, you can also have a basket delivered to friends/relatives wherever there's a Tesco. I did this last year near christmas to a relative who'd just moved to a smaller house, and was at a loss. It was a total success, I had peace of mind and my relative was delighted. Christmas sorted. :D.

04-Nov-10, 10:34
I love tesco home deliveries! I rely on them on the weeks mum cant take me shopping.

If they dont have something you want they will replace it with something similar and if that similar item is more expensive....you do not pay the difference.

I have had a few things that had a short shelf life left on them and iv had money off it.

Cant fault the drivers at all. Very friendly.

04-Nov-10, 13:30
I've also had an excellent delivery service from Tesco
one thing I've found very handy is that you can add or change things up until about 6am on the morning of the delivery

Here's a voucher code for first time customers - £10 off when you spend £50 or more :- XXAFFT (enter at the checkout stage)

04-Nov-10, 13:35
The Tesco online delivery is a really good service ive not got any complaints, not for up here anyway Aberdeen is a whole different kettle of fish they are hopeless. But up here they try give you the longest shelf life possibly i had mine delivered last night with one substitution which you are not obliged to accept and 2 coming to end of date recommendations which was mince beef which was coming to date on the 6th which tesco wernt too happy with but seeing i put straight to freezer had no problem with this. The staff that deliver are always polite, help bring in and unpack and will take bags away if you have any for recycle. Would highly recommend, saves time and a god send if you have kids.
Forgot to say when the substitute if they have to send an item that is more expensive than the one you have chosen they price match it meaning you dont end up paying more, other store are meant to do this also but i know from first hand Aberdeen dont but am very pleased Wick do.

04-Nov-10, 13:44
Another thumbs up for Tesco home delivery from me.:D

On the occasions I had to use this it was great and the drivers were extremely friendly and helpful.
I also liked the fact that you saved on all these horrible carrier bags! We use a bag for life when shopping.

This must be a Godsend for those who are housebound or don't drive.

My only problem was getting ONE brussel sprout!:lol:

04-Nov-10, 13:46
Unfortunately the drivers don't have time to check the shopping with the customer. If they did it would be on heck of a long day for the driver. However, if you check your shopping after the driver has been and there are any missing items there is a number to call on the receipt.

The guy who delivers my shopping always stays to check over with me!

04-Nov-10, 14:21
Just had my Tesco delivery and no problems, as usual. Lovely delivery chap...it's a great service.:)

04-Nov-10, 16:35
Another thumps up for Tesco home delivery from me.:D

On the occasions I had to use this it was great and the drivers were extremely friendly and helpful.
I also liked the fact that you saved on all these horrible carrier bags! We use a bag for life when shopping.

This must be a Godsend for those who are housebound or don't drive.

My only problem was getting ONE brussel sprout!:lol:

ha ha ha!!!
easy done though, takes a minute or two to figure out the weights from amounts lol
i guarantee your not the first nor the last!
fingers crossed i've done fine so far! :D

04-Nov-10, 16:47
Hi i do my shopping every week also and it is brill the problem with the brussel is you have to watch as if you pick 1 brussel:D they will send you one but if you select 1 eg 500 gm they will send this,an easy mistake to make they can only send what you have selected as the computor will not allow them to put any other item in your basket:Razz

04-Nov-10, 17:07
I could live with that mistake
1 brussel sprout is all that would get eaten in our house....:lol:
I am the only one that doesnt leave them on the plate!
Bit of a waste cooking only one though...

04-Nov-10, 19:31
Yes I know that the one brussel sprout was entirely my fault and gave us a good laugh!

Oh Dadie brussels are num, num!!:lol:

06-Nov-10, 21:31
hope it was "economy" sized lol,.

07-Nov-10, 00:15
Not sure Geoff. It just looked very lonely.:lol: